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Candy Cane Marbled Monogram Ornaments

Candy Cane Marbled Monogram Ornaments
I recently saw a marbleized nail technique on Pinterest and was so inspired to try it. After several attempts I finally got the nail technique down and decided to do something more unique with it. Taking the glass ornaments that I purchased from Michaels, I created a water marble ornament. I also created a monogrammed marbleized image by cutting out the letter A from a sticker (you could user painters tape, I just had this sticker on hand) with an Exacto knife. Check out my latest post on making a heart shaped marble pattern: Ornament Video Tutorial Water Marble Nail Video Tutorial

Circle Zip Earbud Pouch Tutorial I use a little zippered pouch to carry around my earbuds since they are the fancy microphone ones and I don’t want them to break or get tangled. Some of you have commented that you are looking for some small, simple gift ideas. This is definitely simple to make, and a little more fun than the typical rectangular zippered pouch! I can see these as the perfect gift for teenage cousins or nieces or girlfriends or even teacher gifts. Fun, quick, and cute! UPDATE: I have completely re-written this tutorial with twice as many bright, clear photos and more detailed instructions and it is available as a pattern in my pattern shop. First, download the pattern template HERE. Cut from main fabric: 1 circle 2 half circles 1 tab Cut from lining fabric: 1 circle 2 half circles Cut from batting (or medium weight interfacing, if you prefer): 1 circle 2 half circles You will also need a 1″ wide nylon 5″ or longer zipper. Place one lining half circle right side up and place the zipper right side up on top.

FIKS*D: How to Make ... Washi Tape! Are you like me and just can't bring yourself to spend a lot of money on things that even though they are really pretty, will probably just sit there for ages without use? I've always loved the look of washi tape but find it so expensive and hard to justify. So, I decided to get creative and make my own.. All you need is some double sided tape and tissue paper! Too easy!

D.I.Y. Curls: How To Rag Roll Your Hair I love the look of naturally curly hair! My sweet friend, Katie, told me about rag rolling. It's a quick and simple way to get natural looking curls without using a curling iron! I asked her to share her method here on A Beautiful Mess because I knew you'd be itching to learn like I was! You'll need some cut fabric strips, a comb and some water. How to rag roll your hair- First, dampen the bottom of your hair (the part you plan to roll) using a spray bottle. Have fun styling!

How to Make a Tiny Terrarium in a Light Bulb | The Hipster Home Ahoy there Hipster Homers! I’m Julie and I’m the very first guest blogger on this fine site. Today’s project involves breaking stuff, plants, found objects, and miniatures. Fun, right? Let’s get started! We’re going to go through the steps to create your very own little terrarium. Dos and Don’ts: Do use sand or small pebbles; these are good because water drains through them easily. How To: You’ll need a few tools to make a tiny terrarium but nothing complicated to get started. Needle-nose pliersScissorsLong tweezers or chopsticksFlathead screwdriverGlasses or goggles Let’s start with the light bulb. We will be removing the inside parts of the lightbulb. First, remove the metal tip from the bottom of the bulb. Then, when enough of the sides are raised to get a good grip on them, hold one of the sides with your pliers and yank out the metal tip. Next remove the black glass. Now you will be able to see the interior parts of the light bulb. Pull out any remaining wires with the pliers.

Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects en-rHed-ando Frivolité o Bolillos tatting... pero tiene muchos más nombres, vamos a ver varias páginas donde nos enseñan está técnica bastante desconocida a pesar de su belleza, quizás porque es algo complicada, yo al menos identifico mal el frivolité, o es que es igual a otras técnicas como los bolillos muy famosos en mi tierra sin embargo, también depende del país en cada uno se llama distinto. Pinchar en el botón y... Hay que trabajar con hilo especial y con lanzaderas o bien con una aguja larga, también recuerda un poco al macrame, o incluso al crochet, es por eso que yo la confundo, aunque me gustaría probar alguna vez, y como veremos aquí en estos tutoriales para principiantes paso a paso... la técnica es única y muy bella. Pero primero vamos a ver sitios estupendos para aprender, preguntar y empezar con está técnica. Pinchar en las imágenes para ampliar. Un vídeo muy importante para aprender rapidamente uno de los pasos También teneis videos de Niequi sobre la técnica. Videos con tutoriales

Sock It To Your Energy Bill! Make Your Own Draft Stopper Did you know….According to the U.S. Department of Energy, drafts can waste 5% to 30% of your energy use!? That’s a LOT of $$$ over the course of a winter! I’m pretty sure I’m losing even MORE than that in my home office which has both an inside door and a door that goes to the outside. When I moved in I noticed a wicked draft coming in under the door to the outside. I shudder to think how much money has gone out the window (or under the door) from that one drafty door! But no more! This DIY door sock is actually MADE from socks and I’m going to show you how you can easily make one yourself! I found these super soft and snuggly socks at Costco last week and the minute I saw them I knew exactly what I was going to make with them. What you will need: 2 to 3 socks (depending on how long they are. Starting with the popcorn kernels, alternate adding layers of the two materials. I think each layer of corn kernels ended up being approximately 1 cup, but I didn’t measure. Repeat with 2nd (and 3rd?)

babalisme: Art Swap : Continued I added some extra juice to the swap. Currently I am short of 3 people to join, but I think I will send out my package real soon because I don't want sweet Anthea wait too long. So, these are illustrated plastic seal bag, drawn by me, using only black, red, and blue because those are my only color stock for permanent markers (mental note : go buy more colors). I love plastic seal bags, they're keeping things tidy, especially useful when you're carrying small things when you travel, really practical, clean, and you can use it over and over again. I know! Note: Correction, ladies and gentlemen, if on my previous post I said Spoonfulzine initiated the event, I was wrong, Anthea the writer of Spoonfulzine is also invited by Anna, (she's the one who lets me know all about this), I'm so sorry for my mistake, I got it from my host, Evita. Another note (due to popular question): A swap is when you trade all kind of things, particularly in this swap, handmade, art, and craft creation.

DIY Map Coasters If you’ve been around here for long you may have gathered that we have a thing for maps…and from what I can see they are popping up all over the home decor universe so I’m embracing it! I was cleaning out a drawer not too long ago and found some old maps from when my husband and I lived in Italy and thought they’d make perfect little coasters so I DIY’ed a few up. Super fast, super easy, and best of all-FREE since I had everything on hand! Maps, chipboard coasters, Mod Podge…check! I traced the coasters (which I bought literally 3 years ago for a craft project) onto the maps trying to line them up to get the “cool” spots. I brushed on one coat of Mod Podge directly to the coaster then smoothed on the map cutout. Are you hopping on the map trend?
