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Canonical Ltd. Projects[edit] Canonical Ltd. has created and continues to back several projects. Principally these are free/open-source software (FOSS) or tools designed to improve collaboration between free software developers and contributors. Open-source software[edit] Other projects and services[edit] Landscape,[13] a proprietary web service for centralized management of Ubuntu systemsUbuntu Software CenterUbuntu One, (discontinued) a service for file synchronization and other usesCanonical supplies some of the core engineering to Linaro which invests in upstream projectsUbuntu Advantage, In Japan, the support service sales by K.K. Business plans[edit] In a Guardian interview in May 2008, Mark Shuttleworth said that the Canonical business model was service provision and explained that Canonical was not yet close to profitability. Subsidiaries[edit] Employees[edit] Ubuntu Developer Summit October 2011 Current[edit] Notable current employees of Canonical include: Past[edit] Notable past employees:

After Internet Explorer Maintenance Group Policy settings are configured in a domain, a 20-second delay occurs when you log on to the domain from a client computer that has Internet Explorer 7 or Internet Explorer 8 installed Hotfix information Windows XP hotfix information A supported hotfix is available from Microsoft. However, this hotfix is intended to correct only the problem that is described in this article. Apply this hotfix only to systems that are experiencing this specific problem. If the hotfix is available for download, there is a "Hotfix download available" section at the top of this Knowledge Base article. Note If additional issues occur or if any troubleshooting is required, you might have to create a separate service request. Note The "Hotfix download available" form displays the languages for which the hotfix is available. Prerequisites To apply this hotfix, you must have Windows XP Service Pack 2 installed on the client computer. Restart requirement You have to restart the computer after you apply this hotfix. Hotfix replacement information This hotfix does not replace any other previously released hotfixes. Registry information ( ) File information

Mark Shuttleworth Server I/O Virtualization and Network Virtualization, Efficiency and Value in Action Screencast – Install Windows 2008 DC in Existing Windows 2003 Domain. Upgrading Active Directory Domain to Windows Server 2008 AD DS Domain, Adding Windows 2008 Domain Controller. Step-by-Step video tutorial. Screencast: How to Upgrade Active Directory to Windows Server 2012, is available here Windows Server 2008 introduces many improvements, and new features in the Active Directory infrastructure. Some of the most important features are: - Flexible Password Policies - Active Directory Auditing - Read Only Domain Controllers RODC In series of screencasts, we will demonstrate in a Step-by-Step fashion these new features. In this screencast, we show you how to upgrade Active Directory domain to Windows Server 2008 AD DS by adding a new Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller.- You can introduce your first Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller in Active Directory, by performing an in-place upgrade of an existing Windows 2003/2000 DC- You can add a fresh installed Windows 2008 member server, and promote it as a DC. There are a couple of very important considerations, that you should have in mind, before you proceed with your migration scenario. ● Check, whether you cover the hardware requirements.

Ubuntu TV On s'en doutait : Canonical avait prévu de profiter du CES 2012 pour présenter quelque chose en rapport avec la télévision. Finalement, la société à l'origine de la distribution Linux Ubuntu a dévoilé Ubuntu TV, soit un dérivé de son système d'exploitation phare cette fois inspiré par l'interface Unity, en mesure de vous offrir l'accès à tout votre contenu média (ou presque) directement depuis un téléviseur connecté. Disposant en plus de plusieurs boutiques, vous permettant d’avoir accès à des films, des programmes TV et de la musique, Ubuntu TV jouit aussi d’une application YouTube dédiée ainsi que d’une fonction enregistrement à la volée. Prévue pour être disponible d’ici la fin de l’année 2012, cette distribution sera proposée gratuitement aux constructeurs qui désirerons jouer la carte de l’alternative Linux. Un prototype de téléviseur embarquant ce nouvel OS sera présenté dans les allées du CES 2012. [omgubuntu]

