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Le vendredi 18 avril étant un jour férié en Alsace, nous serons fermés du vendredi 18 avril au lundi 21 avril inclus. Réouverture du magasin et reprise des expéditions le mardi 22 avril. Chers clients, nous accusons actuellement un retard de 4 à 5 jours dans le traitement des commandes. Nous faisons notre maximum pour tenter de le résorber. Merci de votre compréhension. Prochaines Expositions et Bourses (voir toutes les expos à venir) Cette année, Ferrovi'art revient dans l'Est Parisien ! Le vendredi de 16 h à 20 h, le samedi de 10 h à 19 h et le dimanche de 10 h à 17 h. Pour plus d'informations, visitez le site : Passez vos commandes à l'avance sur le site en sélectionnant "Retrait à un Salon" comme méthode d'expédition et choisissez de régler à l'avance ou sur place ! Magasin de vente : 156A route des Romains

About What is Tindie? Tindie is the marketplace for makers to fund & sell their hardware creations. Everyday it is becoming easier & cheaper to design & manufacture hardware. Small businesses around the world are popping up in industries from electronics to 3D printing. Tindie works with those business to bring their products to the world. What is a Fundraiser? Fundraisers are a way for a maker to pre-sell a product which must reach a minimum number of orders before the orders must be fulfilled. What are acceptable products for Tindie? Products on Tindie range from electronics to 3D printing and CNC'ed objects. How big is Tindie? We don't release our sales or traffic numbers, but this is how Google is tracking our growth: What is a Tindarian? We recognize our top users by making them a Tindarian. How can I become Tindarian? Email Us your username and why you would like to become one, and we will let you know! Is there an RSS feed of new products? Yes! How did Tindie start? Contact the Tindie team Nope.

Bestbalsakits Welcome to the bestbalsakits modelling store for more hours of enjoyment. Our goal bestbalsakits modelling will offer you a broad range of model kits and accessories. Our main goal is to bring these modeling items that are only seldom found, be it online or not. So be prepared to find vintage items that are long out of production, collector items that are very hard to find or just popular items that are hard to come by. Our latest stock additions: read Our future stocking plans: read Our future projects (updated apr 4, 2014): read Latest stock additions - our newly serie of in-house developed PE detail becAme available. Update aug 25 2014 TVF1 going under again? - too much too many going on to list it all it seems. Future stocking plans - we're looking to bring a line of race inspired T-shirts/long sleeves to market, but manufacturer who agreed to produce, chickened out at the last moment. And now... enjoy your visit,

Les Petits Débrouillards La démarche Petits Débrouillards Depuis plus de 20 ans, l’association des Petits Débrouillards propose aux enfants de 4-16 ans des activités scientifiques et techniques. Nos activités sont basées sur l’expérimentation et permettent de découvrir les sciences d’une manière ludique et simple. Cette approche, nourrie des réflexions contemporaines sur l’éducation populaire, l’apprentissage et les loisirs, se caractérise : Par l’étude approfondie des concepts scientifiques, Par ses aspects ludiques et pratiques, Par la simplicité et l’efficacité des moyens mis en oeuvre, Par la diversité des thèmes abordés (eau, énergies, son, lumière, réchauffement climatique, développement durable) Par leur capacité à développer une démarche expérimentale basée sur l’observation, par le développement de leur propre conception de leur environnement et du monde, nous espérons contribuer à former des citoyens actifs capables d’opinion réfléchie et critique. Les Petits Débrouillards en Poitou-Charentes

Comptoir de la Maquette Build your own Predator drone Chris Anderson put together his own Predator style R/C airplane drone that can actually go on autonomous picture taking missions. After strapping a 7 mega-pixel Pentax camera to it, he installed a nice small GPS guidance system. Once the landing gear is disengaged, the GPS system takes over and directs the planes through up to 20 predetermined waypoints. NOTE: don't depend on R/C airplane insurance to cover it, autonomous airplanes were specifically excluded from last membership form I checked out. Source

Predator plans (make one out of bluecore foam) Very nice plans to make a smallish Predator out of bluecore foam. Too small for a decent UAV (and as we've said here many times, Predators are not the best flyers, being both short-coupled and prone to twitchy pitch, and vulnerable to tip-stalling on landing). But if you want to scale this up, these plans are excellent and would be a good place to start. Sample: Plans are here
