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Inside the Recruiter's Head: What He's Really Asking You During the Interview

Inside the Recruiter's Head: What He's Really Asking You During the Interview
Jayne Mattson is Senior Vice President at Keystone Associates, a leading career management and transition services consulting firm in Boston, Massachusetts. Mattson specializes in helping mid-to-senior level individuals in new career exploration, networking strategies and career decisions based on corporate culture fit. You applied for a new job, and you've been called in for an interview. During the interview process, there are three main questions that need to be answered to help the HR person determine if you're the right fit for the job: Can this person do the job? By asking what I call “the question behind the question,” hiring managers have a better chance to making the right hiring decision. 1. This question gets at the heart of why you're leaving the current job or, in the case of a reduction in workforce, it helps the interviewer understand what was missing. 2. This is precarious territory because your answer needs to have a balance of positive and negative feedback. 3. 4. 5. 6.

How to Prioritize When Everything Is Important You know that sinking feeling you have when there's too much on your plate? When you try to tackle your tasks by priority, but it feels like everything's important? Don't get overwhelmed—it's a problem that everyone faces at some point or another, and while it's difficult to skillfully juggle multiple priorities and competing responsibilities, it's not impossible. Here's how. It just so happens that there's a career that focuses specifically on juggling competing tasks and priorities: These people are called project managers. Photo by Josh S.P First, Answer the Question: Is Everything Really Important? Even if everything on your plate is supposed to be equally important, you still need a way to break down which ones you spend your time on, and how you slice up your time. Photo by Lisa Stevens.P Grill the boss. Get OrganizedP The goal of your system, whichever you select, is to take away the need for you to waste time deciding what to work on next, even when you have a lot on your plate.

Les 9 secrets de ceux qui sont bien dans leur tête, 2eme partie Dans la première partie, je me suis focalisé sur les moyens d’améliorer notre bien-être mental et physique avec la méditation, le sport, l’alimentation, les massages et le sommeil. Je vais à présent me concentrer sur les moyens d’enrichir notre style de vie et même de créer celui que nous voulons vivre, car à part une vie sexuelle moribonde ou inexistante, je pense qu’il n’y a pas de pire obstacle au bonheur qu’un style de vie que l’on n’aime pas. 6 – Se libérer l’esprit de ses pensées parasites avec Getting Things Done Imaginez ce que vous pourriez faire si vous pouviez choisir de vous consacrer entièrement à vos tâches, sans la moindre interruption, pensée parasite, rêverie et autre source de distraction, tout en restant détendu et en pleine possessions de vos moyens. Le rêve, non ? Or, l’écrit est l’invention la plus merveilleuse que l’homme ait trouvé pour seconder son cerveau. Faisons un petit exercice pour nous en rendre compte : Cela pourra être quelque chose comme : Italie. ou

Les 9 secrets de ceux qui sont bien dans leur tête Pour réussir et s’épanouir, dans la séduction comme dans tous les domaines de la vie, il est primordial d’être bien dans sa tête. Nous allons parler dans cet article de ce que l’on nomme parfois sur FTS « l’innergame » – un concept qui regroupe des choses aussi variées que la confiance en soi, l’estime personnelle, l’affirmation de soi, le bien-être – et que l’on pourrait résumer, pour faire simple, en ce quelques mots : le bon état d’esprit. Un bon innergame est à la fois un atout dans tout ce que nous entreprenons et bien souvent une condition sine qua non pour les mener à bien : difficile en effet d’imaginer bien réussir quelque chose quand nous sommes épuisés, stressés, déprimés, que nous sommes obnubilés à autre chose ou que nous doutons trop de nous-mêmes… Mais s’il est impossible – et peu souhaitable – d’arriver à un état de positivité permanent et béat, il existe de nombreux moyens d’améliorer son innergame et être mieux dans peau et plus relaxé, plus confiant et plus épanoui.

Avoid Making the First Concession When Bargaining to Come Out Ahead in the End It's almost common sense, yet Obama still hasn't figured it out. This "common sense" is what led to the budget gridlock and the subsequent debt limit gridlock that both led to two dramatic drops in job growth in the month immediately afterward. Two-sided negotiation is hard (almost impossible) when both sides are populated by people with strong opinions who effectively have veto power over the other side. By taking the middle road each time these negotiations have come up, Obama's trying to position himself as that mediator. The solution isn't getting rid of Obama. Upon election, Obama and the Dems had control of both House of Congress, and the mandate of a decisive victory in the election. Obama could've got to work and told the Republicans, my way or the highway and railroaded through many of the reforms he promised and got elected on. It was like Obama (and the Dems) were afraid to take responsibility for actually trying to change things. Frankly, Medicare NEEDS to be cut.

Harness the Mental, Creative, and Emotional Benefits of Regular Writing My journal has without a doubt been a transformational tool in my life. Just taking a bit of time to reflect on how the last week has gone and to renew my intentions for the coming week really keeps me on track, and alerts me early to any negative habits I am developing. It made it painfully clear to me why my NY Resolutions failed in the past. I simply didnt keep thinking about them. For me personally, having headings according to all the parts i want to keep in check (family, physical health, mental health, etc) works really well because it keeps me focussed on a balanced life. I keep it weekly because thats a very useful timescale for goals. Finally what works for me is handwritten.

The Stupid Things You Do at Work (and How to Fix Them) I'll add one to the list - there are extremes of tasks that can be done sloppily and quickly and not make any significant difference and there are the other extreme of tasks that require extreme care to do right that make a significant difference. The challenge is to understand and know where each task should lie on the continuum between the extremes and act accordingly regardless of time pressures so you don't waste time on the unimportant and don't spend enough time on the important. So often in workplaces like mine, the time pressures and deadlines can cause a lack of focus and pushes the taking of shortcuts or the lack of validation and checking. The bitterness of poor quality lingers long after the sweetness of meeting the schedules. If you don't have the time to do it right, where are you going to find time to fix what was done wrong?

How to Minimize On-Screen Distractions and Train Yourself to Focus on Your Work The Hardest Job Interview Questions—And How to Ace Them If Your Job Sucks, It Might Be Your Fault; Let’s Fix That
