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Repair is noble - iFixit

Repair is noble - iFixit

Wilderness Survival, Tracking, Nature, Wilderness Mind Wonder How To » Show & Tell for Creators & Doers The Story of Stuff Project The Sustainers The AiR Collection The Sustainers looks at an inspiring and dedicated wave of thinkers, researchers, actors, collaborators and pioneers dealing with sustainability in multiple ways. There is so much going on in the world of artist residencies that is growing and morphing. In order to see what’s there and to understand what’s going on; we dive in the big pool of data on artist residencies and see what we come across related to one specific theme to serve you a collection connecting new and old stories, big and small projects accompanied with interviews and articles related to this theme. These kinds of collections allow for a broad perspective through a specific narrow entrance in this immense world of artist residencies, including useful deadlines, background info and a related side dish in the right column of books and readers. This collection can be seen as a starting point; a place for plural views and stories on this theme. 'Sustainism is the New Modernism ' Pioneers read more Farmers

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wilderness survival skills reconnect us with the Earth Ancient Pathways to a Sustainable Future Canadian Store Deals, Coupons, and Sale Promotions - Films For Action | Watch Over 1100 Free Videos Hand-Picked to Change the World Deep ecology Deep ecology is a contemporary ecological and environmental philosophy characterized by its advocacy of the inherent worth of living beings regardless of their instrumental utility to human needs, and advocacy for a radical restructuring of modern human societies in accordance with such ideas. Deep ecology argues that the natural world is a subtle balance of complex inter-relationships in which the existence of organisms is dependent on the existence of others within ecosystems.[1] Human interference with or destruction of the natural world poses a threat therefore not only to humans but to all organisms constituting the natural order. Deep ecology's core principle is the belief that the living environment as a whole should be respected and regarded as having certain inalienable legal rights to live and flourish, independent of their utilitarian instrumental benefits for human use. Principles[edit] These principles can be refined down into three simple propositions: Development[edit]

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