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Cosplay Tutorial - Tutorial List

Cosplay Tutorial - Tutorial List

Inception: Jeffrey Kurland Costume Q&A | Clothes on Film Perhaps the most mind-churning mainstream film of recent years, Inception is testament to the power of great costume design. Not only does it look sumptuous, thanks to all those 3 pc suits and silk ties, but because of costume designer Jeffrey Kurland and director Christopher Nolan’s commitment to clothing serving an implicit function, Inception is at least partially decipherable by what the characters wear. The screen is filled with costume clues to interpret. Jeffrey Kurland has been costume designer on thirty seven feature films, including Ocean’s Eleven (2001) and Collateral (2004), though Inception is his first collaboration with Chris Nolan. Clothes on Film, Chris: Was it your intention to give each character a signature look, e.g. Jeffrey Kurland: I set out, as I always do, to design all of the costumes for Inception to best serve the emotional and physical needs of each of the characters. Tom Hardy’s watch as Eames was an antique piece. With thanks to Jeffrey Kurland.

Geek Crafts | Where geek and crafts collide Kimono Flea Market Ichiroya Fashioning Technology: A DIY Intro to Smart Crafting (Craft: Projects) (9780596514372): Syuzi Pakhchyan MiLadys' Wardrobe xx
