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Journalism++ Learning How To Visualize Been getting a ton of requests for ‘how to’s and guides for creating decent visualizations and information designs. Made me think: maybe I could do some workshops in this area. I like developing ideas and working with people. So if you think you’d like to attend a workshop on visualization or organize one for your organisation, please fill in this quick form (30 seconds). In the meantime, you might be interested in a section I’ve been building in a far-flung corner of the site. The most recent one explores the stages we went through creating an infographic for Wired magazine about planets in other solar systems – or “exoplanets”. (Microscopic, dark and unimaginably far away, these tiny celestial objects should be impossible to spot. Here’s how we created it. Timelines: TimeTravel in TV and Film Yup, we went through 36 drafts of this. Versioning: Because Every Design Is Good For Something How do you flag and label 142 countries on a single map without choking the result?

WeDoData Statistics Help for Journalists Numbers can't "talk," but they can tell you as much as your human sources can. But as with human sources, you have to ask! So what should you ask a number? Well, mathematicians have developed an entire field — statistics — dedicated to getting answers out of numbers. In 1996, I first published Statistics Every Writer Should Know, an online tutorial for math-phobic journalists. Running a business demands at least a basic knowledge of math and math concepts, so I'm including this tutorial as an appendix my 2012 book, How to Make Money Publishing Community News Online. Here, described in plain English, are some basic concepts in statistics that every writer should know... So, You're a Beginner? Mean Let's get started... Median How to find out how the "average Joe" is doing Mode So, like, who's popular? Percent Ch-ch-ch-changes... The Next Step: Not Getting Duped Per capita and Rates When an increase is really a decrease and other ways people can use numbers to trick you Frequently Asked Questions

Données le vertige Des flots d’octets, un océan de données, un déluge de connaissances… A mesure qu’Internet tisse sa toile, le volume d’informations numérisées n’en finit plus d’exploser. D’ici huit ans, cette masse vertigineuse de «datas» sera 50 fois supérieure à ce qu’elle est aujourd’hui, prédit le cabinet d’études IDC. Et il faudra dix fois plus de serveurs informatiques pour espérer gérer cette déferlante. Pas par crainte d’être submergés, mais plutôt pour être en mesure de retrouver, d’extraire et d’exploiter cette nouvelle manne. Il y a vingt ans, nous stockions encore nos fichiers sur des disques durs de quelques mégaoctets (1 Mo équivaut à 1 000 000 d’octets, soit 106 octets, 1 octet valant 8 bits ; le bit est l’unité de base en informatique, à savoir un 0 ou un 1). Photo: Emmanuel Pierrot.Vu pour Libération «Capteurs». C’est là qu’intervient une nouvelle discipline : le «big data». Mesagraph fournit ainsi à Canal + une modélisation de son audience à partir des conversations sur Twitter.

22 free tools for data visualization and analysis You may not think you've got much in common with an investigative journalist or an academic medical researcher. But if you're trying to extract useful information from an ever-increasing inflow of data, you'll likely find visualization useful -- whether it's to show patterns or trends with graphics instead of mountains of text, or to try to explain complex issues to a nontechnical audience. There are many tools around to help turn data into graphics, but they can carry hefty price tags. The cost can make sense for professionals whose primary job is to find meaning in mountains of information, but you might not be able to justify such an expense if you or your users only need a graphics application from time to time, or if your budget for new tools is somewhat limited. Here's a rundown of some of the better-known options, many of which were demonstrated at the Computer-Assisted Reporting (CAR) conference last month. Data cleaning DataWrangler What's cool: Text editing is especially easy.

Le Chiffroscope Infos / Documentaires Le Chiffroscope Le Chiffroscope Toutes les news Le Chiffroscope video D'où viennent les génies? Le Chiffroscope 13 Juin 2015 0 0 video Comment faire face à la tragédie des migrants en Méditerranée? Le Chiffroscope 30 Mai 2015 0 0 video Peut-on sauver toutes les espèces animales ? Le Chiffroscope 16 Mai 2015 0 0 video A quoi sont dues les tragédies du football? Le Chiffroscope 18 Avr. 2015 0 0 video Les crimes de l'apartheid en Afrique du Sud ont-­ils été punis? Le Chiffroscope 11 Avr. 2015 0 0 video Demain les chrétiens seront­-ils toujours pris pour cible? Le Chiffroscope 04 Avr. 2015 0 0 video Les révolutions arabes ont­-elles fonctionné? Le Chiffroscope 28 Mars 2015 0 0 video Demain l'euthanasie sera-t-elle autorisée partout? Le Chiffroscope 21 Mars 2015 0 1 video Demain passerons-nous toujours autant de temps dans les transports? Le Chiffroscope 14 Mars 2015 0 0 video Quelle est la nationalité la plus sexy? Le Chiffroscope 07 Mars 2015 1 6 Publicité "Ce qui nous arrive peut vous arriver" Fermer

How to: get to grips with data journalism A graph showing the number of IEDs cleared from the Afghanistan War Logs Only a couple of years ago, the idea that journalists would need to know how to use a spreadsheet would have been laughed out of the newsroom. Now those benighted days are way behind us and extracting stories out of data is part of every journalist's toolkit of skills. Some people say the answer is to become a sort of super hacker, write code and immerse yourself in SQL. Of course, you could just ignore the whole thing, hope it'll go away and you can get back to longing to write colour pieces. 1) Sourcing the data This is a much undervalued skill - with many journalists simply outsourcing it to research departments and work experience students. But broadly, the general approach is to look for the most authoritative place for your data. GDP - from the Office for National Statistics. Carbon emissions from different countries - from the US Energy Information Agency. Adobe PDF files are the enemy of open data.

“Le datajournalisme permet la production d’une information à haute valeur ajoutée” - Le blog-atelier de l'ASJ Tours Le journalisme de données, également appelé datajournalisme, est un procédé journalistique qui consiste à analyser des bases de données, afin d’en retirer du contenu informationnel. Celui-ci est ensuite retranscrit sur Internet sous forme d’interfaces visuelles interactives. Le journaliste Alain Joannès, auteur de livres et de blogs*, s'intéresse au Web depuis 1993. Pour lui, le datajournalisme est une pratique émergente, qui offre des perspectives intéressantes pour le journalisme d’investigation. Le data-journalisme est-il un phénomène nouveau ? C’est une forme de journalisme présente de façon diffuse dans les rédactions depuis très longtemps. En quoi est-ce du journalisme d’investigation ? Le journalisme de données s’ajoute aux autres formes de journalisme. Pourquoi le Web offre de nouvelles perspectives en matière de journalisme de données ? C’est d’abord quelque chose de fabuleux au niveau de la recherche d’informations. Le data-journalisme n’est-il pas juste un phénomène de mode ?

Data journalism training – some reflections I recently spent 2 days teaching the basics of data journalism to trainee journalists on a broadsheet newspaper. It’s a pretty intensive course that follows a path I’ve explored here previously – from finding data and interrogating it to visualizing it and mashing – and I wanted to record the results. My approach was both practical and conceptual. Conceptually, the trainees need to be able to understand and communicate with people from other disciplines, such as designers putting together an infographic, or programmers, statisticians and researchers. They need to know what semantic data is, what APIs are, the difference between a database and open data, and what is possible with all of the above. They need to know what design techniques make a visualisation clear, and the statistical quirks that need to be considered – or looked for. But they also need to be able to do it. The importance of editorial drive It’s not long before the journalists raise statistical issues – which is reassuring.
