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Starting Your First Blog? 29 Tips, Tutorials and Resources for New Bloggers

Starting Your First Blog? 29 Tips, Tutorials and Resources for New Bloggers

30 façons de promouvoir vos articles de blog Le quotidien du blogueur n’est pas de tout repos. Au-delà de l’inspiration et des qualités rédactionnelles qui conditionnent sa faculté à proposer des articles pertinents, celui-ci doit redoubler d’efforts pour véhiculer ses idées auprès d’un maximum de lecteurs et ainsi accroître son audience. Aujourd’hui, de nombreux moyens permettant de concrétiser ces objectifs existent. On pense par exemple aux flux RSS et bien évidemment au référencement qui reste fondamental dans le cadre de toute stratégie visant une croissance à long terme. Mais, en ce qui concerne le premier de ces deux outils, encore faut-il avoir préalablement séduit un nombre conséquent de visiteurs pour pouvoir en profiter. Ce qui par ailleurs est également valable pour la newsletter encore beaucoup utilisée à ce jour. C’est pourquoi tout blogueur quel qu’il soit ne peut se passer des médias sociaux pour générer du trafic sur son site. Source :

How to Become a Freelance Hard-Ass and Get Paid What You’re Worth 9inShare40 Want to learn how to turn your passion into a revenue-generating business and make an impact? Join Brazen Careerist for an innovative online bootcamp for aspiring entrepreneurs called The Big Idea, March 6-31. One of the big challenges of launching your career as a freelancer is figuring out how much to charge – and convincing potential clients you’re worth that amount. Do you start at $15/hour? About five years ago — maybe one year before the recession hit — I quit my full-time job in book publishing to go full-time freelance. But as thrilling as the switch from nylons to bunny slippers was, building up a strong client base was tough, and I struggled for years to figure out how much I was worth — and how to find editors willing to pay it. When the recession happened, I realized I had to diversify, so I got my career coaching certification. In both cases, I was afraid. I suppose that last question was at the crux of it all, especially in the case of my coaching practice. 1. 2.

12 trucs à faire une fois un article publié sur son blog via Tenir un blog n’est pas forcément évident. Toutefois, ce format reste un excellent exercice d’écriture dans le temps. Je prend mon exemple : avant de commencer à publier sur mon blog, je ne m’imaginais pas prendre autant de plaisir à le faire. Pourtant, c’est une aventure qui dure et qui est valorisante. Le défi de la tenue d’un blog est à tenter, quelque soit le sujet et les objectifs. Il existe bon nombre de recettes miracles pour rédiger des articles et qu’ils soient lus. L’infographie en fin d’article reprend 12 points-clés à mettre en place à chaque publication de vos productions. 1. C’est une étape qui apparaît comme indispensable, toutefois, à mon sens, vous devez vous forcer à être naturel lors de la rédaction. Écrivez comme l’attendent vos lecteurs : de façon simple, directe et efficace. 2. Pris en charge naturellement par de nombreux CMS, le flux RSS reste souvent un grand mystère pour beaucoup d’internautes : à quoi sert-il ? Trouvez la méthode de diffusion qui vous ressemble.

10 Social Media Tips for Bloggers Liz Borod Wright, a freelance writer based in New York City, runs the popular travel blog, Travelogged. She is also a social media consultant and an adjunct for social media at Columbia Journalism School’s continuing education program. When it comes to building an audience and driving traffic, bloggers are turning to social media with record results. Instead of relying on organic search or (gasp) IRL friends, successful bloggers know they have to develop a following on key social networks as a way to promote their brands and ultimately get more clicks. Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon and now Pinterest provide the savvy blogger with plenty of opportunities to attract new readers and engage with regulars, but it can be overwhelming if you’re new to social media or if you only use it for fun. Here are 10 tips to help bloggers navigate the increasingly complex world of social media — while still making time to write content. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. - Comprendre Le Guest-Blogging Which Blogging Platform Should I Use? Joomla is primarily a CMS, which, as a side option, may also double as a blog. Wordpress is the other way around. Its primarily a blogging platform, and additionally, with a few hackles, may double up as a CMS. I'm with you on absolutely HATING WordPress. Many sites are misinforming users and stating that WordPress is a good CMS - WRONG! Yes, there are countless plugins and things to make WP into a fully fledged CMS, but it's a blogging platform. Yes, there is a ton of help to solve most issues with those plugins and customizing WP. I'd tried Joomla, Drupal, and well over a dozen others. I have been using ExpressionEngine for several years now. For blogging, I DO encourage people to try WP. For building a complex site where any data can be content and a chronologically styled blog style is not desired, then EE is what I use and recommend to my clients. EDIT > add: Everyone loves free and open source.

