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Key Words For Resume and Cover Letter Construction

Key Words For Resume and Cover Letter Construction

» Blog Archive » Calculate This! 100 Financial Calculators Every Entrepreneur Needs Calculate This! 100 Financial Calculators Every Entrepreneur Needs Thursday, July 14, 2011 at 1:27pm by Site Administrator By Eliza Morgan Many entrepreneurs don’t have the luxury of having a separate accounting department, instead doing their own number crunching. Business Operations Don’t get caught off guard by the unexpected financial pitfalls of owning a business. Loans Unless you’re bootstrapping it, or you’ve come into quite a financial windfall, it’s likely that your business will need a few loans to get up and running. Debt Management Don’t let your loans get out of hand. Business Debt Consolidation: Have multiple business credit cards or loans holding debt for your company? Investment Make your business and personal investment tracking easy with these investment calculators. Taxes Unfortunately, taxes are an inevitable part of any business’ day to day life. Personnel Make the business of doing your payroll easier with these free calculators. Personal Finance

22 Killer Personal Development Resources You're Missing Out On You’ve got the personal development itch once again. You know the feeling. Maybe you want to be more productive, finally tackle that goal of yours, or start waking up earlier. So you go to Google or your favorite personal development blogs. Maybe if you still haven’t found what you’re looking for you try searching for a Youtube video or ask your Facebook friends if they know of any good sites. And that’s it. Sometimes you find what you need, but you still have a sense that there’s got to be more. And that’s where you get stuck. Today I hope to change that by sharing with you 22 of the killer personal development resources you’re missing out on. 1. I know, you thought Reddit was just for gamers, atheists, and students – but that’s a misconception. 2. is a nifty personal development web application. 3. Lately, it seems there have been hundreds of eLearning websites popping up across the web. 4. 6. Stumbleupon is another excellent resource for personal development. 7. 8. 9. 10.

106 Excuses That Prevent You From Ever Becoming Great The following is a rare guest post, this time coming from Tommy Walker. Tommy Walker is an Online Marketing Strategist and host of “Inside the Mind” a fresh and entertaining video show about Internet Marketing Strategy. Be honest. On any given day, you have tasks you’d like to finish because you know they’d positively impact your business, and tasks you actually do. You trick yourself into thinking that keeping up with industry news, and reading the latest “10 tips to ______” post is “working”. You know better, but some part of you believes that simply reading the article will help you move forward. That having a deep understanding of all things online marketing will better position you when the time is right. But that time doesn’t come. Something is holding you back, and you can’t quite put your finger on it. You may have one excuse; you may have several. What follows are 106 of the most common excuses you might tell yourself. You don’t have the knowledge. “Google.” Spend time to find it. A.)

Top 40 Useful Sites To Learn New Skills The web is a powerful resource that can easily help you learn new skills. You just have to know where to look. Sure, you can use Google, Yahoo, or Bing to search for sites where you can learn new skills , but I figured I’d save you some time. Here are the top 40 sites I have personally used over the last few years when I want to learn something new. Hack a Day - Hack a Day serves up fresh hacks (short tutorials) every day from around the web and one in-depth ‘How-To hack’ guide each week.eHow - eHow is an online community dedicated to providing visitors the ability to research, share, and discuss solutions and tips for completing day-to-day tasks and projects.Wired How-To Wiki - Collaborate with Wired editors and help them build their extensive library of projects, hacks, tricks and tips.

50 Life Hacks to Simplify your World Life hacks are little ways to make our lives easier. These low-budget tips and trick can help you organize and de-clutter space; prolong and preserve your products; or teach you something (e.g., tie a full Windsor) that you simply did not know before. Most of these came from a great post on tumblr. There is also a great subreddit ‘r/lifehacks‘ with some fantastic tips as well. 20. Separate egg yolks like a boss 40. Sources – muxedo task: 99 Life Hacks to make your life easier! If you enjoyed this post, the Sifter highly recommends:

Web Hosting, Shared Web Hosting, Virtual Private Server, Dedicated Servers by DreamHost 45 Kick-Ass Resources for Online Entrepreneurs Few people talk about this great productivity tip… You will reach your goals faster and easier if you’re willing to learn from others. Using brilliant, well-crafted resources created specifically for online entrepreneurs improves your online productivity. Below I have a long list of resources, most of which I’ve used myself. The rest come highly recommended from my mentors and online business friends. Enjoy the list. I’ve arranged the resources from those helpful to beginners to those suited to more advanced entrepreneurs. The links to these resources are not affiliate links. Helpful from the word go… If you’re new to online business, you’ll find value in the following resources. 1. Before you can blog, collect email addresses or sell anything, you need a little piece of real estate on a reliable web server. 2. I’m hoping that no one laughs at this resource recommendation. 3. Today web design is easy. Productive Entrepreneur is running the Genesis framework and the Prose child theme. 4. 5.