XtremIO | All-Flash Scale-Out Enterprise Storage Arrays Upgrading windows server 2003 domain controller to windows server 2008 Hello, see this as a starting point, when not doing an inplace upgrade which i do not recommend: - Do you use any kind of Exchange in the 2003 domain? If yes, which one? - On the old server open DNS management console and check that you are running Active directory integrated zone (easier for replication, if you have more then one DNS server) - run replmon from the run line or repadmin /showrepl(only if more then one DC exist), dcdiag and netdiag from the command prompt on the old machine to check for errors, if you have some post the complete output from the command here or solve them first. - run adprep /forestprep and adprep /domainprep and adprep /rodcprep from the 2008 installation disk against the 2003 schema master(forestprep) / infrastructure master(domainprep/rodcprep), with an account that is member of the Schema/Enterprise/Domain admins, to upgrade the schema to the new version (44) or 2008 R2 (47) - Install the new machine as a member server in your existing domain

백지영 기자의 데이터센터 트랜스포머 :: 출시 당시부터 껄끄러웠던 한국IBM과 한국HP의 최고 사양 유닉스 서버 논쟁에 고객들의 혼란이 가중되고 있습니다. 특히 대형 유닉스 서버 도입이 잦은 금융권 고객들은 양사의 이 같은 논쟁에 제품 도입을 유보하는 경우도 늘고 있다고 합니다. 이처럼 고객들을 헷갈리게 하는 주범(?) 이 두 제품의 포지셔닝(Positioning)을 두고 한국HP와 한국IBM에서 서로 상이한 주장을 하기 때문에 벌어지는 일들이지요. 앞서 한국HP와 한국IBM 양사는 올해 들어 성능과 아키텍처가 대폭 향상된 유닉스 서버 신제품들을 대거 출시했 습니다. 일반적으로 서버 업체들은 제품의 확장성과 안정성, 보안 성능에 따라 로엔드(low-end)와 미드레인지(mid-range), 하이엔드(high-end)로 제품을 구분하고 있고, 여태까지는 대부분의 제품들이 경쟁사 제품과 매핑되며 비교적 뚜렷한 경쟁 구도를 보여 왔던 것이 사실입니다. 그러나 이번에 출시된 제품들에선 각 사에서 주장되는 경쟁 제품이 다르다는 것이 문젭니다. 중형차-대형차 이제 고민하지 마세요. 한국HP vs 한국IBM, 유닉스 서버 공방전 ‘또 시작’ 한국IBM은 ‘파워780’이라는 유닉스 서버 제품을 HP의 최상위급 유닉스 서버 ‘슈퍼돔2’에 대적할 하이엔 드급 제품으로 포지셔닝하고 있고, ‘파워795’의 경우 메인프레임급의 데이터센터용 제품으로 ‘슈퍼돔2’와는 비교 대상이 아니라고 밝힌 바 있습니다. 반면 한국HP에서는 파워780은 이전 모델인 파워 570의 후속 제품으로 이번에 함께 발표된 파워770과 마찬가지로 미드레인지급 제품이라는 주장입니다. 또한 파워795은 이전 모델인 파워595 제품의 후속 제품인 하이엔드급 제품으로 자사의 슈퍼돔2의 경쟁 제품이라는 것이지요. 한국HP 측에 따르면, 한국IBM은 단순히 64코어까지 확장이 가능하다고 해서 하이엔드급 유닉스 서버로 포지셔닝하고 있다는 입장입니다. 그러나 하이엔드급 유닉스 서버의 구분 기준은 단순히 코어수가 아니라 아키텍처로 구분해야 한다는 것이지요. 아래 표와 같이 본사

How to Become a Search Ninja: Harnessing the True Power of Google - Part 1 Search Ninja: You're doing it wrong. Can't find that ever-elusive result you've been searching for? Tired of thinking there's no way to find a result without wading through pages-upon-pages of results? Have you ever wanted to enrich your search experience but have no idea how or where to start? If you jumped straight out of your chair and exclaimed, "YES," then this could very well be the post series you've needed. Caveat: The information in this post is a lot to take in if you have never performed advanced searches in Google, so please be patient and don't treat this post as a "read once and done" deal! Now, before we proceed, I want to give you a scenario to consider. Well, if you were a search ninja, you would realize the cornucopia of results surely awaiting you for such a query, and as such, your initial query on that train of thought may look something like this: site:edu intitle:Introduction intitle:C++ filetype:ppt | filetype:pdf | filetype:doc " (Quotes) AND and OR site: filetype:
