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Stock Photos, Royalty Free Images, Vectors, Footage
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Where to Find Public Domain Images For Your Artwork – The Art League Blog Copyright serves a valuable service, protecting the rights of the artists, authors, and other creatives who depend on their work to make a living. Public domain images fill another need, for people who need images to rework, reuse, repurpose — people like artists. For creating a new collage, mixed media work, or even just painting from a reference photograph, the sites below will be a great resource. But first … What is the public domain? From Kaishien Gaden, The Mustard Seed Garden Painting Manual. Reusing copyrighted images can be tricky. You can sidestep these issues entirely by using public domain and CC0 images in your artwork. public domain: This refers to creative works which are free of copyright restrictions, often because the copyright has expired. Unlike with copyrighted works, these images can be freely used as the focal point of an artwork without fear of committing copyright infringement. Where to find public domain images A 1917 photograph by Paul Strand. Now, the good part.

Microstock Plus Database of old book illustrations Here’s an enormous library of thousands of old book illustrations, with searchable name, artist, source, date, which book it was in, etc. There are also a number of collections to browse through, and each are tagged with multiple keywords so you can also get lost in there in that manner. Though the team behind the site doesn’t specifically list the whole site as public domain, chances are a lot of the illustrations you’ll find are way out of copyright in most jurisdictions. More about... Fujifilm X-T30 review: a little wonder of a camera ForFor Fujifilm, shrinking the phenomenal X-T3 down into a smaller package was always going to be a winning proposition. For several years running, the company has followed up on its flagship X-series mirrorless camera with a more portable (and more affordable) option that still offers many of the best features and capabilities of the flagship. This step-down series is actually Fujifilm’s most popular camera line; the X-T20, introduced in 2017, became the company’s best-selling camera ever. And now its successor is here. With the $899 X-T30, Fujifilm is trickling down some of the most impressive aspects of the X-T3 into a camera that costs a whopping $600 less. 8.5 Verge Score Good Stuff Same sensor as X-T3 at much lower priceExcellent autofocus and burst shooting capabilitiesCompact and lightNice 4K video Bad Stuff Probably too small for people with big handsNo weather sealingViewfinder is improved from X-T20, but no match for X-T3Standard carry-a-spare mirrorless battery life

lifehacker Fujifilm X-T30: флагман в компактном корпусе заказывали? — Российское фото Не так давно «Российское фото» опубликовало обзор флагманской APS-C-камеры Fujifilm X-T3 с профессиональным набором функций и потрясающими возможностями видеосъемки. В марте компания представила облегченную версию фотоаппарата — модель X-T30. Наш обозреватель Илья Каллион одним из первых получил возможность протестировать новую беззеркалку. Если вам когда-либо приходила мысль о том, что хорошо бы обзавестись компактной камерой со сменной оптикой, которая будет отвечать всем современным требованиям и стоить меньше 70 тысяч рублей, то X-T30, возможно, то, что вы ищете. В корпусе весом всего лишь 383 грамма собран полноценный функционал и мощная начинка. Это отличный выбор для тех, кто хочет начать свой путь в фотографии или выбирает вторую камеру для поездок и ситуаций, когда крайне важно сэкономить пару сотен грамм веса «железа». Дизайн, эргономика и элементы управления 55mm; 1/2160; f: 4, 0; ISO 80 Raw-файл Технические характеристики Впечатления от использования Raw-файл Видеосъемка Оптика

3,500 Occult Manuscripts Will Be Digitized & Made Freely Available Online, Thanks to Da Vinci Code Author Dan Brown If there’s one thing The Da Vinci Code’s Dan Brown and “The Library of Babel”’s Jorge Luis Borges have in common it is a love for obscure religious and occult books and artifacts. But why do I compare Borges—one of the most highly-regarded, but difficult, of Latin American poets and writers—to a famous American writer of entertaining paperback thrillers? One reason only: despite the vast differences in their styles and registers, Borges would be deeply moved by Brown’s recent act of philanthropy, a donation of €300,000 to Amsterdam’s Ritman Library, also known as the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica House of Living Books. Brown, the Ritman notes, “is a great admirer of the library and visited on several occasions while writing his novels The Lost Symbol and Inferno.” For now, the curious can download the 44-page guide to the collection as a free ebook, and watch the animated video at the top, a breezy explainer of how the books will be transported, digitized, and uploaded.

