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7 Google Search Techniques You Don’t Know Exist

7 Google Search Techniques You Don’t Know Exist
Google search is a powerful tool...sometimes more powerful than you realize! Are you taking advantage of some of the lesser-known Google search techniques? Here are a few of my favorites... SafeSearch It's surprising how many people don't know about Google SafeSearch! Word Definitions To quickly pull up the definition of a word, use "define:" followed by the word. Example: define:webinar Numeric Ranges Useful if you're looking for information that relates to a range of numbers (such as a price range or years). Example: television 1950...1960 Phone numbers Curious who keeps calling your cellphone and not leaving a message? Example: phonebook:555-555-5555 Excluding words or phrases If you're looking for something a little more obscure, narrow down your search results by asking Google to omit certain results by using the "-" symbol. Example: Florida vacation -Disney Specify results by document type Looking for a PDF? Example: "World War I" filetype:ppt Recipe View Example: Pumpkin Bread -Kimberly

20 Google Docs Secrets for busy teachers and students. Google Docs has revolutionised the way we create and edit content on the web. It is a genuine collaboration tool like nothing that has come before it. Up to 50 people can simultaneously edit a spreadsheet, presentation or document at no expense, and it is available on all mobile and desktop platforms. Today we are going to look at 20 great tips every teacher and student should be using to get the most of the collaborative learning opportunities Google Doc’s offers. Allow editing without signing in: If you’re sharing a document with classmates who don’t have a Google login, just make it available to edit without signing in. Chat away: In Google Docs, you can see anyone who is currently editing the document, and if needed, send a message to chat with them. Embed Docs anywhere: Get a link to your document or spreadsheet, and you can embed or publish it anywhere, including Facebook or a class blog. Create graphs: Visuals are great tools for getting your point across.

Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask 1. What can the URL tell you? Techniques for Web Evaluation : 1. 2. 2. 1. INSTRUCTIONS for Truncating back a URL: In the top Location Box, delete the end characters of the URL stopping just before each / (leave the slash). Continue this process, one slash (/) at a time, until you reach the first single / which is preceded by the domain name portion. 3. Check the date on all the pages on the site. 3. 1. What kinds of publications or sites are they? Are they real? 3. Expect a journal article, newspaper article, and some other publications that are recent to come from the original publisher IF the publication is available on the web. Look at the bottom of such articles for copyright information or permissions to reproduce. 4. 1. a. Type or paste the URL into's search box. b. 1. The pages listed all contain one or more links to the page you are looking for. If you find no links, try a shorter portion of the URL, stopping after each /. 2. 5. 1. 2. WHY? More About Evaluating Web Sources

20 Million Prezi Users: Conversation with Drew Banks Drew Banks is the Head of Marketing at Prezi -- after treading across NC State's “Brickyard” plaza and down MIT’s infinite corridor, Drew cut his entrepreneurial teeth within game-changing companies such as SAS and Silicon Graphics. Hooked on disruptive innovation, Drew co-founded Pie Digital in 2005 to make home networking easy as pie! At Prezi, Drew returns to his SGI-spawned passion to change the world through visualization. Drew also writes. He's published a couple of business books on communications and social media, as well as a couple of novels on ... life. In this conversation, Drew discuss how Prezi evolved -- and what sets it apart. Geetesh: Prezi now has 20 million registered users -- what does this large user base mean to the folks at Prezi -- can you share some thoughts? Drew: Our 20+ million users -- and growing at over a million users a month -- are a vast source of inspiration. Geetesh: Many people know little about how Prezi originated – can you share some history?

14 Handy Tips on How to Better Use Google Images This is the fifth guide I created in a series of several posts on how to tap into the educational potential of Google services. Today's topic is Google Images. This is probably among those most used services in education. Teachers and students use images for a variety of learning and teaching reasons. However, before including images in any classroom project, students need to learn about copyright issues. Related guides : As I said earlier, we all use Google Images when looking for pictures to feature in our multimedia projects, but do we all know how to conduct a smart and specific image search ? Supposedly, you typed your keywords in Google Image and got the first result page. 1-Find images in any size you need. 2-Specify the shape of images. 3-Find images in your preferred colors. 4- Limit the kind of images that you find. 5- Find images published in a particular region. 6- Search one site (like ) or limit your results to a domain like .edu, .org or .gov 10- Related Searches

