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Very PINteresting {desserts}

Very PINteresting {desserts}
i don’t know about you but pinterest has been such an amazing tool for me! as in innkeeper i’m always picking up breakfast ideas, unique bedroom design ideas, beautiful garden spaces and the list goes on! if you are not one of the 240,000+ people that follow my pins already you can find all my pin boards here. i thought i’d share some of my most recent dessert pins. even though i’m on a little ‘new years diet’, you can guarantee i’ll be making some of these as soon as the situation arises! if your planning a party, you can send my invitation to my little inn. i’ll bring dessert. No Bake Banana Split Pie <-- click link for recipe.Love it cause it’s ‘no bake’, love it more because it’s delicious! nutella crack pie <-- click link for recipe.yep this looks freaking amazing. nutella = awesome Lemon-Blackberry Cheesecake <-- click link for recipe. This is healthy right? Lemon Blueberry Muffins <-- click link for recipe.Blueberry Cupcakes with Lemon Curd and Lemon Buttercream Salads Porches Muffins

101 Simple Handmade Gift Tutorials These simple handmade gift tutorials will make any crafty person’s heart sing with joy! You don’t need special skills or a bunch of time because these can all be done super fast! Simple and cute…that works for me! Oh, and think of all the money you will save making these gifts. {At least that’s the story I tell my husband…shhhh!} You are going to love these fabulous tutorials!!! You can make all your gifts for years from this list! If you love creative links, please subscribe to Everything Etsy! Thanks so much for all your tweets, stumbles, Facebook likes and pins on my Sewing Tutorials and Free Printables posts…you are the coolest crafty friends! If you want to be doubly awesome, try doing handmade gifts that are also eco-friendly! Handmade gifts make people feel special, don’t you think? ~Kim

Nutella Pound Cake You know what's cruel? Pound cake. Well specifically pound cake in Los Angeles. Whenever we go to L.A. we try really hard to sunny ourselves up. We mesh well with the East Coast. So when we head out west we try to leave the black behind and bring out the color. And we gussy ourselves up every single day. Goodness it’s exhausting. And then we go to Joan’s on Third. Stop laughing. We go to Joan’s for our iced tea and apple, and it just so happens to be World Nutella Day. Well guess what they’ve made for the special occasion. And we see those colorful, apple-eating Blue-Eyed’s fade away, replaced by the East Coast versions who want to eat as much of this glorious, Nutella-ribboned pound cake as humanly possible while wearing their stretchy black “workout” pants (also, who are we kidding, those are eating pants). So you see, pound cake in L.A. is just cruel. Nutella Swirl Pound Cake Makes 1 loaf Inspired by Joan’s on Third Print Recipe Preheat oven to 325 F.

Poulet aux 40 gousses d'ail Quarante gousses d'ail...?! Oui, moi aussi je me suis dit "que d'ail, que d'ail", la première fois que j'ai entendu parler de cette recette, un classique de la cuisine traditionnelle française. Et pourtant, que c'est bon...! Ingrédients pour 4-6 personnes - 1 beau poulet fermier, entier- 4 cuillères à soupe d'huile d'olive- 40 gousses d'ail avec la peau- 1 brin de thym frais- 1 brin de romarin frais- 2 beaux brins de persil plat- 1 feuille de laurier- sel & poivre du moulin- 200 ml de bouillon de volaille- pluches de persil plat pour garnir Préparation Laver le poulet et le sécher impeccablement à l'aide de papier absorbant. Chauffer l'huile d'olive à feu moyen dans une cocotte ou un faitout. Mettre les gousses d'ail en chemise dans la cocotte. Frotter uniformément le poulet avec du sel et du poivre, puis le remettre dans la cocotte, poitrine tournée vers le bas. Retirer le poulet de la cocotte et le laisser reposer sur le côté pendant 5-7 minutes.