Best Camera News - Get the Latest Camera and Lens News with Reviews and Comparisons MoMA Public Domain Images Open Access Policy The Metropolitan Museum of Art creates, organizes, and disseminates a broad range of digital images and data that document the rich history of the Museum, its collection, exhibitions, events, people, and activities. Images of artworks in the Museum's collection fall into two categories: images of works the Museum believes to be in the public domain, or those to which the Museum waives any copyright it might have images of works the Museum knows to be under copyright or other restrictions On February 7, 2017, The Metropolitan Museum of Art implemented a new policy known as Open Access, which makes images of artworks it believes to be in the public domain widely and freely available for unrestricted use, and at no cost, in accordance with the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) designation and the Terms and Conditions of this website. Images of Artworks in the Public Domain To identify these images, look for the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) icon ( ) directly below the image:

The Phoblographer - The Psychology of Creative Photography How to access a million stunning, copyright-free antique illustrations released by the British Library The odds are good that the US women’s gymnastics team will succeed today (Aug. 9) at defending their Olympic team title, starting at 3pm ET, with television viewing starting at 8pm in the US on NBC. The team finished qualifiers nearly 10 points ahead of second place China over the weekend. And while those scores will be scrapped during the finals, Team USA will certainly look to meet or top its performance. With a stacked team including Simone Biles, whose challenging routines are untouchable on the vault, floor, and beam, and four other talented gymnasts who are favored to win top scores in each event as well as a shaky start from rivals China and Russia, winning looks very plausible. Simone Biles floored audiences during the qualifiers over the weekend. All five Americans on the US team—Biles, 19, Aly Raisman, 22, Gabby Douglas, 20, Laurie Hernandez, 16, and Madison Kocian, 19—qualified for individual event finals, which start later in the week, according to Team USA.

Как настроить экспозицию на фотоаппарате. Примеры настройки фотоаппарата в ручном режиме А вы знаете, что для получения правильной экспозиции в любом режиме фотосъёмки, будь то полностью автоматический, полуавтоматический или полностью ручной режим фотографу (или фотоаппарату) нужно установить всего лишь три параметра - выдержку, диафрагму и чувствительность матрицы. Из всех функций и "наворотов" вашего фотоаппарата только эти три параметра влияют на экспозицию. Все вместе эти параметры часто называют "ТРЕМЯ КИТА ЭКСПОЗИЦИИ" Начнём изучение этих трёх параметров и их зависимости друг от друга по порядку. Почему фотография светлее или темнее чем нужно? Вы когда-нибудь видели, как пекут блинчики? Так-то оно так, но с той лишь разницей, что при увеличении времени освещения матрицы в отличие от блинчика или Так же, как и пере-жаренный или недо-жаренный блинчик, фотографии с неправильной экспозицией не следует никому показывать :о) Итак, мы установили, что чем больше света, тем ярче (светлее) цифровая фотография. Выдержка - главная настройка экспозиции Стандартный ряд ISO

The British Library Puts 1,000,000 Images into the Public Domain, Making Them Free to Reuse & Remix Earlier this week, Oxford's Bodleian Library announced that it had digitized a 550 year old copy of the Gutenberg Bible along with a number of other ancient bibles, some of them quite beautiful. Not to be outdone, the British Library came out with its own announcement on Thursday: We have released over a million images onto Flickr Commons for anyone to use, remix and repurpose. The librarians behind the project freely admit that they don't exactly have a great handle on the images in the collection. You can jump into the entire collection here, or view a set of highlights here. To learn more about this British Library initiative, read this other Open Culture post which takes a deeper dive into the image collection. Related Content: The Rijksmuseum Puts 125,000 Dutch Masterpieces Online, and Lets You Remix Its Art The Getty Puts 4600 Art Images Into the Public Domain (and There’s More to Come) The Digital Public Library of America Launches Today, Opening Up Knowledge for All
