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Murphy's Law Calculator

Murphy's Law Calculator
Murphy's Law Calculator From a formula for * Sod's Law provided by British Gas: ((U+C+I) x (10-S))/20 x A x 1/(1-sin(F/10)) "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong!" Find out in advance whether you will be able to successfully repair your VCR, get to a meeting on time, impress your date, or be a success at any activity whatsoever ! Score: 21.794 Risk Factor: 64967.6 You are bound to screw up at least once ! You can minimize your risk by reducing the urgency (planning ahead) You can minimize your risk by simplifying the task You can minimize your risk by having a backup plan (redundant circuitry, alternate route etc.) British Gas commissioned Dr David Lewis, a chartered psychologist; Dr Keylan Leyser, an economist and business consultant; and Philip Obadya, a mathematician, to devise the formula. Murphy's Law Links: Note: Murphy's Law has long been known in the UK as "Sod's Law". Related:  Idleness

Christian festival to be moved to avoid clash with Christmas The organisers of a worldwide Christian festival have announced that they are to choose an alternative date for the event. ‘We accept that in hindsight choosing 25th December was a mistake,’ said chief spokesman for Christianity, God. ‘Originally we thought that it would be a great time to have the festival – practically everyone’s off work for Christmas and the schools are closed. We thought it would give everyone plenty of time to go to church to celebrate the birth of Christ the Lord your Saviour, but in reality people are far too busy eating too much, getting pissed, trying to cop off at office parties and watching the My Family Christmas special. We really need a quieter time of year for our celebrations.’ God admitted that the problem started from no-one knowing exactly when Jesus was born. Leading supporter of Christmas, Santa Claus, a long time critic of the Christians’ efforts to weaken the mass commercialisation message of Christmas, welcomed the news.

Be Burlesque | Le site que les pin-ups adorent ! EU to bury Britain in undisclosed North Sea location The European Union today announced that it had given a traditional North Sea burial to its troublesome former member state, the United Kingdom. The move follows political and health concerns about the rotting corpse of the country’s Eurosceptic government being on public display in the House of Commons yesterday. ‘At first we thought it was right to preserve the remains of the Conservative-led government and make them available for public viewing,’ said a smirking Nicolas Sarkozy. In a solemn ceremony this morning, EU member states rowed the UK out to sea and tipped it overboard into an unmarked watery grave. Click to send this story to a friend Posted: Oct 25th, 2011 by Long Distance Clara Tagged as: Cameron, EU, Eurosceptic, Sarkozy, spoof news Click for more stories about: News In Brief

Le lâcher prise : un renoncement ou un moyen de se dépasser ? - Pion Paul-Henri Pourtant, le lâcher prise est attaché au développement de la personne et même au développement spirituel et associer développement et farniente est antinomique. Si l’homme a besoin de se sentir acteur de sa vie, alors le lâcher prise doit être une action, ce ne peut être un renoncement. Rappelons nous en effet en toute chose que l’homme est sujet à trois phénomènes caractéristiques des organismes vivants : l’activité, le repos et l’évolution. Le premier aspect, l’activité, est le syndrome inverse de celui de la pile Wonder : « la pile Wonder ne s’use que si l’on s’en sert » selon le slogan publicitaire bien connu. Un organisme, pour sa part, ne s’use que si l’on ne s’en sert pas. En fait, il s’atrophie. Le second aspect, le repos, est déterminent pour les périodes d’activité. Le troisième aspect, l’évolution, est le vaste procédé d’essais-erreurs dont nous sommes issus. Lâcher prise devient alors indispensable.

Scientists baffled as First Capital Connect train arrives before it should Britain’s rail operators, the entire scientific community and 1,439 passengers were in shock today as First Capital Connect published tentative proof of their Brighton to Bedford service arriving at London Bridge 20 seconds before it was meant to. Bill Gosbee, a spokesperson for the company, says they were as surprised as everyone else when one of their trains breached the supposedly unbreakable ‘On-Time Barrier’; a key extrapolation from Thatcher’s First Law of Privatisation. ‘I can assure everyone we weren’t trying to achieve this result. We’ve done this thousands of times and have never seen any evidence that OT, let alone faster-than-OT, travel was possible.’ Physicist, Brian Cox, is, for one, excited at the possibilities and took time to comment on the rail operator’s findings from the top of a dormant volcano in French Polynesia whilst being filmed by a circling helicopter. Tim O’Toole, CEO for First Capital Connect’s parent company, FirstGroup plc, has embraced the findings.

