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Apology by Plato

Apology by Plato
Commentary: Quite a few comments have been posted about Apology. Download: A 58k text-only version is available for download. ApologyBy Plato Translated by Benjamin Jowett Socrates' Defense How you have felt, O men of Athens, at hearing the speeches of my accusers, I cannot tell; but I know that their persuasive words almost made me forget who I was - such was the effect of them; and yet they have hardly spoken a word of truth. But many as their falsehoods were, there was one of them which quite amazed me; - I mean when they told you to be upon your guard, and not to let yourselves be deceived by the force of my eloquence. They ought to have been ashamed of saying this, because they were sure to be detected as soon as I opened my lips and displayed my deficiency; they certainly did appear to be most shameless in saying this, unless by the force of eloquence they mean the force of truth; for then I do indeed admit that I am eloquent. But in how different a way from theirs!

Defining Death in Jewish Law Traditional sources point to the cessation of breathing as the moment of death. Reprinted with permission from Medicine and Jewish Law, edited by Fred Rosner and published by Jason Aronson Publishers. The main talmudic text dealing with the question of the determination of the moment of death is the following: “If a building collapses on a person [on the Sabbath]…they [may] dig to remove the rubble from him [to try to save his life]…but if he is dead, they leave him there [until after the Sabbath because it is forbidden to dig on the Sabbath]. We Also Recommend How far does one check [to determine whether or not he is dead]? Maimonides states: “And when one comes to his nos­trils and does not find any breath in him, then one may not dig any more, since he is undoubtedly dead.” The talmudic text thus contains a disagreement as to which organ’s cessation determines the fact of death. Did you like this article? Please consider making a donation today.

End of Life Issues: A Jewish Perspective An introduction to Jewish attitudes toward life support, ceasing medical care, living wills, and caring for patients in their final days The following article, written for hospital or hospice workers, is primarily geared to educate them about end-of-life issues for Jewish patients. As such, it also provides an introductory overview of Jewish attitudes toward ceasing medical care for terminally ill patients, living wills, and other issues of Jewish medical ethics. Reprinted with permission from Ethnicity Online, a website with resources about medical care of people of different religious and ethnic groups. Dealing with death is always a traumatic time for patients and their family. Jews have a responsibility to accept medical treatment when there is a possibility of treatment saving their life. Before death, a patient may fall into the category of being a goses. Terminal Illness The diagnosis of a terminal illness brings with it some complications in terms of medical treatment.

The Basics - End-of-life issues and dilemmas - End-of-Life There are many hard choices to be made as the end of life seems to approach, and often we have the burden of having to choose for our loved ones as they are no longer capable of doing so. Essentially, the key components of Jewish tradition are: Our life belongs to G-d, who entrusted it to us to care for it and preserve it.Hence euthanasia, and all forms of it, are rejected by Jewish law. Life is G-d's choice in us. As long as a person breathes and the soul is in the body, life has absolute and irrevocable value.At the same time, we accept that physical life is finite. Thus we are not obligated to proactively interfere with the process of dying. These are the general guidelines that govern end-of-life issues in Jewish law. (Click here for help in contacting a rabbi in your area)

Jewish Ethics: Some Basic Concepts and Ideas The biblical text and the rabbinic tradition provide the universal search for an ethical life with passion and some unique concepts. The rabbis of late antiquity, building upon the Hebrew Bible, shaped the terms and categories of practical ethics that have guided discussions of ethical issues in Jewish life for the past two millennia. We Also Recommend This survey of those terms and some of the main areas of concern of Jewish ethics in the formative period of Judaism is reprinted with permission from Encyclopedia of Judaism. The rabbis generally referred to morality by the phrase bein adam la-havero (“norms between man and his fellow-man”), which was included in the term derekh eretz (“ways of the world”). In terms of the content of the morality of Judaism, the basic meaning of key moral terms such as mishpat (“justice”), tzedakah (“righteousness”), hesed (“kindness”), and rahamim (“compassion”) is much the same as what is understood by current philosophic analysis.

