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Fabric.js Javascript Canvas Library

Fabric.js Javascript Canvas Library
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66+ Open Source JavaScript Game Engine for Serious Developers Javascript is not only welcomed by the web developer or designers, but also more and more mobile device(Such iPad, iPhone, Android etc) oriented developers, we can easily build many amazing games with HTML(5) + Javascript + CSS. Below is a list of JavaScript Game Engine for serious developers, include general, 3D, Animation, Canvas, Math, Color, Sound, WebGL etc. Hope they will be helpful for your work! 1. Akihabara Akihabara is a set of libraries, tools and presets to create pixelated indie-style 8/16-bit era games in Javascript that runs in your browser without any Flash plugin, making use of a small small small subset of the HTML5 features, that are actually available on many modern browsers. bdge BDGE is a game engine written in Javascript that uses HTML5 Canvas and Audio to create in-browser games. Canvex: FPS game engine Cocos2D Cocos2d-javascript is a 2D game/graphics engine based on cocos2d-iphone but designed to run in the web browser. Crafty Diggy Diggy is a DHTML Game Engine (DGE).

kangax/fabric.js - GitHub - Logiciel pour créer un mur d'exposition et y accrocher des oeuvresMurExpo | Logiciel pour créer un mur d'exposition et y accrocher des oeuvres Jster Libraries cloudhead/journey - GitHub nettoyer_ubuntu [Wiki ubuntu-fr] La maintenance d'un système d'exploitation vise à maintenir ou à rétablir un bien dans un état spécifié afin que celui-ci soit en mesure d'assurer un service déterminé. En informatique logicielle, on parle assez régulièrement de 3 types de maintenance : Disposer d'une connexion à Internet configurée et activée. Depuis un terminal En mode graphique Stacer (Alternative à IObit Advanced System Care pour Windows) Extension Firefox SingleFileZ. Pour un usage courant qui répondra à 99% des utilisateurs lambda, il est recommandé : De vider la poubelle Si cela ne suffit pas, utiliser un logiciel type "CCleaner" : Supprimer les fichiers temporaires des fichiers d'installation Supprimez les paquets .deb pour gagner de la place, car après plusieurs installations les paquets téléchargés s'accumulent et utilisent beaucoup d'espace. Précision: Les paquets téléchargés ne servent à rien si vous avez Internet. Suppression de logiciels Attention à ne pas supprimer des paquets importants comme ubuntu-desktop ! #!

MathExt Welcome to the MathExt JavaScript library. This library was made to parse and calculate mathematical formulas of any kind and any complexity. It can easily be integrated into websites and web applications. As developer you can set all kind of settings. You can even specify what commands (» Actions) should be available to the user and in what priority they should be proceeded. The client's web browser just needs to be ECMA-262 3rd edition (= JavaScript 1.5) compliant. The MathExt project has been developed by Lars Knickrehm. If you like MathExt, please donate to help keeping its development active. MathExt is offered as free open source library and can be used, modified and redistributed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL3). You can download the latest version of MathExt, report bugs or ask for help at the project's page, which is hosted for free by Setting up MathExt is quite simple. First you need to load the MathExt class.

vdemedes/magician - GitHub Linux - Commandes fondamentales Un petit guide pour bien démarrer avec Linux. Top of page ls La commande ls permet d'afficher le contenu d'un répertoire. ls -l Afficher les informations de manière détaillée. ls -a Afficher les fichiers cachés. ls -h Afficher la taille des fichiers de facon lisible. ls -r Tri inversé. ls -t Trier les fichiers par date du plus récent au plus ancien. ls -S Trier par taille décroissante. ls -la Afficher tous les fichiers y compris les fichiers cachés. ls -lhS Afficher les informations des fichiers, avec des tailles lisibles le tout ordonné du plus grand au plus petit. cd La navigation d’un répertoire à un autre s’effectue avec la commande cd succédée du nom du répertoire. cd / Permet de se retrouver à la racine du disque. cd ~ ou cd Accéder directement au répertoire de l’utilisateur. cd /var/www/ Aller dans le répertoire /var/www. cd .. cd - Permet de revenir au répertoire précédent. cp Pour créer une copie d’un fichier, on utilise la commande cp. mv rm mkdir mkdir foo Créer le répertoire foo. chown chmod ssh scp

JavaScript Tutorial LearnBoost/cluster - GitHub cookiengineer/audacity: Audacity Fork without any Sentry Telemetry or Crash Reporting. JSXGraph: interactive javascript graphs I’ve been investigating JSXGraph over the last few weeks and I’m quite impressed. JSXGraph is a javascript-based grapher from the mathematics people at the University of Bayreuth in Germany. Advantages of JSXGraph It works in all major browsers and is cross-platform. Disadvantages of JSXGraph You really need to have a good understanding of javascript to get anything worthwhile out of JSXGraph (you can view the page source for this page to see how it is done). JSXGraph doesn’t behave all that well in Internet Explorer. You can get more information, including examples and documentation here: JSXGraph. This wiki contains lots of examples: Showcases Examples using JSXGraph The following examples are my recent efforts. Investigate Slope and y-intercept of a Straight Line With this one you can drag either point A or point B, and you can see the resulting linear equation in the form y = mx + b. A horizontal line (What is m? y = -0.7 x + 1 Ellipse With this one you can drag point D around the ellipse. π

aws-lib.js A simple Node.js library to communicate with the Amazon Web Services API. This version of aws-lib requires Node v0.4! You can use v0.0.4 if you need to stick to Node v2.6. It includes clients for the following services: EC2 Product Advertising API SimpleDB SQS (Simple Queue Service) SNS (Simple Notification Service) SES (Simple Email Service) Richard Rodger maintains a user-friendly SimpleDB library which is based on aws-lib. aws-lib is designed to be easily extensible. var aws = require("aws-lib"); ec2 = aws.createEC2Client(yourAccessKeyId, yourSecretAccessKey);"DescribeInstances", {}, function(err, result) { console.log(JSON.stringify(result)); }) or when using the Product Advertising API: prodAdv = aws.createProdAdvClient(yourAccessKeyId, yourSecretAccessKey, yourAssociateTag);