Hand Painted Linen Kitchen Towels & Napkins - Easy DIY Project In my kitchen, each season I change out accents to make the otherwise neutral room feel more like that particular time of year. Little touches like adding fresh colored kitchen towels and a stack of linen napkins can make a big difference in making the entire room feel like Spring, for example. To be able to keep up with my seasonally evolving kitchen, I have made a variety of custom kitchen linens that boast my favorite color combinations and hand-stitched monograms. Best of all, this project can be done by the most un-gifted artist. (UPDATE : I've started stocking my own collection of linens in my Everyday Occasions store - some inspired by these hand-painted towels! Visit the store here. ) hand paintedlinen kitchen towels & napkins fabric paint brushes painter’s tape water drop cloth or craft paper linen fabric sewing machine thread pair of scissors Directions : Begin by cutting the linen into the size of the item you’d like to make. Let the paint dry for several hours.

Baked S'mores I know, I have done 4 whole posts without dessert. I am making it up to you with this one, o man. Another awesome birthday present I got was this gorgeous thing: So of course I have been baking up a storm!! Anyways, Start by making your crust by creaming butter, sugar, then adding vanilla and egg. Once the dough is made, divide it in half and press one half into the bottom of the pan for the bottom crust. **Note the main recipe calls for an 8 by 8 but I stretched mine to a 12 by 8 pan with one extra chocolate bar just fine! Next spread a jar of this good stuff on top of the chocolate. Now comes the trickiest part but it's still easy. That's it! Try to eat just one. Because of the huge response to this recipe, I have made these several times in several different ways and here are my notes: What size pan should I use? I have made this recipe in an 8 by 8, 11 by 7, 12 by 8 and 13 by 9. Can I use marshmallows instead of marshmallow fluff? You can make it from scratch! In a nutshell, yes! Enjoy!

Volailles de l'enfer (2): la pintade à la bigarade Bien le bonjour, Avant-hier, on vous racontait l'escalade, aisée et voluptueuse, d'un monument de la cuisine traditionnelle. En revoilà un: la pintade rôtie et sa sauce à la bigarade. Pacs émouvant entre une sauce à l'acidulé spirituel et une volaille qui, derrière son physique ingrat (vous avez vu la trogne?), cache une chair ferme et racée. L'affaire demande un bon fond blanc de volaille. La sauce bigarade. Le rôtissage à four froid. Acte final. On réchauffe la sauce, en y ajoutant les zestes et en rectifiant l'assaisonnement. Animal disgracieux qui jamais ne sourit, Quasimodo crêté au Q.I. de meringue, Toi pintade pourtant, habilement rôtie Et bien bigaradée, tu me rends dingue Adieu, les gens PS: On remarquera que cet idiot de Lamartine a oublié un pied dans son quatrième alexandrin.

In the mood for some Rum? Hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was good, I cant wait for Friday already. lol I wanted to share the manicure I currently have on. I think this is sooo cute! I love it, im very happy with how this turned out and how easy it was to do. / Espero que todos hayan pasado un buen fin de semana. El mio fue bueno, ya quiero que sea Viernes. lol Queria compartir con ustedes el manicure que tenga puesto ahora mismo. Pienso que esta muy bonito! What I did:Lo que hice:Cut nail size pieces of newspaper / Cortar pedazos de periodico del tamano de las unas.Apply Base Coat / Applicar esmalte baseApply light color polish / Applicar esmalte claro o blancoWait until dry / Esperar a que se sequeDip my finger in Bacardi Rum / mojar la una en Bacardi RumPress pieces of newspaper to the nail for a few seconds / Presionar pedazo de periodico a la una por unos segundos.Apply Top Coat / Applicar brillo

The Macaroon Kiss Rather than "My Favorite Holiday Cookie", this post is probably more aptly titled "My All-time Favorite Cookie". My mom was given this recipe many, many moons ago, and while the source has long been forgotten, this cookie is unforgettable! It starts with a rich cream cheese and vanilla dough with just the slightest hint of fresh squeezed orange. The dough is coconut laden, and gets an extra roll in coconut before baking. As the cookie bakes, the coconut on the outside gets toasty, while the cookie remains soft and chewy. I hope you'll try them! Macaroon Kiss Cookies Makes approx. 48 cookies For a printable recipe, click the "Print Friendly" icon at the end of this post. 2 1/2 cups All purpose flour 1 Tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon table salt 2/3 cups butter, softened 6 oz. cream cheese, softened 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar 2 egg yolks 1 Tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon Vanilla extract 1 Tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon juice from a fresh orange 1 bag Hershey Kisses (48 pieces) Enjoy!

recette sangria Recette sangria : les ingrédients Préparation : 10 minutesMacération : plusieurs heures (l'idéal est de la préparer la veille) Ingrédients pour une sangria pour environ 8 personnes : - 2 litres de bon vin rouge- 120 g de sucre- 1 cuillère à café de cannelle en poudre- 1/2 litre de limonade- 20 cl de cointreau (cognac, rhum, porto ou autre alcool)- 1 gousse de vanille- 3 oranges, 1 citron- fruits de saison tels que poire, pêche, fraises, etc... Recette sangria : la préparation - laver soigneusement tous les fruits et les essuyer- garder une orange pour son jus, couper les autres oranges et les citrons en rondelles après avoir enlevé une partie de leur peau afin d'éviter l'amertume. Une recette de sangria simple et rapide.

Golden Nova Foil Stamping business card – Lemon Graphic | Singapore business card, graphic design, designer, information design | Singapore graphic design firm Lemon Crinkle Cookies I went to the gym yesterday evening. Anyone else ever done that before? Worst decision EVER. If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, then you know I usually go in the mornings. Oh, and just to clear things up, I’m not 4 months pregnant. I think we all can agree that I am a lemon freak. Run, don’t walk to your kitchen. Lemon Crinkles Won a fun little contest with these babies! Yield: 2-3 dozen Prep Time: 20 min Cook Time: 10 min Total Time: 30 min Ingredients: ½ cups Butter, Softened 1 cup Granulated Sugar ½ teaspoons Vanilla Extract 1 whole Egg 1 teaspoon Lemon Zest 1 Tablespoon Fresh Lemon Juice ¼ teaspoons Salt ¼ teaspoons Baking Powder ⅛ teaspoons Baking Soda 1-½ cup All-purpose Flour ½ cups Powdered Sugar Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Bake for 9-11 minutes or until bottoms begin to barely brown and cookies look matte {not melty or shiny}. Lauren's Latest original recipe!

Conversions & Equivalents Why you need ingredient conversions Americans typically measure ingredients by volume, while the French measure them by weight. Being a bit of a transatlantic cook myself, I own several sets of measuring cups and spoons as well as a digital scale. I feel comfortable with both philosophies, but I prefer the gram/kilo system because it introduces very little human error bias. Personal preferences aside, more and more American cooks are adding scales to their kitchen equipment — especially those who are serious about baking, and those who have an interest in foreign recipes — and in my books and on Chocolate & Zucchini I feature both sets of measurements. This is the digital scale I use, love, and recommend if you’re looking to add one to your kitchen equipment. Tried-and-true ingredient conversions When I develop and test recipes I make copious notes on ingredients and their volume-to-weight equivalents, and I thought it might be useful to others. Sign up for free! Volume Weight Length Dairy

DIY – Outfits, Accessoires & Schuhe Schöne Sachen selber machen;-) Dana´s Fashion Blog Fashion selbstgemacht – mit meinen DIY Step-by-Step Bastelanleitungen kannst du für wenig Geld tolle Einzelstücke mit dem individuellen Touch kreieren. Nur noch zwei Wochen bis Ostern und da ich, dank dem schönen Wetter schon seit Wochen in Osterstimmung bin, ist bei mir ein regelrechtes Bastel- und Dekofieber ausgebrochen. Und weil Ostern bekanntlich die Zeit des Schenkens und des aneinander Denkens ist, möchte ich einige meiner DIY-Dekoideen und Tutorials in einem „Oster-DIY Special“ mit euch teilen. Den Anfang machen diese süßen … Info zu Oster-DIY Special: Osterkränze selber machen mehr … • 9. Könnt ihr euch an das „Home DIY: Trockene Doldenblüten mal anders“-Tutorial erinnern? Info zu DIY Home-Deko: Birkenzweige mit Pompons – nicht nur als Osterdeko schön mehr … • 5. Die Idee zu diesem DIY-Projekt habe ich euch unlängst hier im Blogbeitrag DIY Inspiration: Patch it! Info zu Patch it! mehr … • 27. Obwohl ich einige hübsche Armbanduhren besitze, trage ich kaum welche. mehr … • 26.