How To Choose A Board Member A number of companies I know have closed series A or B rounds recently. The entrepreneurs' next step after closing a venture round is often to finalize the structure of the company's board, including choosing the independent board member(s). WHAT DO BOARD MEMBERS DO? For later stage boards, board members will be involved with compensation committee, financial audits, etc. A great board member can add enormous value and truly be helpful to the company. THE INDEPENDENT BOARD MEMBER(S) If your co-founder is your husband/wife, then your VC is your mother-in-law and the independent board member is like your father-in-law. While some series A investors won't push for the independent seat to be filled for a while (and in some cases at all), others will push for a faster addition to the board. 1. Operating experience. b. Optimally, if there is just 1 independent board slot, the independent board member would be a current or former entrepreneur. c. Things to avoid on this one: e. f. g. 2. 3. 4.

The Fine Line Between Fear and Courage If you a scared motherf%^*&r, go to church—Ice Cube, Go to Church I tell my kids, what is the difference between a hero and a coward? What is the difference between being yellow and being brave? No difference. When we meet with entrepreneurs, the two key characteristics that we look for are brilliance and courage. The right decision is often obvious, but the pressure to make the wrong decision can be overwhelming. When founders come in to pitch our firm—one as the CEO and the other as President—the conversation often goes like this: “Who is running the company?” That usually results in silence. Intellectually, it should be clear that it is easier for employees to go to one decision maker than two. More importantly, decisions only get scarier as a company grows. When making the right choice requires intelligence and courage Sometimes the decision itself is rather complicated which makes the courage challenge even more difficult. Courage, like character, can be developed One last thought

Rédiger un pacte d’associés ou pacte d’actionnaires – 2/2 [je me rends compte que cet article est particulièrement technique, je m’en excuse auprès des lecteurs que ça ne va pas intéresser !] Suite et fin de l’article consacré à la gestion des relations entre associés de l’entreprise et plus précisément sur le pacte d’associés. On a vu la dernière fois pourquoi je pensais qu’il était important d’en faire un dès le début, même sans lui donner une valeur légale, en partant du principe que lorsque l’on s’associe, c’est pour une durée limitée et qu’on a tout intérêt à déjà prévoir la sortie. Nous allons donc voir aujourd’hui les fameuses clauses d’un pacte d’associés, même si je ne pourrais être exhaustif tant les avocats ont été prolixes en la matière. Mais intéressons-nous tout de même aux principales clauses qui existent et à leur utilité : stabiliser le capital, préparer la sortie et protéger les investisseurs et les associés fondateurs. Et vous, vous avez signé quelque chose avec vos associés ?

Mort - Page 1 This is the bright candlelit room where the life-timers are stored – shelf upon shelf of them, squat hourglasses, one for every living person, pouring their fine sand from the future into the past. The accumulated hiss of the falling grains makes the room roar like the sea. This is the owner of the room, stalking through it with a preoccupied air. His name is Death. But not any Death. Scientists have calculated that the chance of anything so patently absurd actually existing are millions to one. But magicians have calculated that million-to-one chances crop up nine times out of ten. Death clicks across the black and white tiled floor on toes of bone, muttering inside his cowl as his skeletal fingers count along the rows of busy hourglasses. Finally he finds one that seems to satisfy him, lifts it carefully from its shelf and carries it across to the nearest candle. Now it curves away towards the great mountain range called the Ramtops. Death blinks, adjusts for depth of vision. 'Ah. 'Ah.

Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal Romances Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal Romances by Anne Marble Return to Writing Romance · Print-Friendly Version Fantasy, Futuristic, and Paranormal (FF&P) romances have a growing number of fans today. Paranormal romances are a hot new trend in romance, even though paranormal romances have been around for years. Fantasy and futuristic romances are also a thriving part of the e-book field. First, some definitions. Don't Forget the Romance Remember, you're not writing a fantasy or science fiction novel or a horror novel. In Feehan's Dark Prince, the love drives the story because Carpathian men who don't find their life-mates go mad and become evil vampires. Making the HEA Believable You've got an immortal vampire hero. When a man and woman in a normal romance fall in love, their path to love can be fraught with disaster, but we know that once they work out their problems, they can be together without having to worry about spaceships, immortality, and the what-not. Worldbuilding Keep It Real

