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20 Beauty Uses of Vaseline - A Girl's Best Friend

20 Beauty Uses of Vaseline - A Girl's Best Friend

Fresh Face: What Your Acne Is Telling You | Have you ever heard of face mapping? If not, it’s pretty much the key to unlocking the mysteries behind problematic skin. Thanks to the combined knowledge of dermatologists who have analyzed skin behaviors and ancient Chinese medicinal methods there is a smarter way to interpret and treat skin imperfections by way of “face mapping.” Face mapping is a type of skin analysis that explains why and how certain areas of your face are connected to other parts of your body. Why do you break out in some areas and not others? Think of your blemishes as X’s on a map that is your face. So, what are your breakouts telling you? Using the face mapping method to decode what’s going on with your body is both incredibly informative and very extensive if you ask me. Zone 1 & 3: Bladder & Digestive System — Improve your diet and drink more water. Zone 2: Liver — Try cutting back on alcohol, heavy food or dairy. Zone 5 & 9: Respiratory system — Those who smoke or have allergies tend to have acne here. P.S.

75 Extraordinary Uses for Baking Soda Baking soda is a chemical compound that appears as a fine powder. It releases bubbles of carbon dioxide when it interacts with an acid and a liquid. It’s most commonly used in baking, where it acts as a leavening agent. The following are 75 other uses for baking soda aside from making muffins soft and fluffy. Health Uses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. In the Home 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. In Cooking 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Cleaning Purposes 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. The most amazing thing about baking soda is that it’s very cheap.

does PINTEREST KNOW EVERYTHING? If you haven't read about why we do these posts, check out the explanation in our first "Does Pinterest Know Everything?" post. So Pinterest told me that if I braided my hair and then used a straightener on those braids, that I would end up with these beautiful waves. Here is my hair before, completely straight. Split all of your hair into two parts and then braid each part and secure with a hair tie of your choosing. Take one of the braids and twist it tightly away from your face. Place the straightener around the twisted braid and instead of just pulling the straightener down... Twist the straightener in the same direction the hair is twisted. This is what the braids looked like after being "straightened." When your hair has completely cooled, pull out your hair ties and run your fingers through the braids to release them. This is a front view of my hair. -Beachy waves look without adding texture products to your hair -Fast and easy -Inconsistent I think this method worked okay.

Top Ten Tips for Packing Luggage | Select Study Abroad Florence Flying somewhere? Taking a road trip? Studying abroad or finally taking that vacation? Trying to find room for your favorite sweatshirt or maybe those Christmas presents? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. measurements from pounds to kilograms – a real lifesaver when traveling back from a country using the metric system. 7. 8. The absolute best way to save precious space in your suitcase is to roll your clothes. 9. luggage tags. 10. Technorati Tags: packing tips 25 Amazing Homemade Face Mask Recipes Why pay for a store-bought face mask when you can use basic ingredients found around the house to make your own homemade face masks and scrubs? In this article, I share my most popular recipes for 6 different skin types. You'll be able to find the ingredients for these recipes in your kitchen and they cost pennies compared to ones you'll find in the store. The key is to use face masks formulated for your skin type. Masks should stay on for 10-15 minutes. I love washing masks off with a steaming hot washcloth. Check out my Basic At-Home Facial to get the full benefit of these facial masks. These Masks & Scrubs Work for All Skin Types While some homemade face masks and scrubs work best on oily, dry or sensitive skin, I've pulled together a list of 9 amazing masks and 8 scrubs that work on all skin types. Oily, Acne-Prone Skin Oily skin is shiny skin, especially in the T-zone (from the forehead, down the nose to the chin). See my list of 8 Face Mask Recipes for Oily, Acne-Prone Skin

How to Escape from Zip Ties In our How To Escape and Evade in an Urban Environment article, we briefly discussed escaping from zip ties. There are quite a few hasty methods of illegal restraint, and zip ties are a method that’s available to any would-be kidnapper. A few of the other methods seen are duct tape, rope and phone cord, but with a little education you’ll see that all of these methods can easily be defeated. There are two things you’ll need in any escape situation, and without these two things, nothing we’ll show you will work. Those two things are time and opportunity. You’ll have to first have the time to be able to put one of these escape methods into action and the opportunity to do so. Your captors are most likely not going to have the resources or the patience to keep eyes on you constantly, and when they don’t, it’s time to make your move. Update 2015: We’ve recently put together this comprehensive how to video guide on escaping illegal restraint. Click here to view all videos on YouTube Dual Zip Ties

DIY Peel Off Mask – Blackhead Removal Post from: Please LIKE Beauty Tips 4 Her On Facebook so you don’t miss a post, giveaways and announcements. Many times I went to a beauty salon to have a highly trained professional apply an expensive mask, then patiently waited for breathtaking results. It’s hard not to think about the fact that you might get ripped off, and if the results don’t meet your expectations, this seed of doubt will only grow. It is neither complicated nor expensive to make such a mask, and some of the most effective ones require nothing more than a few tissues and an egg white. I didn’t expect the first experiment to work, so when I saw the blackheads on the tissue after removing it, I felt like discovering plutonium by chance. Before using this routine, make sure to clean and steam your face to open up the pores and allows effective pore cleansing. Beat the egg white lightly. Shared in: Simple Happy Lives, Transformation Thursday Thank you for Visiting!!

