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Guillermo Rauch’s Blog » CSS+Javascript power. Fancy menu

Guillermo Rauch’s Blog » CSS+Javascript power. Fancy menu
Let me introduce you to Fancy Menu: When it comes to creating the navigation part of your Website, the first thing you might think of is an unordered list that you style as tabs. Lately, such navbars are everywhere, as many people believe they’ll make their site more Web 2.0-compatible. Personally, I just think they’re semantically better and accessible. In this article I’ll go through the creation of a custom navigation bar with some cute Javascript effects that will certainly impress your friends. Thanks to the great Mootools library, this beauty is contained in 1.5kb. Introduction Every time that I know I’m going to use Javascript to alter the behavior or look of something, I try to come up with a simple markup, and make sure it renders perfectly with Javascript turned off. For this menu, as we’ll be having a movable element that acts as the background, we should first make sure that just by using css, we can freely move it and that it won’t affect the display of the menu. Mark it up

Slideshow: A Javascript class for Mootools If you are looking to download Slideshow, or for class documentation, please visit the open-source project at Google Code. If you are looking for the old version of Slideshow, it has been moved here. Support If you find this page helpful, why not donate? Examples By popular request, the following are some simplified examples of Slideshow usage: Demos Click below to view the various demos - perhaps the most impressive effect of all is simply viewing this page with javascript turned off. Slideshow 2! Colophon All photos were taken with a trusty Canon DigitalElph in New York, October 2007. » Using CSS and GIF’s to animate a menu - Web Design Marketing P Remember our good old friend the animated gif? There was a time when the ability to animate GIF’s made web sites a little more fun… or horribly obnoxious. It seems that no one really harnessed the power of animated GIFs, and today the only place they seem to be used are in banner advertisements when flash isn’t available. GIFs can still be a very powerful tool, and the fact that they have been long forgotten gives me an opportunity to brainstorm what you can do with them. One of the more powerful capabilities of CSS is the use of the :hover pseudo selector. It is one of the only abilities we have to alter the behavior of a website simply through XHML and CSS (and there is a debate if this even should be done, but this is more about capabilities rather than theoretical debates of what should/shouldn’t be done). Because IE6 has shoddy :hover support on non anchor elements, the most logical place to use this combination of :hover and animated GIFs will be in a menu item. The Plan

Moo Image gallery hey all! i needed a quick gallery solution for dropping images of my new niece up, and i didn't like pixel post. too much work. i whipped this up in about 2 hours. it uses prototype, moo.fx and some rudimentary php. it needs the gd extension for php, and write permissions on the folder with the pictures. to use, you just drop your pictures into the 'pictures' directory. resizing happens on the fly (if a picture needs it). you can futz with the settings in image_canvas.js and config.php. only works for .JPG right now, and is currently set for 3x2 picture aspect ratio, because that's what my camera (rebel xti) does. i'm pretty sure you can fix that with some judicious editing of the config parameters in the two above named files. if you do end up borrowing this code, please drop me a line at and let me know!

Mootools, du renouveau dans le Javascript Pourquoi une n-ième librairie Javascript ? Mootools est le digne successeur de Moo.FX, petite libraire de 3 Ko seulement (une plume comparé à la lourdeur, relative, de scriptaculous). C'est dans l'optique de légèreté que Mootools a été développée. Du code tout en finesse, fonctionnement rapide, intuitivité et surtout légèreté. Ca sert à quoi ? Si vous avez déjà taté du Javascript, vous savez comment il peut être pénible de gérer certains cas, d'un navigateur à l'autre. Mootools converti tout en objet, avec des fonctions qui simplifieront la syntaxe. Par exemple, en javascript traditionnel, pour accéder à un DIV nommé "mydiv", la syntaxe est : var ma_variable = document.getElementById('mydiv); avec Mootools : var ma_variable = $('mydiv'); C'est non seulement plus court, mais aussi plus puissant. $('mydiv').setStyle('width','100px'); Pour plusieurs d'un coup : Quelques exemples Redimensionnement, clignotement Code : Opacité, Opacité ET hauteur Réorganisation de listes Autre chose ? D'autres exemple

300+ Jquery, CSS, MooTools and JS navigation menus | 1stwebdesig If You are web developer great navigation menus always comes handy. I united this list for people like me, who sometimes wants to do job fast and choose from already prepared examples, which are easy to use. So here are many resources starting from very simple HTML and CSS navigation menus, until very complicated and advanced jQuery, JavaScript and MooTools techniques used to get maximal control with fading, sliding, dragging etc. effects. Be sure to bookmark this site for later use! 1.Fancy menu – very cool navigation menu: 2. Download dock menu 3. 37 different CSS navigation techniques: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 13 hand-picked Vertical and horizontal CSS Menus ; 9. 10. 11. I really recommend You to visit this site: 12. 13. 14.Accessible Image-Tab Rollovers; 15. 16. 17. – offers professional CSS menus; 19. 20. 21. jdMenu Hierarchical Menu Plugin for jQuery – vertical multilevel dropdown list; 22. 23. 24. 25. jQuery Treeview Plugin: 27. 32. 33. Download all menus 34. 37. Download 39. 40.

Graduate Student Association - The Catholic University of Americ Tutoriales para diseñar 10 menús de navegación con CSS » Cosas s La navegación es una de las partes más importantes de cualquier diseño web, y requiere un gran esfuerzo a la hora de diseñar uno que sea efectivo y útil para los usuarios. Por lo tanto la creación de menús de navegación con CSS es uno de los elementos más cruciales de diseño de sitios web. Si conseguimos acertar en uno de ellos, nuestros visitantes se sentirán como en casa. Esta es una gran colección realizada por DESIGN SHACK, no es ninguna novedad, pero por si los desconoces, son ejemplos de menús de navegación CSS que vienen acompañados con un tutorial, que nos ayudan o animan a que realices uno propio similar: 1.

20 Websites With Unique Layouts | Vandelay Website Design When you are creating a new website you may be inspired by seeing other sites that feature unique layouts. The 20 sites listed here don’t simply use a typical two or three column layout. Many of them use background images to interact with and control the layout in some unique way. For more design inspiration, see: Popmatik – Freelance web designer Rob Leach uses a unique layout for his portfolio site. – Digital Mash is the home of Australian web designer Rob Morris. – A portfolio site with a different twist, leads the visitor through a series of different sections of one page that include links to websites in a portfolio, a brief bio, and contact information. – The British website of American rock band Evanescence uses a horizontal layout and a navigational scheme similar to, where the visitor slides across the site when using the navigation rather than being taken to a separate page.

Professional horizontal menus Information A series of professional horizontal menus. All using the sliding doors technique so that the menu items will fit the text. These menus use professional quality graphics and if you wish to use them then I would ask that a donation is made to support CSSplay. These menus work in all the latest browsers. You can download the source code with stylesheet in the page head together with all the graphics using the links below each menu. Donations Please make a donation if you wish to use any of these menus. The Paypal button below is ONLY to be used for donations for use of the above professional horizontal series. Terms and Conditions These menus can be used subject to the following terms and conditions.
