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While something novel is often described as an innovation, in economics, management science, and other fields of practice and analysis it is generally considered a process that brings together various novel ideas in a way that they have an impact on society. Innovation differs from invention in that innovation refers to the use of a better and, as a result, novel idea or method, whereas invention refers more directly to the creation of the idea or method itself. Innovation differs from improvement in that innovation refers to the notion of doing something different rather than doing the same thing better. Inter-disciplinary views[edit] Society[edit] Due to its widespread effect, innovation is an important topic in the study of economics, business, entrepreneurship, design, technology, sociology, and engineering. Innovation is not only a modern phenomenon. Business and economics[edit] In business and economics, innovation is the catalyst to growth. Organizations[edit] According to Peter F.

Innovation la mise sur le marché mondial de nouveautés, de produits et de services nouveaux ou significativement améliorés ;l'adoption en leur sein d'une gestion de l'innovation, aussi basée sur des changements et des mesures internes améliorant[5] leur efficacité et leur efficience. Comprendre le concept d'innovation[6] implique que l'on distingue bien le résultat concret (produit, service, procédé, etc.) de l'action d'innover, du processus abstrait qui permet de les réaliser. Concrètement, une innovation[9],[10] — c'est quelque chose qui, produit ou reproduit en grand nombre et commercialisé ou déployé pour la première fois avec succès, a amélioré, changé, modifié, transformé ou révolutionné un secteur d'activité, une pratique sociale ou la vie d'un grand nombre d'individus, ceci le plus souvent de façon inattendue et inconsciente. Histoire et étymologies du concept et du terme d'innovation[modifier | modifier le code] Histoire du concept d'innovation[modifier | modifier le code] Henri Bergson. 5.

What is Innovation? 30+ definitions lead to one fresh summary - Fresh Consulting What is Innovation? 30+ definitions lead to one fresh summary: Fresh Thinking that Creates Value The Problem From the Economist to Wikipedia to Websters to Barack Obama to Innovation Zen, around the globe, we seek tangible answers for an intangible question: What is Innovation? The 30 + Innovation Definitions “fresh thinking that creates value” Richard Lyons via Economist article cited below“new products, business processes and organic changes that create wealth or social welfare” OECD think tank via Economist article cited below The Economist. “Technically, “innovation” is defined merely as “introducing something new;” there are no qualifiers of how ground-breaking or world-shattering that something needs to be—only that it needs to be better than what was there before. Business Week. “Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship… the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.” Peter Drucker at Quotations Page Wordnet Merriam-Webster Dictionary Wikipedia Zyn Ber

Dive into the fundamentals of Web design with this clear and concise guide There’s no hard science in creating the absolute best design, but there are rules and guidelines that will lead you towards better results. Carefully studying things like form, typography and color theory will get you far in the long-run, but this “Crash Course” by designer Saeid Fard is one of the clearest short-form guides we’ve ever seen, and so we couldn’t help but highlight it for everyone else to see. If you’re interested in learning more about design, and if phrases like white space, readability and kerning confuse you, head on over to the link below: ➤ A Crash Course in Information & Visual Design h/t: GA London, Image Credit: Thinkstock

Knowledge management Knowledge management (KM) is the process of capturing, developing, sharing, and effectively using organizational knowledge.[1] It refers to a multi-disciplined approach to achieving organisational objectives by making the best use of knowledge.[2] An established discipline since 1991 (see Nonaka 1991), KM includes courses taught in the fields of business administration, information systems, management, and library and information sciences.[3][4] More recently, other fields have started contributing to KM research; these include information and media, computer science, public health, and public policy.[5] Columbia University and Kent State University offer dedicated Master of Science degrees in Knowledge Management.[6][7][8] History[edit] In 1999, the term personal knowledge management was introduced; it refers to the management of knowledge at the individual level.[14] Research[edit] Dimensions[edit] The Knowledge Spiral as described by Nonaka & Takeuchi. Strategies[edit] Motivations[edit]

Demos | Publications From astronomy to activism, from surfing to saving lives, Pro-Ams - people pursuing amateur activities to professional standards - are an increasingly important part of our society and economy. For Pro-Ams, leisure is not passive consumerism but active and participatory, it involves the deployment of publicly accredited knowledge and skills, often built up over a long career, which has involved sacrifices and frustrations. The 20th century witnessed the rise of professionals in medicine, science, education, and politics. In one field after another, amateurs and their ramshackle organisations were driven out by people who knew what they were doing and had certificates to prove it. The Pro-Am Revolution argues this historic shift is reversing. Based on in-depth interviews with a diverse range of Pro-Ams and containing new data about the extent of Pro-Am activity in the UK, this report proposes new policies to support and encourage valuable Pro-Am activity.

