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READ :,Someone has stolen (a dérobé) your recipe and you must find it to be a candidate for the competition "Junior Kédange Chefs" organised by your English teacher Miss Araujo,AN ESCAPE GAME : the stolen recipecreated by Miss D. Araujo,objectives : discover Jamie Oliver, learn new words and how to express quantities or ask questions, understand a recipe,Who is this man ?,ingredients and utensils,STEP 1 : learn your vocabulary,Watch the video, then test your memory with Quizlet,do the exercise about the vocabulary, note down the clue at the end,STEP 2,Watch Buddy, Jamie Oliver's son and his recipe,STEP 3,learn your grammar,STEP 4,HOW MUCH / HOW MANY,Note down the letter given at the end,2 activities to get a new letter,les quantifieurs / some et any,double click here to have a bigger picture,FINAL STEP 5,b.

Related:  Escape Game interactifsNews

Black Lives Matter and Rap by Béatrice Guillemard ac Montpellier on Black Rap Power,Hip hop and the fight of African-American people for their rights.,,Read everything carefully then click wherever you need to.,La création et le rapport aux arts - Le passé dans le présent / Art et pouvoir,We've just arrived in Time Square in Manhattan. FANTASTIC BEASTS - ESCAPE GAME tart Isabelle Beaubreuil (Ac. Limoges) Dear No-Maj, I must go back to New York City but this time I'm not taking my suitcase with me.That's why I need your help!Can you take care of my fantastic animals while I'm away? 6 Q’S ABOUT THE NEWS - The Learning Network Blog Photo In “Jerome Jarre: The Making of a Vine Celebrity,” Nick Bilton writes about how a 20-something with $400 to his name became an international celebrity through social media. WHO is Jerome Jarre? WHAT is Vine? HOW many followers does Mr.

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