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In Over Your Head

bebidas (Rendimiento: 1 litro, aprox) Tiempo de preparación: 2 horas Ingredientes: · 2 L de leche pasteurizada. · 1 ½ tazas de azúcar · 1 ½ tazas de ron (320 ml) ó ½ taza de alcohol puro de caña (130 ml). · 9 yemas de huevo · 5 cucharadas soperas de vainilla · 8 cucharadas cafeteras de fécula de maíz · 1 cucharada sopera de bicarbonato de sodio · 2 rajas de canela · Nuez moscada (la punta de una cuchara cafetera, opcional) · 4 clavos enteros (opcional) Utensilios: · Olla de peltre o acero inoxidable con capacidad de 3 L · Pala de madera o cuchara de acero inoxidable · Taza (de preferencia medidora) · Cuchara sopera · Batidora o tenedor · Recipiente con capacidad de ½ L (puede ser un vaso grande) · Colador de orificio pequeño · Embudo · Botella vacía y limpia, previamente esterilizada con capacidad de 1 L Procedimiento: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Envasado y conservación: Se vacía el ron o el alcohol de caña en la botella previamente esterilizada, con ayuda del embudo y después el rompope. Caducidad: Aporte nutrimental: Beneficios:

7 Levels of Social Media Engagement There are seven stages to social media engagement from shallow monitoring to deep peer to peer economies. How deep is the rabbit hole of social media? Is your organisation doing the minimum they can do, or are they quite advanced? I put together this diagram to show the steps from shallow engagement such as just monitoring to full engagement including co-creating products and services. Stage Zero - What is Social Media? Doesn’t know, doesn’t care about social media. Stage One – Internal and Enterprise approach to Social Media Social Media means “waste of time” – Facebook and Twitter are blocked at the firewall because we don’t want people wasting time on social networks, even on their lunch break. There are plans to set up an internal blog, wiki, collaborative knowledge management system, Yammer. Stage Two: Social Media Monitoring and Eavesdropping At this point, the company has confused listening with engaging. Stage Three: Social Media as a Broadcast- Out medium What do you think?

The Minimalists | Meditations on strategy and life THE WORLD QUESTION CENTER 2011— Page 1 GEORGE LAKOFF Cognitive Scientist and Linguist; Richard and Rhoda Goldman Distinguished Professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics, UC Berkeley; Author, The Political Mind Conceptual Metaphor Conceptual Metaphor is at the center of a complex theory of how the brain gives rise to thought and language, and how cognition is embodied. All concepts are physical brain circuits deriving their meaning via neural cascades that terminate in linkage to the body. That is how embodied cognition arises. Primary metaphors are brain mappings linking disparate brain regions, each tied to the body in a different way. Complex conceptual metaphors arise via neural bindings, both across metaphors and from a given metaphor to a conceptual frame circuit. Because conceptual metaphors unconsciously structure the brain's conceptual system, much of normal everyday thought is metaphoric, with different conceptual metaphors used to think with on different occasions or by different people. The science is clear.

pastas para modelado -250gr de cola vinílica-500gr de fécula de maíz-4 cucharadas de glicerina-Media taza de agua caliente-2 cucharaditas de formól al 5% 1. Colocar la fécula de maíz en un recipiente de teflón o enlozado, incorporar luego la cola vinílica revolviendo con una cuchara de madera para disolver los grumos.2. Agregar dos cucharadas de glicerina mezclada en el agua caliente y seguir revolviendo hasta obtener una consistencia cremosa.3. 3. Colocar a fuego suave, directo, si se trabaja en teflón y a baño maría si el recipiente es enlozado. Revolver continuamente de 10 a 15 minutos hasta que espese, si es un recipiente de teflón 10 a 15 minutos y si es enlozado de 20 a 25 minutos.4. -La masa de porcelana fría reduce su tamaño al secarse. Masa porcelana fría (2) Ingredientes * 2 Tazas de cola vinílica.* 2 Tazas de fécula de maíz.* 1 Taza de benzoato de sodio.* 1 Cda. de vinagre blanco.* 2 Cdas. de vaselina.* 4 Cdas. de glicerina. Desarrollo 1. Masa porcelana fría (3)