Scribens. Correcteur d'orthographe et de grammaire en ligne Scribens est un correcteur en ligne gratuit qui permet de détecter et de comprendre les principales erreurs orthographiques et grammaticales. La plupart des logiciels de traitement de texte proposent un correcteur orthographique par défaut, il constitue une aide, mais la plupart du temps, il ne suffit pas. Les utilisateurs exigeants se tournent alors volontiers vers des correcteurs professionnels comme Antidote ou encore Pro Lexis. Mais ces solutions puissantes ont deux défauts majeurs, ils sont liés à une installation sur une machine et vous n’y avez plus accès dès que vous changez d’ordinateur, et puis il y a aussi leur prix. Scribens est lui gratuit et s’utilise dans le cloud. Scribens va en moins de deux secondes parcourir votre texte et surligner en rouge les fautes d’orthographe, en vert celles de grammaire, en bleu les erreurs typo et enfin en jaune il vous signalera les passages à vérifier. Un outil honnête et sans fioritures qui pourra se révéler utile en bien des occasions.

26 Tips for Writing Great Blog Posts Do you blog? Feel like you’re trying to reinvent the wheel time and again? Looking for some ideas to simplify your content creation process? What follows are 26 tips, from A-Z, to help you create optimal blog posts every time you sit down to write. #1: Anatomically Correct A blog post contains several areas that require our attention and care. Eye-catching titleIn-text links to landing pagesSidebar/banner calls to actionSocial sharing buttonsCall to action at the bottomRelevancy—making sure the post is relevant from top to bottom Parts of the blog anatomy. Example of more anatomical parts to include in your blog posts. #2: Blogging Platform By knowing the ins and outs of your blogging platform, you’ll ensure that your posts look as good as they can. Whether you’re working in platforms such as WordPress, Tumblr or Posterous, it’s good to stay up to date on the features and new versions. WordPress' editor where you can toggle between visual and HTML editing functions. #3: Categories #4: Description

Eric Delcroix How to use Pinterest Chances are you've heard of Pinterest, the latest Web addiction for millions. If you haven't heard of it, find the nearest twenty- or thirtysomething woman. She'll likely know what's up and can tell you all about it. If she can stop pinning. Pinterest is a visual bulletin board for the Web. These images are grouped together on a user's page, creating an inspiration board of ideas. Pinterest has been around for almost two years, but has seen a meteoric rise in interest over the last couple of months. STORY: Pinterest stands out in crowded social media field To get you on the right track, here are things to know about Pinterest. Understanding the terms — Pin: A pin is an image added to Pinterest. —Repin: Once something is pinned, it can then be repinned by other Pinterest users. —Board: This is where your pins live. How to get an account Pinterest technically is still open to invited users only. How to follow Just like on other social networks, you build a list of people to follow on Pinterest.

Blog SEO AxeNet Email Notifications Getting Out of Control? Zap 'em With This Handy Tool The last time you cleaned out your inbox, how many of those emails were auto-generated notifications from social networks and other websites? Unless you're particularly aggressive about turning off default notifications, it was probably more than a few. You've been meaning to get around to going through and changing all those settings, but - oh hey, hang on, there's another email. Editing the notification settings on a few big Web services doesn't sound like a big deal, and in reality it's not. It's with this very basic, but nonetheless undeniable reality in mind that one teenaged entrepreneurial duo set out to create Notification Control. Yes, that's it. Notification Control is the brainchild of Ben Lang and Tim Kendall, both of whom are in their late teens.

What Does It Take To Be a Social Strategist? [INFOGRAPHIC] Looking to break into a social media career? Here's pretty much everything you need to know about the job and the people who do it every day. Nearly 80% of corporations use social media, so there's plenty of opportunity for aspiring strategists — especially as the other 20% get on board. Step 1: Get a Twitter account — 100% of social media managers represented in the survey have one, and you have to know the lay of the land if you're going to innovate and build a brand on said land. Step 2: Be ready to wear many hats. Want to know if you're cut out for it? Every week we post a list of social media and web job opportunities. SEO Manager at TIG Global in Chevy Chase, MDProject Manager at OMD in New YorkWeb Developer at Design at Work in Houston Infographic courtesy of Web Strategist and Voltier Creative

Starting in Social Media? The 5 P’s of a Perfect Program So you are new in this Social Media revolution. You may or may not have been an innovator or early adapter – or perhaps you are still cautiously implementing Social Media into your business. This article isn't going to convince you WHY to use Social Media, but rather teach you HOW to best use it. Create your Perfect Program with your plan, position, platform, people and performance. The 5 P’s of a Perfect Program - Social Media Success: PLAN: Social Media Strategy Prior proper planning prevents piss poor performance. Establish goals (recruiting, training, client interaction, PR, branding, education, culture, etc.) POSITION: What’s Your Point? Differentiate your content Become the expert in your industry Link, link, link! PLATFORMS: Tools and Tactics Over 350 mediums for sharing online – how do you have the time for all that?! PEOPLE: Internal and External Audiences Once you have a strategy and Social Media functionality figured out, what is next? PERFORMANCE: Return On Investment? Connect:
