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The Twice Remembered Cottage - A Cottage Transformation Journey

The Twice Remembered Cottage - A Cottage Transformation Journey
"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air"~ Ralph Waldo Emerson I appreciate everyone's well wishes in my last post...I'm happy to say that I can finally *breathe* again! Thanks to my good old doctor and the meds he prescribed, my sinus infection is clearing up and my cough has just about fizzled out. I'm looking forward to finally getting back into some kind of routine this week! I knew having that many magnets on my fridge would create about 400 pieces of additional artwork, memos, receipts, and photos - yikes! Basically, what you'll need for this project is a piece of sheet metal {I got mine from Lowes at around $7 for a 24"X36" piece}, a piece of thin plywood, trim, and Liquid Nail. Here is that pretty trim I mentioned in my last post. Now, your hardward store may cut your plywood to size for you. Here you see that I used a T-square to draw lines on the plywood showing exactly where the sheet metal would go in the center. And, now, imaginations on, everybody!

Cool Ideas May be You Have Never Think Of…. I know in our daily life their are lots of big things to solve, but have you ever thought about tiny little things, which can be solved by some weird ideas? ok…. i am sure you are not getting me? Right!!! [ad1] [ad2] Ads by Google temporary fabric wall paper DIY: How to Make a Vinyl Record Notebook I love finding crafty projects using vinyl records-- from making a vinyl record purse or vinyl record bowls, I think those round slabs of plastic are incredibly fun to bend, mold, shape, and cut. About a week ago, I saw this incredible idea on Gemma's blog about how to make a vinyl record notebook and I was so excited to make it. Now, while I love using records to make crafts, my boyfriend is a huge record hipster dork. ;) (Hehe, sorry Sean!) I'm telling you-- in the many years I've known this boy, he has been such a difficult person to think up gift ideas. He is the type of person who could care less about stuff. In terms of earthly possessions, the kid loves books, fountain pens, fruit, and hand-me-down clothes from his brothers/friends/grandfathers... and records... and that's about it. Sean's record collection at school. Sean writing his name in the notebook. :) If you want to give a vinyl record notebook as a little gift, they're actually really simple to make. :)

Sequin Photobooth DIY Dec 29 Happy New Year! I had ordered these giant sequins a while ago and thought New Years Eve was the perfect occasion to make something with them. We used giant 60 mm sequins (sometimes called pailletes) for this wall and needed about 600. Materials Needed: 600 Sequins 60 mm in diameter 6 pieces of large and thin FoamBoard 1/8″ thick, 32″x 40″ wide 2 Rolls of Gold cheap wrapping paper to cover the foamboard. (these are just really short straight pins, you need one for every sequin) Ruler A long piece of posterboard to make a guide Step 1. Step 6. Thanks Meg + Anne for being my models! Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time.

DIY Vinyl Record Bowls I got the idea to make these little bowls a few years ago when I bought Mark Montano's book, the Big-Arse Book of Crafts . (Mark Montano is the most brilliant crafter around-- I love his books and his projects.) One bowl I made sits on my dresser and holds little hair knickknacks, and I gave a few bowls away, but I never got around to writing a tutorial about it. To make a vinyl record bowl you need: -Real bowl (One that can go in the oven.) This project is so easy and fun. After you take it out of the oven, just press the record down into any bowl or shape that you want. Hold your record in place inside the bowl until it hardens again. (My favorite one.) And that's it! You can keep whatever you want in these bowls, I think I am going to take mine to work and put them on my desk.

cute frame idea, make pics portable! Update: Kalia's Party was chosen as Party of the Week, then Fan Favorite and then won Party of the month for September over at the amazing Project Nursery, thank you!!! Kalia's 2nd Birthday Party can be found here- another DIY filled party- a "dress up" theme! I LOVED planning, crafting, thrifting and executing Kalia's 1st birthday party. Since Kalia is only one, she is not really into much; besides chewing anything that is not food- and I had trouble creating a party theme around that... So, I created a simple feminine look for her first birthday party. Lots of pink, glitter and flowers for my little girl! 1- Yard Sale Frame- $5.00 (the frame contained Kalia's 1-11 monthly pictures & were hung with ribbon and glittered clothespins)2 & 8- DIY Cake Stands- Thrifted Plates & Candleholders $6.49 Click here for the DIY! (Any serveware/dishware was already previously owned by me, if you have specific questions, Please ask!) Balloon name glitter- Kalia's name in glitter! The food!