17 Web Toys for Your Procrastination Pleasure Sometimes you need to take a break from work and just veg out by doing something mindless and pleasant. TV or a game of solitaire is good for that, but both require a set time commitment. There are hundreds of alternatives on the internet in the form of web toys. These are sites that offer strange visuals, often interactive visuals, that require no real mental effort but might bring a smile to your face for a while. Vector Park has some great toys and games, some of which are harder to figure out than others. Ooh, cosmic! Staggering Beauty is a web page that comes with an epilepsy warning. Silk is an interactive drawing program (with music) in which you weave patterns of silky wisps of smoke across the screen to create horizontally-mirrored art. Sometimes you'd like to draw with many lines at the same time. Have you ever made colored sand sculptures in a glass jar? RGB is pretty simple. Cat Bounce shows you bouncing cats. Koalas to the Max is a classic that you may have played before.

LE DEMOTIVATIONAL POSTER, ICONE DE L’INDUSTRIE AMERICAINE DU LOL Pris dans sa globalité, le web français est un peu gros chat que sa maitresse aurait trop gavé de viandes en sauce. Il a du mal à bouger son gros cul, il est très prévisible et n’est franchement pas très marrant. L’inverse d’un LOLcat quoi. Moi je vous dis ça comme ça mais dans le fond j’en ai un peu rien à foutre que les gens soient sinistres. En fait, c’est surtout Vincent Glad que ça chiffonne. A l’origine du monde, il y avait le Motivational Poster, une affiche de quasi-propagande qui trônait crânement dans les bureaux ou les écoles et dont le propos était de pousser les gens à s’améliorer ou au moins à repenser certains de leurs comportements ou de leurs acquis. Le concept, d’une simplicité enfantine, respecte malgré tout quelques codes inamovibles: un cadre noir, une image, un titre en majuscule et un sarcasme en minuscule directement inspiré de l’image. 1 – Les Demotivational Posters « Mauvais Esprit »: 2 – Les Demotivational Posters « Hédonistes »: C’est clair nan?

Why Procrastinators Procrastinate PDF: We made a fancy PDF of this post for printing and offline viewing. Buy it here. (Or see a preview.) pro-cras-ti-na-tion |prəˌkrastəˈnāSHən, prō-| noun the action of delaying or postponing something: your first tip is to avoid procrastination. Who would have thought that after decades of struggle with procrastination, the dictionary, of all places, would hold the solution. Avoid procrastination. While we’re here, let’s make sure obese people avoid overeating, depressed people avoid apathy, and someone please tell beached whales that they should avoid being out of the ocean. No, “avoid procrastination” is only good advice for fake procrastinators—those people that are like, “I totally go on Facebook a few times every day at work—I’m such a procrastinator!” The thing that neither the dictionary nor fake procrastinators understand is that for a real procrastinator, procrastination isn’t optional—it’s something they don’t know how to not do. Pretty normal, right? Notice anything different?

How to Do Nothing with Nobody All Alone by Yourself: A Timely Vintage Field Guide to Self-Reliant Play and Joyful Solitude by Maria Popova A celebration of makers and hackers from half a century before they were called makers and hackers. Legendary psychoanalyst Adam Phillips has written beautifully about why the capacity for boredom is essential for a full life and Susan Sontag contemplated the creative purpose of boredom. In 1958, a self-described 42-year-old kid named Robert Paul Smith penned a little book titled How to Do Nothing with Nobody All Alone by Yourself (public library), which his wife Elinor, an accomplished author herself, illustrated — a delightful field guide to hacking household objects and making mischievous contraptions from nature’s gifts, long before the rise of hacker culture and the modern Maker Movement. With a wink — perhaps inadvertent — to the existential value of philosophy, Smith writes: I understand some people get worried about kids who spend a lot of time all alone, by themselves. Indoor boomerang: 'Get a piece of very thin cardboard. There is also subtle, charming humor:
