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The World's #1 Harry Potter Site - Deathly Hallows Movie, The Wizarding World, JK Rowling, and much more

The World's #1 Harry Potter Site - Deathly Hallows Movie, The Wizarding World, JK Rowling, and much more

Dear Mr. Potter, Quora: What Are Some Amazing Hidden Plot Details Later Linked Together in the Harry Potter Series? This question originally appeared on Quora. By Yilise Lin, Harry Potter Fan In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the first thing Snape asks Harry in Potions class is, "Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

Harry Potter Cookbook and Homemade Marshmallows I can admit it; I enjoyed the Harry Potter books and movies. They’ve also made gobs of money for almost everyone associated with the the projects. J.K. Rowling has cashed in on much more than just the films and the books though. Merchandizing is her real cash cow. Harry Potter - Chapter by Chapter & The Harry Potter Companion The following books are still to come; check our updates page for the scoop on what’s happening now! The Tales of Beedle the Bard Like this: Like Loading... Accio Quote!, the Largest Archive of J.K. Rowling quotes on the web

Top 5 ButterBeer Recipes for your Next Harry Potter Party There are a ton of Harry Potter Butterbeer copy-cat recipes online for you to enjoy when you get home from your Orlando Florida vacation or for a Harry Potter party. Only a few live up to the real thing at the Harry Potter theme park at Universal. It must be served chilled, preferably frozen (like a slush drink), it must have a frothy head, a buttery Scotch flavor, and non-alcoholic (at least to match the Harry Potter theme park version). So, this is a list of those that come the closest to meeting those requirements; worthy of serving at your next Harry Potter party. It's not the easiest ones (like mixing butterscotch syrup with cream soda), it's the ones that most closely match the version from the Harry Potter theme park at Universal. So many recipes add alcohol (the butterbeer from the Harry Potter books had a slight alcohol content), serve it hot (which was another option from the Harry Potter book series), and have no foamy head.

Three pearltrees and a tip #22 - grace.oneill Final ‘Harry Potter’ Film Premiere Event Set - Science Fiction, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Unless you’ve lived under a rock for the last 10 years or so, chances are you’ve watched at least one of the ‘Harry Potter’ movies. And if you have, you know how detailed and beautiful the sets must be to produce such vividly aesthetic films. But it doesn’t stop there. Harry Potter Wizarding World Theme Park in Orlando, Florida Despite the many responsibilities of those attending Hogwarts, there is always room for downtime to experience some of the delicious treats that can be found in the wizarding world of Harry Potter sweets. First created in 1997, the Harry Potter books detail the life of an orphan who soon finds his calling as a wizard. As well as a series of novels published by J K Rowling, there were also several movie adaptations and spin-offs that have ensured Harry Potter is as iconic as Indian Jones, Star Wars and Back to the Future.

The Harry Potter Lexicon click above for detailed menus, click below for special sections Affiliate Sites: These web sites have received special permission to use material from the Lexicon to create similar sites for non-English-speaking fans. A GUIDE TO BRITISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Given that in mind, and noting the ignorance of British English and culture in many stories set in Britain, but written by (primarily) American writers, I have compiled this little guide to English language and culture. Please feel free to send suggestions for more things to be included to If you find this page useful, please consider making a small donation to the animal refuge I am struggling to run in Argentina ( The present financial crises has seen donations plummet to almost nothing, while prices of dog food have sky-rocketted. You can read all about the refuge at 1) EDUCATION - as the vast majority of stories written by foreigners and set in Britain are about Harry Potter, there is a separate section on Education.

Lucy Knisley - The First Four Books! These are awesome! I love the style. And 'Cho the one that I want' is one of the very best puns I've ever heard. Bravo. (Deleted comment)

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