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8 best journal apps of 2020 | Zapier Journaling might be the most underrated activity that can boost your productivity and well-being in just a few minutes a day. Just jot your thoughts down or record what happened during the day for a simple way to manage stress, enhance creativity, increase happiness, improve health, and increase work performance, according to research. The trouble is, keeping a journal isn't easy. It takes dedication to this new habit and a willingness to open up when writing on a blank page. After testing nearly two dozen, these are the top journaling apps to record your memories this year and in years to come. The best journaling apps Day One for Mac and iOS users Diarium for Windows users Journey for cross-platform journaling Penzu for secure journaling Momento for social media power users Grid Diary for templated journaling Five Minute Journal for beginners Daylio for non-writersPlus, tips for how to automate your journal What makes a great journal app? Best journal app for Mac and iOS users

Gatsby.js Documentation | GatsbyJS Gatsby is a blazing fast modern site generator for React. Get Started There are two main ways to get started with Gatsby: Tutorial: Step-by-step instructions on how to install Gatsby and start a project: written for people without Gatsby or web development experience, though these learning resources have helped developers of all skill levels.Quick start: One page summary of how to install Gatsby and start a new project. Go further Start contributing Visit the Contributing section to find guides on the Gatsby community, code of conduct, and how to get started contributing to Gatsby.

The illustrator hotlist 2018 The world of illustration never stays still for long. Aside from new illustration trends and illustration tools shaping the industry, there’s always new talent arriving on the scene, disrupting the zeitgeist with innovative techniques and new perspectives. Sometimes it can be hard to keep up. So, whether you're looking for the best illustrators to hire, collaborate with or inspire you, we've gathered together the most exciting up-and-coming artists to whet your appetite. Some are young guns, fresh out of college; others are older hands whose work might have recently hit a sweet spot, or dovetailed with wider trends. 01. In 2018, the idea of masculinity is changing, and it’s a theme beautifully represented in the work shown here by Tianju Duan. He ended last year on a high note, having won a big commission from Marriott Hotels in November, and his plan for the coming year is to “just keep working, take part in a variety of projects, and enjoy it as much as I did in 2017.” 02. 03. 04. 05.

UI Design - O que é User Interface Design (UI DESIGN)? <img class="aligncenter wp-image-5490 size-full" title="ui design" src="<a pearltreesdevid="PTD288" rel="nofollow" href=" class="vglnk"><span pearltreesdevid="PTD289">https</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD291">://</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD293">www</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD295">.</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD297">chiefofdesign</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD299">.</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD301">com</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD303">. Eae! Não sei se você sabe, mas a área que eu mais gosto de atuar é na criação de interfaces, ou seja, UI Design. A área de criação de interfaces também é muito promissora. E o UI Design pode ser uma boa opção para quem é designer gráfico, por exemplo, e deseja alçar novos vôos em busca de uma melhor qualificação profissional e melhores rendimentos. Portanto neste artigo iremos falar sobre UI Design (Design de Interface do Usuário), beleza? Conclusão

Timo Partl Frontend Masters — Learn JavaScript, React, Vue & Angular from Masters of Front-End Development! Tom Froese Como combinar ícones de diferentes pacotes em seu projeto • Designerd Encontrar ícones não é problema. Milhares de designers desenham ícones diariamente e centenas de sites os oferecem, muitas vezes de graça. A variedade é enorme. Com essa variedade, entretanto, vem o problema. Um aplicativo típico precisa de 10 a 20 ícones. Se você começar a entrar em sites de ícones e baixar os que mais gosta, sua interface rapidamente se tornará uma refeição exótica. Você pode amar cada um desses ícones separadamente, mas juntos eles simplesmente não “encaixam”. Então como se combina ícones de diferentes designers e pacotes de ícones para que pareçam consistentes e agradáveis em nosso site, aplicativo ou qualquer UI que use esses ícones? Cor A primeira e mais proeminente coisa que você vê nos ícones são suas cores. Pensando assim é mais fácil usar uma única cor, mas ícones feitos em uma paleta de cores consistentes também funcionam muito bem: Se você realmente gosta dos ícones que encontrou, mas eles estão todos em diferentes cores, é possível editá-los você mesmo. Estilo

8 best journal apps of 2020 | Zapier Journaling might be the most underrated activity that can boost your productivity and well-being in just a few minutes a day. Just jot your thoughts down or record what happened during the day for a simple way to manage stress, enhance creativity, increase happiness, improve health, and increase work performance, according to research. The trouble is, keeping a journal isn't easy. It takes dedication to this new habit and a willingness to open up when writing on a blank page. What have you done today? Who are you, really? After testing nearly two dozen, these are the top journaling apps to record your memories this year and in years to come. The best journaling apps Day One for Mac and iOS users Diarium for Windows users Journey for cross-platform journaling Penzu for secure journaling Momento for social media power users Grid Diary for templated journaling Five Minute Journal for beginners Daylio for non-writersPlus, tips for how to automate your journal What makes a great journal app?

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