DIY Lunchable Jars {Guest Post} Hello everyone, my name is Kayla and I run I’m a Graphic Designer from Grand Rapids, MI and I love to craft, cook, and a variety of other things. ;D I’m very grateful for this opportunity to guest post on a Skip To My Lou, and to “meet” all of you! So, here goes!! There are some things you never outgrow. What did surprise him, and me, is that I found nothing. Now, I started this for yogurt and granola- but with this gadget the possibilities are endless! I just can’t get over how cute, useful and portable these are! Anyway, enough ranting about the jars, here’s how its done! You Will Need: 2 same mouthed mason jars. How To Make It: Take off the rings to your jars. That’s it!! One of my favorite things about this project is the lack of garbage in my lunch box. The 8oz wide mouthed jars are very bowl-like. And, as promised a PDF for you to download and print to use with your schmancy new jars. I’m so happy to have shared my project with you.

MAKE CHLKBRD PAINT We love using chalkboards as backdrops for displays and parties (like this one here!). So we were super excited to learn that you can create your own custom colors-and it's really easy! We first learned how from Martha Stewart whose tutorial you can read here. She recommends that you use latex paint, but we tried it out with acrylic paints with much success. Here's how you too can create your own chalkboard paint... Supplies: 1/2 cup acrylic paint (choose any color you like, or mix colors together to make the perfect shade!) 1. 2. Once your chalkboard has fully dried be sure to slate the surface before using it for the first time. Have fun creating any color combination you like!!

How to Make Clothing Buttons from Shrink Plastic… This tutorial is an old one of mine that’s too good not to share again. Since posting the first time, I’ve had lots of questions about these buttons which will hopefully be answered in this revised post. Equipment Some handy notes: 1. The buttons. single hole, hole punch (like this one here). 2. 3. Okay.. lets get started! Tracing tips: You can use either coloured pencils or permanent pens. Words must be writted backwards in order to be readable. Shrinking the buttons: To shrink the buttons, you can use an oven or a heat gun (the kind used for embellishing). After the buttons have twisted and twirled, and are LYING FLAT, it’s time to take them out. Note: If the skrinking is taking too long, you may need to turn your oven up. Here’s a short little stop-motion to make sure you’ve got the gist of how easy this is! Shrink Paper {here} Circle Punch {here} Hole punch {here} Pens {here} Update: I’ve made a video to show how to shrink the buttons using a craft embellishment heat gun. Kimanh

sharpie! DIY Dry shampoo has been a MUST HAVE in my daily hair care routine for the past three years. I’ve gone through countless spray cans of different brands (Psst!, Tresemme, John Frieda, Garnier, Oscar Blandi, Batiste…to name a few), spending way too much for very little product. I started to use plain old baby powder, sprinkling it directly on my roots and rubbing it in, and I found that it worked just as well or even better at giving my hair added volume and combating greasiness. I continued to do this for months until one day I was at work, and I happen to catch a glance of my hair in the mirror. THE RECIPE: Mix 3 parts cocoa powder and 1 part cornstarch and/or baby powder in a small container. Because this container works so well, I just hold the container in my hand and sprinkle the powder directly onto my roots and rub it in with my fingers. QUICK TIP: Did you know that the best way to use dry shampoo is to apply it BEFORE you actually need it?

metal trays=magnet thingy! Hi Crate Paper fans! It's Tara here with a crafty DIY Summer project for you! This Summer, I enrolled my little 6 year old, Alaina, in an Art Summer Camp and over the past couple of weeks, she's been bringing home all sorts of paintings and drawings that have taken over the front of the refrigerator! So, I thought it was time to think of a new display idea for her art and what could be more cute than a petite art gallery display board? The Essentials: CP Chipboard, CP Buttons, CP Brads, CP Paper Scraps, CP Border Stickers, Baking Sheets (Light Weight), Vintage Tart Tins, Magnets, E6000 Glue, Glue Dots, Foam Pop Dots, Paper Flowers, Command Brand Picture Hanging Strips, Spray Paint Start by spray painting your baking sheets. Next, gather the supplies for the magnets. Here's a step-by-step of how I put one of these tart-tin magnets together! First, Set out all your supplies like I've done above. Add a couple of glue dots to a button and place it on top the tulle. ***Note to self.