Mythos (Aristotle) 1. A pathos is about to occur, with knowledge, but does not occur. 2. 3. 4. The emotional effect peculiar to the tragic action is therefore that of promoting the experience of feelings such as pity and terror, which constitute the ultimate end at which the representation of the mythos aims.[4] Aristotle’s notion of mythos in Poetics differs from the modern interpretation of plot most prominently in its role in drama. G. The Poetics of Aristotle at Project GutenbergRizzoli, Renato. Ottava rima Ottava rima is a rhyming stanza form of Italian origin. Originally used for long poems on heroic themes, it later came to be popular in the writing of mock-heroic works. Its earliest known use is in the writings of Giovanni Boccaccio. History[edit] Boccaccio used ottava rima for a number of minor poems and, most significantly, for two of his major works, the Teseide (1340) and the Filostrato (1347). Some examples[edit] From Frere's Prospectus and Specimen of an Intended National Work, commonly known as The Monks and the Giants[3] "Go, little book, from this my solitude! From Anthony Burgess's Byrne: A Novel He thought he was a kind of living myth And hence deserving of ottava rima, The scheme that Ariosto juggled with, Apt for a lecherous defective dreamer. References[edit] External links[edit]

How to Write a Script Outline | The 8 Essential Plot Points Plot is THE driving force of your screenplay, so it’s essential that you spend time on your plotting skills when you’re writing a script outline. You can create the most interesting character in the world, but without an equally interesting plot, the audience will not want to spend 90-120 minutes with that person. For example, many people find Charlie Sheen’s current 2011 self-destructive spiral interesting to read and gossip about. But would they want to spend an hour and a half of their lives watching him swill alcohol, do drugs, and oogle women? I think not. But give Charlie boy a goal–perhaps to rejoin TWO & A HALF MEN, the successful sitcom he was kicked off of–while he overcomes his addiction to alcohol, drugs, & women… …and that, people might watch because they’ll want to know if he can pull it off. Since you want to know how to write a script outline, let me clue you into the dirty little secret about plot: With rare exception, all movies have the SAME structure. What do you think?

INTRODUCTION A LA MUSIQUE CLASSIQUE la période classique : Les nouvelles formes musicales Introduction Le classicisme concerne une période d’environ 70 ans, de 1750 à 1820, qui suit la période baroque et précède le romantisme auquel il est souvent opposé. Cette période est dominée par ce que certains nomment «la sainte triade» du classicisme viennois : Haydn, Mozart et Beethoven. Remettant en cause la complexité de la musique baroque, par ses polyphonies et ses ornements, ils ont créé un style plus simple, associant clarté, mesure et équilibre. Concernant les formes musicales, la période classique voit le triomphe de la forme sonate que l’on retrouve dans la sonate proprement dite mais également dans les quatuors, les concertos et les symphonies. Ces nouveaux genres musicaux seront utilisés pendant tout le 19ème siècle et encore au 20ème siècle. L’opéra italien quant à lui est remis en question par Gluck, puis par Mozart. Cette époque voit aussi les musiciens moins dépendre de mécènes et accéder à une certaine indépendance. Sturm und Drang - Rythmes féroces et diversifiés La sonate

cours/structure le schéma narratif la construction des contes peut-être présentée sous la forme d'un schéma que l'on appelle schéma narratif; généralement, le conte est composé de cinq étapes qui sont: la situation initiale: elle présente les personnages et leurs caractéristiques essentielles ainsi que les conditions dans lesquelles ils vivent. Le lecteur découvre le cadre dans lequel l'action va prendre naissance. Le temps employé est donc habituellement l'imparfait; voir le commentaire? l'élément perturbateur: un événement, un choix du personnage vient bouleverser la stabilité de la situation initiale. voir le commentaire? l'action: c'est généralement la partie la plus longue du récit puisqu'elle correspond aux aventures du personnage principal; elle relate les épreuves qu'il rencontre et qu'il doit surmonter; voir le commentaire? l'élément de résolution: un événement, un personnage ou une action mettent fin aux aventures du personnage principal; voir le commentaire? voir le commentaire? voir le commentaire?