5 Social Media Lessons Learned from Whole Foods As a company, Whole Foods has impressively embraced social media more than most, gathering over 1.2 million followers on Twitter and 123,000 fans on Facebook in the process. While it is easy to understand why a relatively young company or one started by a tech-savvy founder would so completely embrace social media communication tools, it is quite a bit more remarkable for an almost 30 year old established brick and mortar company with roughly 50,000 employees and over 270 stores worldwide to have done so. I recently visited the Whole Foods headquarters in Austin, Texas to meet with members of their new media team, including Bill Tolany, the company’s Senior Coordinator of Integrated Media, and Winnie Hsia, who oversees the @wholefoods account. 1. To address this, they encouraged their stores to start their own accounts and tweet about events at their store and news related to that local area. 2. 3. 4. 5. My visit to the Whole Foods headquarter came at an interesting time. Conclusion

Johnny Webber | It’s November, and Christmas is right around the corner. Luckily, I’m here to help you get your shopping done early, and there is no need to even leave your couch. Here are ten websites that aggregate useful, funny, and amazing products just waiting to be bought (Disclaimer: most of these websites run off of Amazon affiliate links, not that that affects your price in any way): 1. Every crazy, absurd, and hilarious product the web has to offer can be found at Find thousands of novelty and gimmick items here. 2. Uncrate is the leading buyer’s guide for men. 3. Gear Patrol is a gathering place for guys hell bent on making the most of their time on planet Earth in the 21st century. 4. happens to be one of my websites. 5. If you are a visual learner, then this is the site for you. 6. So what the hell happens after all those Kickstarter projects get funded? 8. 10.

American Action Report What the science of human nature can teach us After the boom and bust, the mania and the meltdown, the Composure Class rose once again. Its members didn’t make their money through hedge-fund wizardry or by some big financial score. Theirs was a statelier ascent. They got good grades in school, established solid social connections, joined fine companies, medical practices, and law firms. Wealth settled down upon them gradually, like a gentle snow. You can see a paragon of the Composure Class having an al-fresco lunch at some bistro in Aspen or Jackson Hole. A few times a year, members of this class head to a mountain resort, carrying only a Council on Foreign Relations tote bag (when you have your own plane, you don’t need luggage that actually closes). Occasionally, you meet a young, rising member of this class at the gelato store, as he hovers indecisively over the cloudberry and ginger-pomegranate selections, and you notice that his superhuman equilibrium is marred by an anxiety. Help comes from the strangest places. Ms.

Receta casera de crema adelgazante para reducir la grasa de la panza :: Adelgazante casero para bajar la panza A pesar de las dietas para bajar de peso y el ejercicio para adelgazar, puede que el espejo te devuelva implacable, una imagen en traje de baño, que no es aún la que esperas ver. Si no logras reducir esa grasa rebelde que se deposita en la panza, antes de recurrir a la liposucción, esta receta casera de crema adelgazante puede ser la solución ideal para reducir la grasa abdominal. Pruébala y verás. Si tienes kilos de más, lo mejor es que recurras a los remedios caseros para perder peso , entre los que encontrarás muy buenas ideas de infusiones y zumos para adelgazar, como así también alimentos, plantas y frutas , que te ayudarán a bajar de peso. Receta de crema reductora casera Ingredientes yodo blanco para uso externo, 1 cda. crema para el cuerpo con suficiente consistencia. Algunos articulos relacionados que te pueden interesar: Piel grasa Útil:

RT @HarvardBiz Five Tips for Smarter Social Networking #socialnetworking #socialmedia by John Hagel III and John Seely Brown | 8:00 AM January 31, 2011 We are all trying to figure out how to get more value from online social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Most of us are just skimming the surface in terms of the potential these networks offer us as individuals. To realize this potential, we need to become more active orchestrators of our social networks, setting the tone and drawing out others. Practices are still evolving, but here is some brief, and often contrarian, advice that comes from our decades of experience studying networks and the way people act within them: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Of course, individuals should tailor this advice to the specific circumstances of their work and employers. Come to think of it, we framed this advice with individuals in mind, but it applies just as much to institutions. What do you think?

Ta-Nehisi Coates - Authors On Monday, 66-year old Joan Tarshis accused Bill Cosby of raping her. Tarshis says the attack took place in 1969, when she was 19 and working as comedy writer: ... [H]e told me that he wanted to work on a monologue together, and I had an idea for something about an earthquake that had just happened. It was my first earthquake. Tarshis is the fifth woman to publicly accuse Bill Cosby of raping her. Perhaps it is not fair for a journalist to consider, or even publicize, anonymous allegations of criminal activity. Most of these allegations came after Constand sued Cosby in civil court. A defense of Cosby requires that one believe that several women have decided to publicly accuse one of the most powerful men in recent Hollywood history of a crime they have no hope of seeing prosecuted, and for which they are seeking no damages. I spent parts of 2006 and 2007 following Bill Cosby around the country. The author of this moment is Bill Cosby. It was not enough.

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