Best free courses & lectures
Updated June 29, 2012 Not every teacher is a great teacher. Not every course is a great course. So, this list is my effort to help you separate the winners from the losers. This list of the best academic podcasts and webcasts is a work-in-progress. For a description of my criteria for choosing a course or lecture for this list, click here. A warning: The internet is a changeable place and universities can change their websites without warning. Anthropology Introduction to Biological Anthropology (iTunes), Terrence Deacon, UC Berkeley Deacon’s class is a fascinating mix of biology, genetics, animal ethology and anthropology, as he works his way from single-celled organisms up to human physiology and the evolution of culture. Prehistory and the Birth of Civilization (audio), Tara Carter, UCSD Carter relates the story of hominid evolution and the birth of social organization with infectious enthusiasm. World Prehistory (feed) Tara Carter, UCSD Archaeology/Classics Art History Biology Computers Asia