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Cooper Hewitt

Cooper Hewitt

Gustavsbergs Konsthall TUMULT Exhibition Matlida Haggärde, Report from within, 2013, photo Magnus Natschki How – Do – Know 31.1.2014 – 27.4.2014 Charlotta Bellander, Johan Bjärntoft, Lo Eklöw, Matilda Haggärde, Li Liang In the spring of 2014 we are presenting five craft artists who have either recently completed the master’s programme at HDK, the School of Design and Crafts at Gothenburg University, or who are currently enrolled in the programme. The exhibition will focus on ceramic processes and the way in which experience of these processes is used in developing an artistic identity. The five craft artists present different approaches and results based on a profound exploration of the possibilities offered by the material – in this case clay. Zandra Ahl, Family Outlet, © Zandra Ahl FAMILY OUTLET 5.10.2013 – 5.1.2014 Zandra Ahl This autumn, Gustavsbergs Konsthall presents Family Outlet, a new solo exhibition by Zandra Ahl. Is it possible to question prejudice and xenophobia with jewellery? Kakan Hermansson, from "Girls Club"

World Architecture News, Official Home Page, architecture news, architecture jobs (Designophy - Resource, Design for the World is an international humanitarian organisation whose objective is to match the skills and commitment of volunteer designers with the needs expressed by disadvantaged populations and the organisations that serve them worldwide. Design for the World unites graphic designers, industrial designers and interior and architectural designers around one common idea: voluntary design for people in need. Design for the World has developed its website to present the organisation and its activities. The aim of the site is also to create a communication channel for designers wanting to contribute to social and humanitarian causes, and between those designers and the organisations that could use their help. Some parts of the website, such as the online gallery where people can show their projects related to design for people in need, and the project board, where people can collaborate on projects through an interactive webspace, will soon be published. Language(s): English

Il design dell'altro 90% | SocialDesignZine Viviamo immersi in un mondo di design. Tutto quello che ci circonda è stato pensato, progettato e realizzato secondo i principi del design. Poche volte capita di considerare che la comunità dei designer focalizza la quasi totalità della propria azione progettuale per il solo 10% più ricco della popolazione mondiale. Il restante 90% degli abitanti di questo pianeta non ha semplicemente le risorse per permettersi di acquistare alcun tipo di prodotto. Design for the other 90%, presenta le iniziative progettuali nate tra i designer per sviluppare soluzioni a basso costo per soddisfare alcuni di questi bisogni primari. Una mostra che ci fa riflettere su valore politico del design e delle possibilità che questo ha di rendere più vivibile l'esistenza alla stragrande maggioranza di uomini e donne di questo mondo.

Blog | waste for life Scientists team-up with designers at new exhibition - myScience / science wire Mad Hatter’s nuclear themed tea party Leading scientists at the University of Sheffield have used artistic flair to showcase the impact of future scientific developments, as part of a pioneering new exhibition in London, which kicked-off yesterday (Monday 15 March 2010. In a groundbreaking new partnership, a group of leading science researchers from the University collaborated with a designer from the Royal College of Art, in a bid to visualise the potential impact of scientific developments. The results are being showcased in the IMPACT! exhibition at the Royal College of Art between 16 and 21 March 2010, which offers a powerful insight into how today´s research might transform people´s experience of the world. Taking the form of a `Mad Hatter´s tea party,´ the display features placemats mapping sites of potential new nuclear reactors, upon which dinner plates showcase quirky benefits of nuclear power. The IMPACT!

BMW Guggenheim Lab | log The BMW Guggenheim Lab shares insights on architecture, urbanism, design, technology, and more. Lab | Log Photo: Paul Warchol © 2011 Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York BMW Guggenheim Lab curator Maria Nicanor shares concluding thoughts on the Lab project, its achievements, and how its experience will affect the Guggenheim's architecture and urbanism programming in the future. More Berlin Lab Photo: Maria Nicanor Over the years, the Lab was many things—a lecture hall, a classroom, a theater, a playground—but above all, it was a platform for city dwellers to collectively explore the challenges of the coming urban century. Photo: Christine McLaren The BMW Guggenheim Lab’s resident writer takes a look back at two and a half years of Lab | Log. Photo: courtesy Dhodges, used by permission under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license A new initiative to generate civic engagement and collaboration has blossomed in Toronto. Photo: Uncommon Sense © 2012 Solomon R.

About Architecture for Humanity Architecture for Humanity is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit founded in 1999. We are building a more sustainable future through the power of professional design. By tapping a network of more than 50,000 professionals willing to give their time and expertise to help those who would not otherwise be able to afford their services, we bring design, construction and development services where they are most critically needed. Each year 100,000 people directly benefit from structures designed by Architecture for Humanity. Design is important to every aspect of our lives. Thoughtful, inclusive design creates lasting change in communities by: Design is the ultimate renewable resource. Architecture for Humanity brings people who care about sustainable development together. Design Advocates 55,000 newsletter subscribers, 500+ professional affiliations globally Local Chapters 58 chapters in 16 countries with more than 13,100 professional volunteers Curry Stone Design Prize - Vision Award 2013

Urban-Think Tank Ethica » Blog Archive » Art Biotech In basso una recensione al libro “Art Biotech”. Su alcuni dei problemi evidenziati dall’arte biotech, mi permetto di rinviare al mio “L’arbitrarietà del corpo umano”: Art BiotechRecensione di Cristina Trivellin e Martina Coletti[da: Testo originariamente pubblicato sulla rivista d’arte contemporanea D’Ars, n.190, Ottobre 2007] Art Biotech esce in Italia come primo testo che affronta le problematiche proposte da una nuova pratica artistica chiamata “bioarte” (o “arte biotecnologia” o “arte genetica”), e intende porsi come approfondimento teorico al catalogo della mostra “L’Art Biotech”, curata da Jens Hauser e svoltasi a Nantes nel 2003, che rappresenta una delle primissime mostre di “arte biotecnologica”. Una prima evidente distinzione con le precedenti forme d’arte si impone proprio a partire dall’oggetto preso in considerazione dalla bioarte.

Architecture for Humanity
