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50 Sophisticated Words You Should Start Using Instead - Online College

50 Sophisticated Words You Should Start Using Instead - Online College
Your New Year's resolutions might have included getting more exercise, or going back to school to get your degree. Might we humbly suggest you also take this time of starting things anew by phasing out some of the played-out words in your vocabulary and replacing them with creative alternatives? Don’t feel bad; everyone you know has been guilty of letting a "fail" or an "LOL" slip at least once in a while. Cyber Substitutes Supreme: Epic doesn’t mean what you think it means. Better Buzzwords Donjon: Men, have you been relegated to a small segment of the house referred to as your "man cave?" Underage Upgrades Alas: "Oh, snap" is so out. Professional Pick-me-ups Demiurgic: "Innovative" is the second-most overused resume filler word. Romantic Retools Cherish: Take a lesson from The Association and discover another way to say "I love you." Dignified Descriptors Atrocious: You spilled your coffee, broke a shoelace, smeared the lipstick on your face. January 17th, 2012 written by Staff Writers

Free Classic AudioBooks. Digital narration for the 21st Century 15 Facts to Share During Braille Literacy Month Every January, the visually impaired and legally blind, their loved ones, and their advocates (many of which sit in one or more of these demographics) recognize Braille Literacy Month. As one can probably ascertain from the title, participants hope to stoke the dwindling use of the revolutionary reading system. Audio technology may have curbed Braille usage in the classroom and workplace, but that doesn’t dilute its significance or usefulness any, of course. Educating oneself and the rest of the populace about visual impairments, blindness, and the reality of Braille marks the best strategy for promoting its prolificacy. Braille is not a language Actually, nearly every widely-spoken language out there sports its own Braille system: it isn’t relegated exclusively to English.

Why I am an Atheist In 1903, Kentucky-based newspaper "Blue-grass Blade" asked its readers to write in and contribute to a forthcoming feature named, "Why I am An Atheist." Hundreds of letters soon arrived and many were subsequently reprinted in the paper; over a century later, in 2011, they were compiled to form the book, Letters from an Atheist Nation. Below is just one of the letters. It was written by Minnie Parrish, a 23-year-old divorced mother of four who later went on to become the first female doctor to practice in North Texas. (Source: Letters from an Atheist Nation.) Why am I an AtheistBecause it has dawned upon me that it is right to be so, and upon investigation I find no real evidence of the divine origin of the scriptures.

10 Diets That May Do More Harm Than Good Trying to shed that beer gut? Want to fit in to that little black dress? Be it hundreds of pounds or just a few ounces, most people are trying, in some form or fashion, to shed some extra weight. The formula is simple: the number of calories taken in should be less than the calories out. Couple that with a healthy lifestyle that includes plenty of water and some exercise, and almost anyone can look and feel great. The Cigarette-Popcorn-Whiskey Diet In his 2006 autobiography, My Life In and Out of the Rough, be-gutted PGA golfer John Daly lost 65 pounds in less than a year on a diet of cigarettes, popcorn, and whiskey. The Sleeping Pill Diet Also called the Sleeping Beauty Diet, this fad popularized in the 1970s.

10 Books You ABSOLUTELY MUST READ If You Are Tired Of Being Broke (No Self-Help Rah-Rah Bullshit) 1. Buffettology: The Proven Techniques for Investing Successfully in Changing Markets That Have Made Warren Buffett the World's Most Famous Investor I NEVER buy books on stock market. And neither should you. 2. Words That Sell lists the words and phrases that stimulate sales, grouping them in a logical, easy-to-find manner. 3. Guy Kawasaki wrote the best book on startups. 4. This book is a fascinating journey into the meaning of truth, lies and BS. 5. The title might sound cheesy, but the book really does share insights on what affluent, and successful really mean. 6. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, for a multitude of reasons. 7. If you’ve been a regular fan like I have of frenetic sales guru Jeffrey Gitomer’s columns in the Business Journal, you’ll want to grab his infamous power book on selling, The Little Red Book of Selling. 8. I've read a lot of great books, but this one is the one is truly unique. 9. 10.

9 Movies That Never Should’ve Become Musicals Music has charms to soothe the savage beast (or breast, if you're going with the correct but weirder version of the saying), but these movies-turned-musicals have the power to have us plugging our ears and rolling our eyes. While many films have transitioned well to the stage, like Monty Python and the Holy Grail adaptation Spamalot, as well as The Producers, many others have failed to live up to the success the movie experienced. Some words are just better left unsung. Spiderman Fine, this started as a comic book, not a movie, but the stage version, called Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, mimicked the popular film franchise. A lot of musicals try to cash in on the success and nostalgia factor a certain movie had with audiences.

Authorama - Public Domain Books 10 Things to Remember When Buying or Selling a Used Car Buying a used car, even one that is just a couple of years old, can save you thousands over the price of a new model. Selling your car on your own has many advantages for both you the seller and for your the buyer. Whether buying or selling, there are steps you should take in advance to make sure your experience is a rewarding one. When buying Determine where or from whom you want to buy a used car Do you want to work with a dealership or private owner? When selling Consider your options for financing Cash down isn't always possible when purchasing a car.

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I am going to actively try to utilize these words now.. by joshthecloud Jul 16
