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Test English - Prepare for your English exam

Test English - Prepare for your English exam
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SOUNDGUIDE - Harry Potter Accès aux fichiers audio ici. The characters - Lots of interactive activities... Choose your level, A1, A2 or B1 Harry : A1 - A2 - B1 - Focus on adjectives A2 & B1. Hermione : A1 - A2 - B1. Ron : A1 - A2 - B1 Check how much you have improved with the quizzes A2 - B1 Dumbledore : A2 - B1Check how much you have improved with the quizzes A2 - B1 Hagrid : A1 - A2 - B1Check how much you have improved with the quizzes A2 - B1 Draco : A2 - B1Check how much you have improved with the quizzes A2 - B1 Révision du vocabulaire de tous les personnages A2 - B1Pourrez-vous associer le mot au personnage ? Testez vos connaissances avec ce court QCM Do you know when the novels were published? Do you think you could read the first novel in English? There are lots of jobs involved in the making of the Harry Potter movies. Les adjectifs composés. Travaillez le prétérit avec 28 énoncés audio.

Inglês no Supermercado - Vocabulário, gramática, cultura e dicas - Palavras inglesas em embalagens e rótulos são usadas para ampliar vocabulário, melhorar pronúncia e expandir cultura geral. My English Blog | English Lessons and Resources for Students and Teachers. Present Perfect Exercises What's my English grammar level? Take the free quiz here!x MethodExercisesExplanationsSpeakingMembershipCoursesContactLogin Present Perfect Exercises Perfect English Grammar Here's a list of all the present perfect simple exercises and present perfect continuous exercises on my website. If you need to review how to make the present perfect, click here.If you need to review how to use the present perfect, click here. Practice exercises about how to make the present perfect: Practice exercises about how to make the present perfect continuous: Practice exercises about how to use the present perfect and the present perfect continuous: Hello! Speak and write more correct, more beautiful English

8 magical ideas for using Harry Potter for grammar practice Who says grammar lessons have to be dull? Robert Dobie, owner of All Things Grammar, shares 8 lesson activities to liven up your class with just a little bit of magic. How many Harry Potter books and films have been produced and written? If you know the answer to this (the answer, to date, is eight each), then it’s possible that you are a Harry Potter fan. Even if you’re not a fan, it’s likely that many of your learners are. There are so many Harry Potter books and films, and so there are also lots of Harry Potter lesson plans available. Elementary 1. Have your learners compare and contrast the characters’ personalities and physical appearances. 2. Play ‘True / False Tag’: classroom space permitting, have your learners stand in 2 equal lines facing each other. 3. Divide your class into 2 teams and then pause the film every 5 minutes or so. 4. Intermediate 5. Watch short, selected scenes (in which there are 2 characters) without the audio. 6. 7. 8.

L'encyclopédie du P.P (Parfait Punisseur) L'heure de corriger ces vilains monstres a sonné ! Les petits monstres tremblent lorsque ProfeZorro sort son dossier jaune (comme le carton jaune que dégaine l'arbitre après une faute), c'est le fameux dossier des punitions pédagogiques ! Monstre: Fais gaffe ! ProfeZorro a des punitions sur tout ! Et voici en exclusivité les meilleures punitions de ProfeZorro et de ses collègues:A:• comme AGRESSION VERBALE / PHYSIQUE du Professeur -----> c'est ici ! B:• comme BAVARDAGES, BORDEL, BOUCAN, BROUHAHA, BRUIT en classe (Merci à Nemesis pour son superbe travail !). • comme CARNET DE LIAISON (OUBLI). • comme COUILLES ("Je m'en bats les couilles !" • comme DEGRADATION DES LIEUX ---------> c'est ici ! • comme DESSINER PENDANT LE COURS D'ESPAGNOL ALORS QUE CE N'EST PAS LE MOMENT ---------> c'est ici ! • comme DISCOURS NON-ADAPTE AUX CIRCONSTANCES ---------> c'est ici ! • comme DORMIR EN CLASSE ---------> c'est ici ! (Merci à la collègue pour le partage !) Une initiation au russe ?! • comme RETARD.

Learn English with Powerful African Stories (Level A1-B2) - Learn English With Africa Skip to content Subscribe Menu Learn English with Powerful African Stories (Level A1-B2) Share this post: African Stories for your reading pleasure: Enjoy our selection of short stories. Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension worksheets are also available for some of the stories. Read African Stories #1: Dreams Can’t Be Too Big ( Beginner Short Story Level A1-A2) “ You’re going to Blantyre Secondary School.” I cannot believe the news. “ You deserve it my son.” My mother is weeping but her tears are of joy. “We have to buy new clothes for you.” “Don’t bother yourself Wamama. “To the city you mean. I open my mouth to protest but my father and mother will hear none of it. (You can read the rest of the short story here.) #2: The Decision (Intermediate Short Story Level A2-B1) She had made up her mind. Not that she minded the consequences. Her Maths and Biology teacher had told her something about her future. They had not been patronising. It was hard to believe them… We spent hours planning our meals. Info

Grammar The words you need to communicate with confidence. Vocabulary explanations and practice for advanced level (C1 to C2) learners of English. Perfect for both self-study and classroom activities. Quickly expand your vocabulary with over 100 units of easy to understand explanations and practice exercises. Read more The words you need to communicate with confidence. The words you need to communicate with confidence. The words you need to communicate with confidence. Tactics for Listening Third Edition is an activity-rich listening course with proven success in building skills in listening and conversation. PART A: 14 Elementary tests, 14 Pre-Intermediate tests, 8 Intermediate tests. Students who want help with English grammar.

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