Tips, Tips, and More Tips 1M+1.If you have ever had to give eye drops to a small child, you know how hard it can be. Ask you child to lay down and close his/her eyes. 2. on the squeaky area and sweep it into the cracks. 3. 4. on top of the ice and then fill the rest of the pot with water. 5. 6. per family member. 7. through them. 8. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. in a pot and let it boil. 15. that you bought then decided you did not like it? 16. . 17. with two holes, hang them evenly and easily by placing a single strip of masking tape over the back covering the two holes. 18. that you place under your flower pots to collect all the water that drains from the drains holes? 19. to match your bathroom style, then try looking in the regular curtain section. 20. 21. to organize and store all you medicine and first aid supplies. 22. 23. 24. saran wrap to line your refrigerator shelves. 25. and toss it in your dryer along with your wet clothes. 26. , fold the last quarter inch down and stick it back onto itself. 27. 28. 29.

Making Homemade Deodorant: {Easy Recipes Making deodorant is not only cheap & surprisingly easy, natural ingredients can be used that will cut back on harsh chemicals coming in contact with your skin. To store the cream versions, small glass or plastic jars work well. If solid/stick versions are preferred, find them online (even eBay) by searching for “empty deodorant tubes” (or containers). Containers can also be salvaged from purchased products by cleaning them out really well. Here are a couple different recipes to get started with. I have also listed several more homemade options that I’ve handpicked from around the net (both creams and sticks) that include items such as cocoa and shea butter, bentonite clay, a variety of essential oils (lavender, lime, etc.) and more. Powder Version: 1 part baking soda 1 part cornstarch tea tree Directions: Combine well.Put into a shake box with a puff.Apply daily or as needed. Updated notes: The general tea tree/ratio is about 10 drops per 1 cup of total mix. Petroleum Jelly: This one’s easy!

50+ Wart Home Remedies & Treatments These are pretty common and aren’t indicative of a serious health problem but they are a nuisance, sometimes painful and may cause embarrassment. They are most common on hands and feet, but may also appear on eyelids, on the face and elsewhere on the body. They can grow in clusters or singly and have a rough skin surface that looks similar to cauliflower, sometimes a black spot is visible in the middle of it. The human papillomavirus (HPV) is what causes them and yes, that means they’re contagious (it’s a viral infection). Their removal is a simple procedure performed by a doctor (either by freezing, burning or laser) but for those who prefer treating themselves or if looking for some home remedy ideas, here is a list of over 50 methods and tips I have collected over time. When beginning a chosen method, be aware that depending on the size and type of wart, it can take weeks to get rid of–sometimes months. Here’s a list of ideas to start with, the rest are organized in sections below.

DIY Mineral Veil Makeup Hello everyone! This week I decided to make my own version of Bare Minerals Mineral Veil. Back when the mineral makeup craze hit I jumped on the bandwagon and fell in love with this product. Mineral veil is not designed to alter much on your face but to, as the Bare Minerals website states: "Minimizing lines, absorbing oils, and softening your complexion, it gives you a flawless finish that's too good to miss... First, here are all your ingredients, all of which I found at Walmart in less than 5 minutes. Begin by adding 2 tablespoons cornstarch (I doubled the tutorial from Reese Kistel's tutorial because the next step requires a 1/2 teaspoon and I couldn't find a 1/2 teaspoon measuring spoon, and again I am lazy and 1/2 teaspoon measurement seemed too difficult at the time....) Then add 1 teaspoon baby powder However, I did find a 1/4 teaspoon so I added a 1/4 teaspoon of cocoa powder. Mix it all together and it will look something like this.

Amazing Witch Hazel…The Medicinal Marvel With The Funny Name At the risk of, yet again, oversharing…I just HAVE to share ONE MORE THING that relates to the medical procedure I had done last Friday. I’m well aware that this isn’t necessarily the stuff of “polite conversations”…but I feel like I would be remiss if I didn’t share the “real life” stuff with all of you, as well as the “good stuff”. Actually, if you think about it, getting a colonoscopy IS good stuff if you’re doing it because colon cancer runs in your family and as a result of the procedure you were given a clean bill of health! :-) That’s a VERY good thing in my book. Anyway…I’m getting a little off track. Prepping for a colonoscopy is AWFUL! So….this “cleansing” that must take place is hard on one’s system…not to mention one’s posterior. The instructions I got from the doctor’s office for the colonoscopy prep actually suggested purchasing some Tucks hemorrhoid pads for relief of any discomfort you might have…down there. Here is what I did: Facial Cleansing Acne Treatment Varicose Veins

The Many Benefits of Aloe Vera . . . The Medicine Plant. Back in June of this year a reader of this website named Karen left this comment: “I used to suffer from HORRIBLE hives (brought on by work stress) and it took 2 years of expensive medication, creams, lotions, quitting my job, etc…to finally discover relief: ALOE VERA! That’s right, the stuff used for burn relief has so many other uses and because it is not as popular as it was 30 years ago, it’s time to make it popular again. Some of it’s uses are identified by TLC (see”40 Amazing Uses for Aloe Vera”) and as they state “… it doesn’t hurt that aloe vera produces at least six natural antiseptics, which are able to kill mold, bacteria, funguses, and viruses. In fact, the plant is so powerful that researchers and scientists are looking into its potential as an AIDS and cancer-fighter.” I completely agree Karen! Let’s explore some of them shall we??? Karen mentioned this article at How Stuff Works - “40 Amazing Uses For Aloe Vera” – and it’s definitely a good place to start.
