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7 Resume Lies Employers Will Never Check

7 Resume Lies Employers Will Never Check
Many Human Resources staffers preach the dangers of lying on your resume, and they’re right to an extent. Inventing companies and inflating employment lengths can get you fired or at the very least embarrassed during the hiring process. But employers don’t want complete honesty, do they? There are plenty of facts that are better left private (don’t disclose your religion, age, race, etc.). So here are 7 “lies,” or careful manipulations of reality that will never get you into trouble (and they have a good shot of landing you a job) 1. No one in the hiring process wants to see an exhaustive list of duties from every job you’ve ever had. 2. Were you a member of a department that increased sales (or reduced expenses) by 10% for 5 years running? 3. Almost any job can be converted into numbers somehow: sales, expenses, efficiency, ranking, and especially anything with a dollar sign attached to it. 4. 5. So you waited tables at a coffee shop for two years, that doesn’t have to induce yawns.

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Mind Tools - Management Training, Leadership Training and Career Training 35 cool and fun things to try with your PC Spreadsheets, word processing and databases. Limiting a modern PC to running these bread and butter tasks is like buying a Ferrari and driving it to the corner shop. The question is, with a fast processor, a quick internet connection and a little imagination, what can a PC really do? We've asked our writers to kick back and let their imaginations run riot. Security expert Jon Thompson inevitably got involved with spying and subterfuge, uber geek Mike Williams remote controlled his home PC with Twitter and joker Jamie Middleton decided to change the world. So read on and spare a thought for those PCs condemned to a life of office work. 1. There are quite a few sites, plug-ins and apps that allow you to download videos from YouTube in Flash Video format. It works like this. 2. Many films from the golden age of cinema have fallen out of copyright. One such archive is, which provides content as torrents. 3. 4. 5. To do so, load a video and press [Ctrl]+[R]. 6. 7.

How to apply for dual nationality | Moving to France If you are an American, over 18 years of age, residing and working in France for over five years, you may be eligible to apply for French naturalization. Americans, along with the British and Australians, are allowed dual citizenship. You do not have to relinquish your American passport to become a French citizen, and therefore a member of the European Community. There are no history or cultural tests; you do not even have to be able to sing La Marseillaise - just weather the French bureaucracy. The most commonly travelled roads to French citizenship are via family relations, having a French parent or spouse, and by residency - making the leap from carte de residént to citizenship. A child of a French parent can obtain citizenship as a right but naturalization through marriage is more complicated. If you have lived in France for less time, you must be married for five years, an additional year. “It's a cat and mouse game,” said Mr Dunnett.

Improve Your Google Search Skills [Infographic] Don’t limit yourself to just plugging in simple search terms to Google; check out this infographic and learn a search string search or two. You don’t need to limit yourself to searching just for simple strings; Google supports all manner of handy search tricks. If you want to search just’s archive of XBMC articles, for example, you can plug in XBMC to search our site. Get More Out of Google [HackCollege via Mashable] Jason Fitzpatrick is a warranty-voiding DIYer who spends his days cracking opening cases and wrestling with code so you don't have to.

5 Ways to Give Yourself an Education That Kicks the Crap Out of the One You Got in School | Riding the Waves of Personal Development - StumbleUpon 5 Ways to Give Yourself an Education That Kicks the Crap Out of the One You Got in School One of the biggest reasons that people are denied the privilege of education is because they can’t afford it. However, today we live in a world where knowledge and information are at our finger tips like never before. Technology has leveled the playing field so that anybody with an interest and an internet connection can receive a world class education. Bloggers, podcasters, search engines and digital content creators of all types of have made it possible for us to learn virtually anything we want to even if we don’t have the money. Self Motivation is Not Optional Taking this kind of approach to educating yourself requires an extremely high degree of self motivation. 1. There are a handful of traditional education institutions that have started to embrace this trend. 2. In a recent feature, the CBS Sunday morning show said that there were approximately 50 million active blogs online. 3. 4. 5.

IdeaPaint: Turn Your Entire Office Into a Whiteboard Why didn't you think of this? John Goscha, at the ripe old age of 25 ditched a job offer at Goldman Sachs, and instead began marketing IdeaPaint, which is simply a paint that turns any paintable surface into a dry-erase board. The benefit--besides being able to brainstorm on almost every inch of your office--is that the paint is half the cost of whiteboard and better-performing--you can leave marks up indefinitely, and they won't stain the wall. Of course, it takes a bit of time--you may have to sand the wall and prime it--but one other benefit is that you're not incurring all the carbon involved in manufacturing and shipping a whiteboard. [Inc. via Dieline] 10 Simple Truths Smart People Forget - StumbleUpon Email Some of the smartest people I know continuously struggle to get ahead because they forget to address a few simple truths that collectively govern our potential to make progress. So here’s a quick reminder: #1 – Education and intelligence accomplish nothing without action. It doesn’t matter if you have a genius IQ and a PhD in Quantum Physics, you can’t change anything or make any sort of real-world progress without taking action. There’s a huge difference between knowing how to do something and actually doing it. #2 – Happiness and success are two different things. I know an extremely savvy businesswoman who made almost a million dollars online last year. I also know a surfer who surfs almost all day, every day on the beach in front of our condo complex in San Diego. “What will make me happy?” #3 – Everyone runs their own business. No matter how you make a living or who you think you work for, you only work for one person, yourself. is a good read on this topic. And that’s okay.

How To Draw A Wave | Club Of The Waves This art tutorial, kindly donated by surfing comic strip illustrator and surf artist Bob Penuelas covers how to draw a wave the Wilbur Kookmeyer way! If you're like me, then you've probably spent a lot of time in high school class daydreaming and doodling a thousand perfect cartoon waves in your notebook. It's safe to say that ninety percent of us surfers have a habit of scribbling perfect waves whenever a pencil is in our hands. Remember, there are millions of ways to draw a wave and hopefully with these simple pointers you'll find a million more. Drawing a basic wave The following illustrations and captions by Bob Penuelas take you through the basic steps of drawing a wave… Step 1 Sketch in the basic shape of the curl, spray, foam and base of the wave. Step 2 Add an extra line running parallel and below the curl line to define the thickness of the lip. Step 3 Add a flow line starting at the lip and curve it around to suggest roundness of the liquid lip. Step 4 Add the rest of the flow lines.

7 Not So Obvious Habits To Maximize Your Productivity - StumbleUpon I was a big fan of productivity, and, in some respects, I still am. I’ve been a very early adopter of GTD, and, for years, I did my weekly reviews with the discipline of a zen monk. But, eventually, I hit a roadblock. GTD is about getting things “done”, but in life we have much more to experience than “doing”. We feel. So, I confess I fell out from the GTD wagon. But enough with all this shameless self-promotion intro. So, instead of doing a presentation of the Assess – Decide – Do framework, I chose to isolate only 7 simple tips for today’s post. As a matter of fact, they’re even organized as such. 1. I firmly believe that the art of ignorance should be taught in schools. Especially on Mondays, when all the previous week unprocessed stuff seems to crash on us, try to apply this. Slash out Twitter, Facebook, email. 2. Each tiny task that you finish is an achievement. Tuesdays are great for this habit, because they’re the first link after the week hast started. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

