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How to Draw Eyes

How to Draw Eyes
Related:  Visage - portrait

Eyes and Freckles The color pencil drawings of Amy Robins. Artwork © Amy Robins Link via Life is a Danceable Tragedy How to Draw Celtic Knotwork The old method These instructions can be followed with pencil and paper or using any computer based drawing or drafting program. I have used Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, and AutoDesk AutoCad for various projects, but my favorite is Corel Draw. This method, like most, begins with drawing the grid. The second step is to draw in the diagonals. Next draw in the connecting curves that will become the edges of the knotwork. This is the step that most people have the most trouble with: deciding where to "Break the Grid". So, where do we put these spaces to make an aesthetically pleasing design? Here is how I do it:: I CHEAT! 1). Or 2). But back to the tutorial. Follow the diagonals until you come to a red line. OK, now that you spent all of that time drawing the grid, the diagonals and the breaks, erase all of it except the knotwork path that we darkened in the last step. For this step a computer graphics program comes in real handy. We're almost there!

Drawing Charicature Hands This short tutorial is a just a small taste of a larger and much more in-depth book I wrote called The Mad Art of Caricature! The book is 175 full-color pages, lavishly illustrated and contains greatly expanded explanations of the concepts presented in this tutorials, as well and a great deal of additional material on caricaturing other facial features, posture, hands, expression and more, techniques on drawing from live models, doing caricature for freelance illustration and for MAD Magazine. This is a must have book for anyone interested in caricature, cartooning or humorous illustration. You can order it online here. How to Draw Hands Easily the most asked question I get is “how do you draw caricatures?”. Next to faces, hands are probably the most expressive and intricate part of the human form. I’m a cartoonist at heart, so the hands I draw are not realistic hands by most definitions. Breaking Down Hand Structure Not really much to it, is there? Relationships of Hand Structure

Mains So everybody knows that the hands and the fingers are one of the hardest things to draw. So here is a personal collection of different hand references, hope to enjoy it and never stop practice. Hogarth hand poses from Iron Giant (middle of page) Mickey Mouse Hand Model Sheet by Les Clark ca. 1932 Merlin hand poses via Deja View Hand drawing tut by uchuucacahuate on deviantart. Excellent hand tutorial by alexds1 on Mr. Useful collection of hand poses by Chrissy Fellmeth Collection of female hand poses by artrush73′s Study of the hand in minimal style How to Draw Lips For a video version of this tutorial visit This tutorial is a continuation of How to Draw the Head from Any Angle. I will cover the basic forms of the mouth, some anatomical information, and the key information about the minor planes. At the end, I will show a step by step drawing of the lips. Basic Forms One of the most overlooked ideas of the mouth is the cylindrical tooth cylinder underneath. You can see here how this inflated cylinder affects the surface forms of the lips: Major Planes Anatomical Information I won’t go into too much detail about all the muscles of the lips and their functions because that’s not the intention of this tutorial. is a great resource for anatomy. The red portion of the lips and the part directly above and below is called the orbicularis oris. Minor Planes The Red Portion of the Lips The top lip has three forms and the bottom lip has two. The forms of the lower lip are usually fuller then the upper lip. 5.

Human Figure Drawing Proportions START WITH A (3 x 4) OVAL. Divide this head like this:The top of the skull.The pupils are in the middle of the head, top to bottom.The bottom of the nose is about 1.5 eye widths from the eye line.1 eye width below the nose is between the lips.1/3 below between the lips and the chin is the chin crease.I started with an oval that fit on my skull's front view. My horizontal center line of the skull dividing the top to bottom is between the pupils. My head is 5 eyes wide not including my ears. When drawing the head I consider the horizontal eye line the center of the head. The head sideways is one head-length high and one head-length wide. The ear hole is in line with bottom of the nose, and the backbone/skull pivot point. The bottom of the ear varies with the individual and age. The face triangle is from the center of each pupil, through the nostrils of the nose to a point between the top front teeth. This charcoal self-portrait drawing is on a white background. 1. That's it.

125+ Ultimate Round-Up of Illustrator Tutorials | Showcases When it comes to web and graphic design, Adobe Illustrator is usually the primary option to consider. However, the software package itself is a quite hard to learn — and extremely hard to master. Why I need to look any Illustrator tutorial? Out of many reasons there are three reasons for simple explanations. First, Illustrator offers a variety of advanced tools to smooth out your design, optimize structure proportions and emphasize some beautiful details. It’s been months, since we have been Rounding-Up interesting, useful and creative Illustrator Tutorials which can help you to create great designs. Creativity means a lot in any kind of presentation. You may be interested in the following related articles as well. Feel free to join us and you are always welcome to share your thoughts that our readers may find helpful. Don’t forget to and follow us on Twitter — for recent updates. Tutorials about Illustrator 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Drawing the Nose Update 09-26-2012 – Above is a video version of this tutorial. For more video tutorials visit and subscribe to the newsletter In this tutorial I will go over the structure of the nose and give detailed information about the bridge, ball, and nostrils of the nose. At the end, I will show a step by step of a nose drawing. The Major Planes When drawing the nose, I’ll usually start by indicating the 4 major planes – top, 2 sides, and bottom. Anatomical Information I think the anatomical shapes in the nose are really interesting. The Minor Planes It’s important to memorize the subtle plane changes in all the different part of the nose. Minor Planes of the Bridge The Glabella is shaped like a keystone. Minor Planes of the Ball The ball of the nose isn’t perfectly round, but has very distinct plane changes. Minor planes of the Nostrils The nostrils, also called wings, curl under themselves similar to the septum. Drawing the Nose 4. Made a video version of this tutorial.

Comment apprendre a dessiner un visage? En commentant les créations des membres de ma formation sur le dessin de portrait, j’ai pu me rendre compte que quelques erreurs revenaient souvent sur le dessin de visage, et notamment sur le visage dessiné de trois quarts. J’ai donc décidé d’écrire un article sur le sujet, pour que les conseils puissent servir à un maximum de dessinateurs, tant qu’à faire. Tout le monde est passé par là, et quand je dis tout le monde, c’est 100% des dessinateurs que je connais (dont bibi – -‘ ). Personne ne possède une faculté de vision globale innée. Il est très difficile de rester objectif sur son dessin. Il est plus facile de placer les différents éléments du visage.Il est plus aisé d’établir des proportions correctes du premier coup.La probabilité d’être contraint à recommencer son dessin est considérablement réduite.Le gain de temps est non négligeable, car rendre les détails prend énormément de temps, et rien ne garantit un bon résultat final car c’est une méthode arbitraire. Dessin de N.Fowkes

Hartie fosforescenta transfer termic Hartie fosforescenta transfer termic printabila inkjet Hartie fosforescenta transfer termic printabila inkjet pentru articole textiledin bumbac. Imprimarea se face normal, nu in oglinda. Partea printabila este cu fata in sus atunci cand coltul taiat este in stanga jos. Dupa imprimare si uscare (naturala, cel putin 30 minute) se face transferul termic pe textil. La lumina aceasta folie este de culoare alba iar la intuneric aceasta devine verde fosforescenta si atrage privirile persoanelor din jur. Hartia fosforescenta transfer termic se decupeaza "in oglinda" iar transferul termic se face cu ajutorul propriului suport. Caracteristici: - temperatura de transfer 150 grade Celsius; - timpul de transfer 15 secunde; - presiunea foarte mica de apasare; - temperatura de spalare maxim 40 de grade. Hartia fosforescenta transfer termic se livreaza in coli cu dimensiunea A4. Pretul afisat este pentru o bucata A4.

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