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Hackers, le cinquième pouvoir - Nouvelles technos

Hackers, le cinquième pouvoir - Nouvelles technos

Coders Are Already Finding Ways Around SOPA Censorship A developer who calls himself T Rizk doesn't have much faith in Congress making the right decision on anti-piracy legislation, so he's built a work around for the impending censorship measures being considered: DeSOPA. The Firefox add-on is stunningly simple as the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) would block specific domain names (e.g. of allegedly infringing sites, T Rizk's lightweight tool allows you to revert to the bare internet protocol (IP) address (e.g. which takes you to the same place. “I feel that the general public is not aware of the gravity of SOPA and Congress seems like they are about to cater to the special interests involved, to the detriment of Internet, for which I and many others live and breathe," T Rizk told the site TorrentFreak -- and you can pretty easily guess whose side they're on. As the number of acronyms and parentheses in our intro suggest, the technical details of SOPA are, well, pretty technical.

Why Apple Is Winning the Mobile Video Format War ... For Now Jeroen Wijering is the creator of the incredibly successful JW Player, which has generated millions of downloads since its release in 2005. In 2007 he co-founded LongTail Video, focusing on a full-fledged online video platform that includes encoding, delivery, syndication and advertising. The mobile video space has begun to consolidate. In early November, Adobe announced it would stop developing its Flash Player for mobile devices (read: Android). Going forward, HTML5 will be the only method to play back video on mobile phones and tablets. This is a big win for Apple, the company to most strongly oppose Flash over the last few years. The company has also taken the lead in video streaming. Playback and Encoding According to Adobe, Android 4 (Ice Cream Sandwich) will be the last mobile platform to use a Flash plugin. Until WebM hardware decoding is supported by a decent slice of mobile devices, video publishers will continue to focus on H.264. What Is HLS? Why Use HLS? The Apple Standard

La cyberguerre froide Les États-Unis gardent aujourd'hui la main sur certaines fonctions essentielles du Net. Au grand dam de quelques nations, qui militent pour placer la gouvernance du réseau au sein des Nations-Unies. Mais pas forcément pour la bonne cause... Bras de fer géopolitique pour le contrôle d'Internet. N’insistez pas, les États-Unis ne lâcheront pas le contrôle du Net. Pas faute d’avoir essayé de changer les choses depuis de nombreuses années. Certains pays voient en cet amendement l’occasion idéale pour bousculer les règles du jeu sur Internet. Pas question d’une telle révolution, ont d’ores et déjà répliqué les États-Unis, prétextant qu’elle serait l’occasion “de placer des contraintes réglementaires plus fortes dans le secteur des télécommunications mondiales, voire dans le secteur d’Internet.” Nettoyer, balayer, contrôler Il faut dire que les porte-étendards de la réforme sont la Chine et la Russie, peu réputées pour leur permissivité sur Internet. [...] Danger imminent
