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FLAUM - Bild von Michael Seth aus Tiere - Fotografie (21002427 @Hermann Klecker: Ist das alles, was wir von fc-Betreiber-Seite an Reaktion auf das, was hier seit einigen Tagen los ist, erwarten dürfen? Ich bin ziemlich entsetzt.... nur mal als Nachfrage - und das meine ich wirklich ernst: "Wenn Ihr nicht wollt, daß noch mehr anonymisiert wird oder daß gar das Anmerkungen zu Galerie-Bildern unterbunden werdne, dann benehmt Euch anständig und akzeptiert das Votum" Ist damit generell auch eine sachliche und konstruktive Kritik am Bild gemeint? Benehmen sollte man sich mit seinen Kommentaren können, ganz klar, aber wenn man - auch nach dem Einzug in die Galerie - nichts mehr dazu schreiben darf was Kritik beeinhaltet, dann sollte man in der Hilfedatei - zumindest was die Galerie anbelangt - eine Einschränkung in den Grundlagen aufnehmen, so in etwa: "Die fotocommunity ist ein kreativer Ort für alle, die gerne fotografieren. michael se.........., 5.05.2010 um 13:28 Uhr "böse" anmerkungen gehen gar nicht! Das Herminsche, 5.05.2010 um 14:01 Uhr Gruß Hermann Dr.

Split Family Faces Cousins: Justine, 29, & Ulric, 29 How much do you and your family members really look alike? Quebec, Canada-based graphic designer and photographer Ulric Collette has created a shockingly cool project where he's exploring the genetic similarities between different members of the same family. By splitting their faces in half and then splicing them together, he creates interesting new people that are sometimes quite normal looking and other times far from it. He calls this series Genetic Portraits. (Did you notice that Ulric, the photographer, is one-half of some of these pairings? Update 1: We got in touch with Ulric to ask him a few questions about this really intriguing series (that just happened to go viral). Update 2: What happened after Split Family Faces went viral? Mother/Daughter: Francine, 56 & Catherine, 23 Sisters: Catherine, 23 & Veronica, 29 Daughter/Mother: Veronica, 29 & Francine, 56 Sister/Brother: Karine, Dany & XX years, 25 years Brothers, Christopher, 30 & Ulric, 29

autrefois-la-lumiere-industrielle.blogspot lego-slide1.jpg (JPEG Image, 580 × 352 pixels) Lookalikes [pics] | MillionFace Wela - Installations lumineuses « En se promenant dans une installation de Wela on se croit dans un romain de Gogol tant l’irréalité est réelle ! Il ne s’agit pas d’un quelconque procédé technique susceptible de nous tromper, mais d’une réalisation plastique simplement ingénieuse. » Ileana Cornea, Critique d’Art Paris, Septembre, 2001 Des installations monumentales pour le Festival des Arts de la Rue, "Viva Cite", Sotteville-lès-Rouen, 2006 Installation "Passage suspendu" hauteur 6 mètres, diamètre 5 mètres,forex, métal, mine de plomb, moteur « Passage suspendu » poursuit son travail de recherche sur les "irréalités réelles". Quelques exemples d’installations: Installation monumentale « Multiplications » comprenant un ensemble de dessins en noir et blanc sur supports tubulaires en forex suspendus à un platane de la ville. Le Festival des Arts de la Rue, "Viva Cité", Sotteville-Lès-Rouen, 2006, suspendu sur 30 mètres d'hauteur, forex, acrylique, mine de plomb Installation lumineuse

Online | PIGS IN SPAAAAAAAACE Now that our space program is over, we can all look forward to getting back to basics (don’t freak, it’s not real)… Phillip Torrone Editor at large – Make magazine. Creative director – Adafruit Industries, contributing editor – Popular Science. Previously: Founded – Hack-a-Day, how-to editor – Engadget, Director of product development – Fallon Worldwide, Technology Director – Braincraft. Related Fête des lumières / Lyon 19 Amazing Video Game Cakes - Mental Floss Serious gamers know just how time-consuming gaming is, often making it difficult to do anything besides working (only to buy more games) and playing the games themselves. Even so, gamers usually do still manage to have lives outside of the console; these cakes are some of the amazing creations born as a result. Consoles While most people dedicate their gaming obsessions to the specific games they play, others adore entire consoles. Of all the console cakes around, this PS3 cake by Pink Cake Box, accessorized with a Blackberry and spilled Pepsi can, might best capture the gaming lifestyle for those truly dedicated few. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of pulling a new system out of its box for the first time and this Nintendo DSi cake by Pink Cake Box perfectly captures that blissful feeling. Lego Batman Skyrim It should be no surprise that video game launch parties are the source of some of the most impressive video game cakes around. Bioshock Q*Bert Mario Pac-Man The Legend of Zelda Portal
