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TIME FLIES, PETER PAN - 6e by Isabelle Beaubreuil on Genially

TIME FLIES, PETER PAN - 6e by Isabelle Beaubreuil on Genially
Related:  Escape Game interactifs

Catch the irregular verbs by D. Araujo by araujo_dulce on escape game created by Miss D. Araujo How do you know if you master the English irregular verbs ? Follow the steps of your mission and your teacher Miss Araujo will give you an infallible method to know them ! You'll see, it's fantastic ! Accept FINALMission CONSEIL : utilisez Chrome et non Firefox sinon des pages auront des erreurs ! run win do hit go Which verb doesn't change? hear heared heart heard Which form is correct? Can you speak louder ? sold said spoke say Which verb is correct? Yesterday, he ... he was sorry. you your keep the 2 words at the bottom Then, click here *Try again! Mathematics - Arithmetic Natural Sciences Physical education Social Sciences How do you say "acheter"? bought build buy Which verb is NOT related to "shopping"? smell cost pay Which verb does NOT change with i-a-u ? find sing ring Remember the word MUST for later! HOW DO YOU SAY "J'ai passé 2 mois confiné" IN ENGLISH ? I've spent2 months locked up I sent 2months locked up I slept2 months locked up I was locked up for 2 months Is closed Option 01 stole

Telling the Time You can set this page as a homework task for a group of students; doing so will give you a record of who has completed the task. Visit the teachers' section for more information. You can share this page by using the link below. This is a mini-game to learn and practice telling the time in English. The first screen shows an analog clock displaying a time - initially 9 o'clock - and a pane below showing the matching time phrase. On the second screen there is a mini-game. While playing the game, a cat is displayed in the bottom left of the screen, with a bridge infront of her. The target language is time phrases, specifically: Half past, quarter past, quarter to, five past/to, ten past/to, twenty past/to, twenty-five past/to. These were chosen as they are the main phrases used to tell the time. The aim of this game is to practice, or initally explore and learn, telling the time in English. Leave any comments you like below.

Harry Potter 6ème by maud.clelia.galtier on Genially Welcome toHogwarts Choose the correct colors! Select the Yellow color Select the Green color Select the Golden color Select the Grey color Select the blue color Select the Red color Tu as remarqué, chaque maison à un animal comme emblême. McGonagall can turn into a cat! In English schools, the students wearuniforms! Décris ce que porte Hermione! Hogwarts Rules: You must wear a uniform in classYou must have your copybook and your pencilsYou must be nice to your friendsYou must listen to the teacherYou must do your homeworkYou mustn't use magic oustide of schoolYou mustn't go to the Forbidden forest What is this document? This document is class rules.Ce sont des règles de classes. Grammaire! On utilie MUST Must et mustn't MUST ET MUSTN'T sont utilisés pour dire ce que l'on doit faire (MUST) et ce que l'on ne doit pas faire (MUSTN'T) à l'école par exemple. Remets les phrases dans l'ordre What rules do you need to follow at home?

THE HAUNTED MANOR Isabelle Beaubreuil (Ac. Limoges) My mother was her nanny and therefore we grew up together in this dark and gloomy place. October 31st, 1917 Dear journal,This secret is too hard to keep.I can't do it anymore.Thirteen years ago, a horriblemurder took place in Mr and Mrs Van Hudson's manor. Olga Van Hudson(the mother) Theresa Bielson(the nanny) Louisa Bielson(the nanny's daughter) Ingrid Van Hudson Leslie Van Hudson Resurrection stone FIND THE KEY. I know where the murder weapon is. ESCAPE GAME THE STOLEN RECIPE by araujo_dulce on AN ESCAPE GAME : the stolen recipe created by Miss D. Araujo objectives : discover Jamie Oliver, learn new words and how to express quantities or ask questions, understand a recipe Someone has stolen (a dérobé) your recipe and you must find it to be a candidate for the competition "Junior Kédange Chefs" organised by your English teacher Miss Araujo ingredients and utensils STEP 1 : learn your vocabulary Watch the video, then test your memory with Quizlet Who is this man ? do the exercise about the vocabulary, note down the clue at the end double click here to see a bigger picture Watch Buddy, Jamie Oliver's son and his recipe learn your grammar Note down the letter given at the end 2 activities to get a new letter les quantifieurs / some et any double click here to have a bigger picture b. for the sentences a. listen to your recipe Congratulations !

Escape game Food 6e by clemence.tisseyre on Genially Combien de mots de vocabulaire autour du thème "food and drinks" connais-tu ? A toi de jouer et de réussir les activités afin de réussir l'escape game... Complète les différentes missions ! Bonne chance ! Mission Let's go ! Fruit, vegetables or drinks ? What is the first word ? is do are *Try again! Remember the solution ! Souviens-toi de la solution ! Clique sur le panier Activity 1 Activity 2 What is the second word ? drink fruit food What are the third and fourth words ? Quels sont les troisième et quatrième mots ? what et your you et do you et what * Keep going with another mission ! Continue avec une autre mission ! Click on the purple glass Activity What is the final word ? favourites favourite favour Can you give the correct question now ? Peux-tu reformer la question correcte ? favourite what is your fruit ? What is your favourite fruit ? Fruit favourite what is your ? A présent, accomplis cette dernière mission afin de trouver un code secret... Enter the secret number · Mission number 01 · Mission number 02

Escape Game The Globe 4/3 eme by Parlouer Aurelien on Genially You are Smoosh Hellreck, a teenager living in London in the dark times of the late XIXth century...Your idol is, without a doubt, Sherlock Holmes, the famous private detective.You just learnt, through one of your informants, that he arrived on a crime scene at the Globe theatre.You definitely want to help your idol with this case. Go and talk to him. That is a tough case...I need to meet Smoosh Hellreck at the theatre ASAP! Yes, that's it, find another sidekick! Where was Sherlock Holmes? And where is the nearest tube stop for the Globe Theatre? Finally, you're here...Next time, take a cab. Go on, Lestrade is asking for you... The Crime Scene Inspector G. Bloody Hell! Task n°1 Taskn°2 Taskn°3 Task n°4 One down, 3 to go.Keep focused. Halfway there. One last effort to prove your worth...Let's see if you can write a decent report. Well, it looks like yo made it...Last check though, can you give me the secret word made up of the four secret letters you discovered during your tasks? Alright Smoosh! Start Ah!

London Escape Game by marise.graziosi on Start LondonESCAPE GAME Fed up with lockdown!Let's go and meet people ! Your English teachers have decided to take you to a show. The title of each enigma will be a topic of study. The Map Please, do come in ! Where are the teachers ??? The première of the show was on Valentine's day... No entry if you don't have the right code ! Congratulation ! Home Info Very well done indeed !!! Very well done indeed !!!
