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"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it! Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." – Howard Thurman

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it! Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." – Howard Thurman

Why 20% Time is Good for Schools Have you ever met an adult who doesn't really love what they do, but just goes through the motions in their job and everyday life? Have you spoken with men and women who constantly complain, showing no visible passion for anything in the world? I'm sure that, like me, you have met those people. I've also seen the making of these adults in schools across our country: students who are consistently being "prepared" for the next test, assessment, or grade level . . . only to find out after graduation that they don't really know what they are passionate about. Enter 20% time. What 20% time allows students to do is pick their own project and learning outcomes, while still hitting all the standards and skills for their grade level. With 20% time, we can solve one society’s biggest problems by giving students a purpose for learning and a conduit for their passions and interests. Students It starts with the students. Teachers We've got a tough but extremely rewarding job. Parents Administrators

Braingenie Public Lessons: Numerical Patterning This lesson is a re-engagement lesson designed for learners to revisit a problem-solving task they have already experienced. My colleague Stacy Emory best describes re-engagement by comparing it to re-teaching. Re-teaching is a teacher-directed activity where we plan a different lesson to address something that is perceived to be a misconception with our students. Re-engagement is a learner-centered activity wherein the original task is posed in such a way that we may expose learners to different strategies, alternate solutions, or even misconceptions. Think of the original task as a formative assessment that helps you shape the lessons that follow. As learners enter the 6th grade, they have had many experiences with modeling and describing numeric patterns.

Teacher Guide | My Class Needs Thank you for considering MyClassNeeds. We are looking forward to helping you make your classroom project a crowd-funding success. The purpose of this page is to guide you through the following stages of your project application: Posting and ValidationDonationsSuccess – Fulfillment and Reporting We have additional information available to help you with writing an engaging project proposal and engaging donors. We hope the information provided addresses any questions you might have. Quick Facts What will MyClassNeeds (MCN) fund? Short answer: Almost any project that has a positive impact on K-12 classroom learning, as long as it meets our eligibility guidelines. Long answer: The possibilities are limited only by your imagination. Requested project materials can include anything from reading materials to school trips and all possibilities in between. Our goal is to make fundraising simpler and easier for you. What are MyClassNeeds funding limitations? Brief introduction to MyClassNeeds Donors Give
