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L’innovation participative, un facteur de bien-être au travail

L’innovation participative, un facteur de bien-être au travail
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Les sciences à l’âge du libre accès Peu à peu, la mise à disposition gratuite de la littérature scientifique bouleverse l’accès du public à la recherche. Marin Dacos, directeur du Centre pour l’édition électronique ouverte, revient sur les enjeux de cette discrète révolution. La prochaine fois que vous verrez un lecteur penché sur un écran dans le métro, songez qu’il n’est peut-être pas absorbé par le dernier ragot concernant une star de la téléréalité, mais en train de lire un article scientifique. Un lectorat majoritairement non académique La littérature « chiantifique » peut-elle donc intéresser d’autres personnes que les chercheurs à blouse blanche ? En sciences humaines et sociales (SHS), les succès de consultation des portails en accès ouvert dépassent également largement la seule communauté scientifique. La fréquentation d’OpenEdition dans le monde. Source: OpenEdition - H. La révolution de l’accès ouvert Un rapprochement entre recherche et société Bref.

7 Qualities Servant-Leaders Expect From Others 7 Qualities Servant-Leaders Expect From Others Servant-leaders fail when they tolerate self-serving in others. Don’t be the only servant in the room. One-way service is naive, wasteful, and irresponsible. The ultimate goal of servant-leadership isn’t serving for the sake of serving it’s growing servant-leaders. Serve others so others will serve others. It’s foolish to serve those who enjoy being served but hate serving others. The best way to serve those who serve themselves is to challenge self-centeredness and develop servant-leaders. Effective servant-leadership: Serve those who serve others.Challenge self-serving behaviors.Teach servant-leadership.Encorporate the terms serve, serving, and servant in conversations and presentations.Ask powerful questions: How can I serve? In organizations where some believe in servant-leadership and others serve themselves, abuse is inevitable. 7 qualities servant-leaders expect from others: Don’t be the only one in the room dedicated to servant-leadership.

I’m Not a Servant - I’m a Host! A New Metaphor for Leadership in Agile? What does it mean being a leader? And what does it mean being a leader in an agile context? This fundamental question is being continuously asked by many people and in various settings: from the small startup to the big organization we are all trying to understand how to implement a sound leadership model. In fact leadership is highly contextual and very much connected to the interpersonal skills of the individuals, so a “model” of a leader that tells you how to act in such a role will anyway be limited. What if you could instead get your inspiration on how to lead from a metaphor? Simple enough to help you decide what to do in a particular context and still rich enough to be fitting most situations where you could find yourself in. Metaphors in leadership are not new. Servant Leadership: a good idea with limitations In Scrum we say that ScrumMasters and Product Owners are Servant Leaders: but... what does that really mean? Figure 1: Leadership metaphors - from Hero to Servant A. B. C.