Teaching Students to Effectively Use the Internet A search engine is essentially a database that points to Web sites and Internet resources. The search engine database is compiled by means of often called spiders, crawlers, or bots. These spiders, crawlers and bots are programmed to find web pages, follow all the links they contain and add any new information they find to the master database. It is important to remember that when you are using a search engine, you are not really searching the entire Internet, but a database of pages and resources from the Internet compiled by the bots. Once the information has been collected by the robot programs it is turned over to the search engine's indexing program. When you submit a query or question to the search engine, a searches the database compiled by the robot programs and indexing programs, identifies items that match your query and organizes and displays them in a particular order based on the relevancy or how closely they match your query. Search engine results can be misleading

What to do with Charts Charts are a problem. We’re always trying to display numbers and data, but it’s not easy to avoid a deluge of data. Thinking in terms of Evidence is good. If you believe this chart Visual Evidence is even better. If you’re a disciple of Edward Tufte, then you know that Beautiful Evidence is the way to go. It’s useful to have a few places to go when there are numbers involved, and you’re looking for an example. Here are a few sources I use. From his book, The Presentation, A Story About Communicating Successfully With Very Few Slides. From his book, The Back of the Napkin, Solving Problems And Selling Ideas With Pictures. Downloadable Excel and PowerPoint Templates from Juice Labs. A growing collection of Charts and Graphs for inspiration.

«Maps Engine Lite» — сервис создания карт от Google Google Maps Engine Lite — это бесплатный картографический сервис для визуализации ваших данных в привязке к местности. Использование картографических проектов для обработки и распространения информации активно применяется в работе общественных организаций и НГО в тех случаях, когда необходимо наглядно и доступно представить какие-либо данные в привязке к их географическому расположению. Перечень таких ситуаций может быть очень широк: обозначение на картах зон экологического или стихийного бедствия, мест расположения источников воды и ареалов обитания редких животных, статистических данных о грамотности населения и многие другие варианты. Google Maps Engine Lite — это бесплатный онлайновый сервис, который позволяет всем пользователям на основе карт Google Maps создавать свои собственные карты, загружать и редактировать различные данные, сохранять их и делиться в сети интернет. Для использования этого сервиса необходимо, разумеется, иметь учетную запись Google.

Ten Steps to Better Web Research Last fall I published Beyond Google which examines fifteen tools and strategies for getting students to look beyond the first two pages of Google search results. This morning I found through Kevin Jarrett a great presentation that complements my ebook. Teaching the Ten Steps to Better Web Research is a Slideshare presentation created by Mark Moran and Shannon Firth at Dulcinea Media. Dulcinea Media is the producer of Sweet Search a search engine for students. Transformation of Education Рынок предложений систем управления обучением (LMS, learning management system), систем электронного портфолио студентов (SIS, stident information system), электронных библиотек (eLibrary), онлайн-контента по учебным программам за рубежом бьют все рекорды. Школы, например, в США свободны в выборе наиболее приемлимых для них программных решений для построения своей школьной инфраструктуры и создания персонализированной среды обучения. Большинство предлагаемых программных продуктов предоставляются на платной основе (разово или по подписке), но все большую популярность приобретает бесплатная социальная образовательная платформа Edmodo. Это крупнейшая в мире платформа, объединившая более 20 млн участников образовательного процесса. По функционалу Edmodo представляет собой усеченную социальную сеть, похожую на Вконтакте и Facebook, но является безопасной образовательной средой, где в отличие от других сетевых платформ, нет внешней рекламы.

Google Hangouts for Educators - Tech Educator Webinar Published on April 22nd, 2013 | by Jeff Herb The Tech Educator Podcast team just put together another episode in our Webinar series all about using Google Hangouts for your own professional development and also with your students. Some great topics were discussed: What is needed to get started with Google HangoutsStarting a HangoutInviting others to your HangoutSharing your ScreenUsing Google Drive in a HangoutAdding a Lower Third with your nameUsing On Air Broadcasting to YouTubeHaving some fun with Effects Pedagogical recommendations were also made regarding how the service can be used in the classroom or outside of the classroom to help students study or complete project based work. The options are limited to your imagination as to how Google Hangouts can help you grow as an educator and how your students collaborate. Catch the Tech Educator Podcast recording LIVE every week on Sundays at 7PM EST at! Tags: Google Drive, Google Hangouts, Tech Educator, Webinar

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