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Play Midas

Play Midas
Check your security settings Connection issues are typically caused by security settings on your network or computer. Check that your firewall or router has port 5222 open and allowing traffic. If you are on a school or office network, you may need to contact your network administrator to make the necessary changes. Is your version of Flash current? Some old versions of Flash don't work well with our new chat application. You can go to to get the newest version. Ad blockers and browser plug ins Ad blocker programs like AdBlock Plus, proxy software and a variety of other browser add-ons can prevent users from connecting to chat. Try again in a few minutes Sometimes the internet is just not happy. Did you lose an achievement? loading

Crush the Castle 2 | Action Games Description Even after crushing and capturing Arcturia, the Redvonian King was still longing for more castles to crush. Rumor has it that King Blutias has built sturdier castles in his cluster of islands known as Crushtania the Redvonian King wants them crushed. Produced In-House by Armor Games Inc. Want to stay active in the Crush the Castle Community? Crush the Castle 2 Players Pack has been released with all new castles made by some really talented players. Version 1.3.5 Got rid of the play button during the preloader. Version 1.3.4 Hopeful fix to auto-login issue. Version 1.3.2 Fixed issue with particle renderers deleting and stopping certain levels from completing. Version 1.3.1 Added Android link. Version 1.3 fixes some bugs with the load more button and the latest shares as well as a hopeful fix to the loss of save data when playing from a short url.

Se joue avec les flèches directionnelles + la barre espace pour sauter.
Le but est d'aller retrouver la jeune demoiselle de l'autre côté de l'écran, en jouant avec les couleurs jaune et bleu. Mais les obstacles sont nombreux...
Appuyer sur la toucher "R" pour recommencer lorsque vous êtes coincés. by mediatheque_smh Dec 20
