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Markus Neidel

An Introduction to Buddhism An Introduction to Buddhism To do no evil; To cultivate good; To purify one's mind: This is the teaching of the Buddhas. --The Dhammapada The Buddha was born Siddhartha Gautama, a prince of the Sakya tribe of Nepal, in approximately 566 BC. On the full moon of May, with the rising of the morning star, Siddhartha Gautama became the Buddha, the enlightened one. The Buddha wandered the plains of northeastern India for 45 years more, teaching the path or Dharma he had realized in that moment. Impermanent are all created things; Strive on with awareness.

visualsundae Spectrum: Empire Off The Grid Of course, to take full advantage of the potential savings of LEDs, a homeowner would, like Kamen, have a Teletrol building controller to control the LEDs. These systems start at several thousand dollars and go way up from there. The controller is incredibly granular. Tapping through a succession of screens on the display in the basement, Kamen eventually gets to a plot of the day’s energy generation. Colorful lines represent the different incoming sources: a black line tracks shifts in solar intensity and a paired red line shadows it precisely, representing the current feed to the island’s rechargeable batteries through the charge converters. The red and black lines hover at zero during the nighttime hours, creep up a bit around dawn, then rise steeply at around 7 a.m. But what happens when the island gets neither sun nor wind? A Stirling engine contains a sealed cylinder, one end hot, the other cool, with a sliding piston that moves the gas back and forth.

Copper Plating and Etching Altoids Tins UPDATE: There's some great information on this page and it's comments, but I've recently published a far more comprehensive article here: Etching Tins with Salt Water and Electricity With this project I wanted to try a number of new things: Magazine pages as cheap toner transfer mediaCopper electroplatingEtching Altoid tins with a salt water solution The copper plating met with mixed success, but the other two methods resulted in some nice pieces. Note: blue vitriol and muriatic acid are archaic names for copper sulfate and hydrochloric acid. Magazine pages for toner transfer: While looking for information on transferring toner using a fuser assembly from an old laser printer I ran across several websites where people suggested using glossy magazine pages for transferring printed circuit board images to a copper substrate. Preparing the Altoids tins turned out to be harder then I predicted. Next we: Copper Plating Altoids Tins: From the picture below, this appears to work. Foom!

You Ain't No Picasso This year was kind of a bum year for music. Nothing thrilled me like it had for the past four years and few new bands really stuck out. In fact, it was kind of an off year for tours as well. But in the midst of all that, I had one of the best concert years of my entire life. #30: The Whigs @ the Dame [ Original Post ] I saw the Whigs twice in 2008, but their show at the Dame — the first time I’d seen them — was the best. #29: We Are Scientists @ the Southgate House [ Original Post ] I thought We Are Scientists’ Brain Thrust Mastery was an OK album, but they really one-upped their live show in 2008. #28: Andrew Bird @ Memorial Hall [MusicNOW] [ Original Post ] Maybe one of my least favorite times I’ve seen Andrew Bird, but still good enough to crack the list. #27: The Cool Kids @ Gorilla vs Booze [SXSW] [ Original Post ] The Cool Kids are pretty popular these days. #26: Jens Lekman @ Club DeVille [Hot Freaks! [ Original Post ] We lucked into getting Jens Lekman to play our Hot Freaks!

Paper Art by Yulia Brodskaya Yulia Brodskaya est une artiste russe vivant en Angleterre. Cette talentueuse créatrice nous propose de découvrir des compositions typographiques faîtes de papier. Très détaillées, ses oeuvres ont fait d’elle une artiste aujourd’hui prisée par de nombreux annonceurs à travers le monde. Plus dans la suite. Beginners' four faults | Writing As an editor, I know when I am reading someone's first novel. I have nicknames for the four give-away faults beginners make: (1) Walk and Chew Gum (2) Furry Dice (3) Tea, Vicar? (4) Styrofoam. I see at least one of these in every manuscript where the author has not mastered the craft of writing before submitting in his or her work. What are these four faults and, more importantly, how can you cure them? (1) Walk and Chew GumThe writer has not integrated action and dialogue, internal monologue and action, or internal monologue with dialogue. "If you think you're going to town you'd better thing again," said Ralph. Not integrating action and dialogue makes for jerky, lifeless prose. "If you think you're going to town you'd better think again," Ralph snapped, putting down his can of beer. This might not be award-winning prose, but it reflects the reality of the action and feelings better by having action, thought and dialogue knitted together. She snatched the gun and aimed. (3) Tea, Vicar?

19 phantasmagorical animals by Ellen Jewett 19 phantasmagorical animals by Ellen Jewett The phantasmagorical and surreal animal sculptures by Canadian artist Ellen Jewett. Between dream and nightmare, some strange creations born of a symbiosis between organic and mechanical elements, a meeting between fantasy, gothic and steampunk. Images © Ellen Jewett / via Stripe Generator - ajax diagonal stripes background designer TIP: You can share your stripes clicking "SHARE" near the stripe preview. stripe sizespacingstripe color(s)background styleshadowgradient heightbackground color(s)stripe orientation preview Tile size: 41px * 41px open fullscreen preview Tiled 15 seconds how-to Play with sliders and color pickers, untill you obtain a super-cool stripe tile Press "Download" to save your creation Edit your css adding this line to the element you want to stripe:background-image: url("path-to-stripe.png"); If you want to only repeat horizontally your tile (as in the case of tiles with gradient), you must add this line too: background-repeat: repeat-x; stay tuned about new webdesign, ajax, web 2.0 tools!