100 Must See Interviews With the World's Most Successful Entrepreneurs At Under30CEO we think big. We recently published a list of our Top 50 Most Motivational People on the web and things got a little nuts. The article created incredible buzz all over the web and most importantly we fired up our audience to go out and make something happen. As young entrepreneurs it’s important that we keep swinging for the fences. Super successful investors like Ron Conway say they’d rather invest in an 18 year old Mark Zuckerberg than a 31 year old seasoned entrepreneur because the young Sean Parker types truly think the sky is the limit. The list below is the most incredible people to learn from as entrepreneurs and we intend to interview them all…somehow. Introducing our Top 100 Entrepreneurs to Learn from and their best interviews from around the web…1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.) 11.) 12.) 13.) 14.) 15.) 16.) 17.) 18.) 19.) 20.) 21.) 22.) 23.) 24.) 25.) 26.) 27.) 28.) 29.) 30.) 31.) 32.) 33.) 34.) 35.) 36.) 37.) 38.) 39.) 40.) 41.) 42.) 43.) 44.) 45.)

46 Ways To Start A Business With No Money Most people who want to start their own business don’t have a ton of money laying around and it’s probably one the most common questions I get emailed about: How can I get started without a lot of cash? Well I’ve put together a list below of the best ideas I’ve heard and personally used. I hope you find it useful! The three basic strategies to starting a business without much money are: Delay the normal “business starting” activities like incorporating, hiring, renting office or retail space, etc until AFTER your business has started earning money. Start With The Easy Stuff: Eliminate Expenses Don’t rent an office! Legal Stuff and Incorporating Make a website for your business Don’t pay a premium for a top end domain name, there are plenty of good ones leftTest out your ideas by writing to a blog, you’ll get feedback on what people like and don’t likeGet a free business website at or Getting a Logo Don’t hire a fancy graphic designer. Accepting Credit Cards

Chocolate Covered Grasshoppers: An Example of a Viral Re-Brand A few days ago, Lisa Barone wrote an article about the need to tell your story about your business, using social media tools. One of the examples she mentioned was the re-branding of virtual switchboard and voice mail services provider, GotVMail, to Grasshopper. She noted: “Earlier this week, 5,000 influential marketers were sent chocolate covered grasshoppers to snack on and blog about. The grasshoppers were blogged, tweeted, and linked to all over the Web. I happened to be one of those so-called “influential marketers” who received a package of the chocolate-covered grasshoppers. The office mail clerk (ahem… my husband) announced it came from a company called Grasshopper. Here’s a close-up of the package of chocolate-covered grasshoppers. The package label sends you to a URL where you can watch a video, at I will tell you that the grasshoppers are seriously lumpy in that package. I won’t be eating them though. Rob, there may be something to that.

100 of the Most Inspiring Business Videos on YouTube YouTube is filled with inspirational videos of all types, including those created by businesses or individuals looking to inspire others to succeed. Let’s look at 100 of the most inspiring business videos ever placed on this site. Great Inspirational Tips for Business Success Take a look at these cool business inspiration clips. 1. 9 Steps to Achieve Any Goal – Isn’t it great to know that you can make your business and personal dreams come true in nine steps? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Home Business Inspiration Starting a home business can be a scary prospect. 16. – Awesome inspiration to create your own work-from-home business. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Humorous Business Inspiration Sometimes a good laugh can be all the business inspiration you need, especially when that laugh is related to business! 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Inspirational Business Quotes and Poems 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.

$40 Reward for A Paid Freelance Writing Job I am currently traveling across the USA for two years in my Airstream. I am a writer who is looking for freelance writing gigs (blogs/magazines/websites) To win this reward, you will must put me in touch with a potential client and I must be offered at least one (1) paid assignment. Palari Publishing in Richmond, VA. It's a small but very prevalent company in the area, and they frequently seek writers for their publications, which vary from athletics to local events. I was an unpaid intern for them many years ago and even as an inexper... If you are qualified, and submit an appropriate writing sample, is a good way to go. Hi Dennis, It's me again, Deborah Ryan.