Innovation Strategy The Oslo Manual for measuring innovation defines four types of innovation: product innovation, process innovation, marketing innovation and organisational innovation. A good or service that is new or significantly improved. This includes significant improvements in technical specifications, components and materials, software in the product, user friendliness or other functional characteristics. A new or significantly improved production or delivery method. This includes significant changes in techniques, equipment and/or software. A new marketing method involving significant changes in product design or packaging, product placement, product promotion or pricing. A new organisational method in business practices, workplace organisation or external relations. More... Related Documents Oslo Manual: Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Innovation Data, 3rd Edition

processPhotography - Introducing Complexity Most of the things we normally have to deal with understanding are complex, fuzzy, messy, changing, and in fact poorly delineated. We don't actually know where the boundaries of them are, let alone being able to make clear questions about them. We spend a lot of our time as ordinary humans navigating through complicated situations with one another that require constant negotiation, and constant new attempts to understand. Brian Eno Complexity provides a conceptual framework with which to view the world. Complexity is an emerging transdisciplinary field of research that studies complex systems. Complex Uncertainty Complex systems are open, which means they depend on and contribute to their environment. Gershenson and Heylighen present two examples to illustrate the point, the first is Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. The second example Gershenson and Heylighen use is that of the rabbit-duck illusion. rabbit-duck illusion More is Different The Whole is Different than the Sum of its Parts

Enterprise social networking Enterprise social networking focuses on the use of online social networks or social relations among people who share business interests and/or activities. Enterprise social networking is often a facility of enterprise social software (regarded as a primary component of Enterprise 2.0), which is essentially social software used in "enterprise" (business/commercial) contexts. It encompasses modifications to corporate intranets (referred to as social intranets) and other classic software platforms used by large companies to organize their communication, collaboration and other aspects of their intranets. Enterprise social networking is also generally thought to include the use of a standard external social networking service to generate visibility for an enterprise. History[edit] Social networking sites started to form in the 1990s; an example of these websites is, which began in 1995. Emerging trends[edit] Business impacts[edit] Applications[edit] Issues[edit] Transparency[edit]

Les Shadoks Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Les Shadoks Titre de la série Les Shadoks. Synopsis[modifier | modifier le code] La série relate les différentes histoires et mésaventures des Shadoks, des êtres anthropomorphes aux apparences d'oiseaux (à ce jour, toujours non-identifiés) rondouillards possédant de longues pattes et de petites ailes ridicules. Les Shadoks ont pour ennemis principaux — ou plutôt comme rivaux[pas clair] — les Gibis qui leur sont intellectuellement supérieurs. Les Shadoks possèdent pour tout vocabulaire quatre mots monosyllabiques : « Ga, Bu, Zo, Meu ». Genèse[modifier | modifier le code] Avant les Shadoks[modifier | modifier le code] Jacques Rouxel propose[Quand ?] Prémices[modifier | modifier le code] Réalisation[modifier | modifier le code] Réception[modifier | modifier le code] Séries[modifier | modifier le code] Les trois premières séries n'ont jamais eu de titre officiel[8] et la quatrième série est nommée « Les Shadoks et le big blank ».

Innovation Excellence "METADESIGN" by Humberto Maturana Humberto Maturana Human beings versus machines, or machines as instruments of human designs? The answers to these two questions would have been obvious years ago: Human beings, of course, machines are instruments of human design! I wish to speak about this question, but in order to do so I want first to say a few things about living systems, human beings, technology, reality, robots, design and art as the general fundaments for what I shall say in relation to desires and responsibility. * Living systems. Conditions of existence. Living systems are structure determined systems, that is, they are systems such that all that happens to them at any instant depends on their structure (which is how they are made at that instant). No doubt we frequently speak as if what we see as an external agent impinging on a system did determine what happens in the system on which it impinges, but at the same time we also know that this is not so. In this sense living systems are machines. The medium. Identity.
