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Khan Academy A Kid's Heart I Can Learn Education Systems - Computer Based Math with Proven Results untitled Fast ForWord Program | Reading Intervention Program - Building Reading Skills in School Neuroscience research has shown that with the right input, the brain can change and reconfigure itself throughout life, proving that student potential is endless. Fast ForWord is an online reading intervention that uses the principles of neuroplasticity – the ability of the brain to rewire and improve – to treat the underlying cause of language and reading difficulties, once and for all. Watch the Fast ForWord Overview Video Tested, Real-World Results for Educators and Specialists The Fast ForWord program develops and strengthens memory, attention, processing rate, and sequencing—the cognitive skills essential for reading intervention program success. The strengthening of these skills results in a wide range of improved critical language and reading skills such as phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, decoding, working memory, syntax, grammar, and other skills necessary to learn how to read or to become a better reader.

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