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United Nations Millennium Development Goals

United Nations Millennium Development Goals

Tasks (2 lessons) International Monetary Fund The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., of "188 countries working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world."[1] Formed in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference, it came into formal existence in 1945 with 29 member countries and the goal of reconstructing the international payment system. Countries contribute funds to a pool through a quota system from which countries experiencing balance of payments difficulties can borrow money. As of 2010[update], the fund had XDR476.8 billion, about US$755.7 billion at then-current exchange rates.[4] Functions[edit] The IMF's role was fundamentally altered by the floating exchange rates post-1971. Surveillance of the global economy[edit] IMF Data Dissemination Systems participants: IMF member using SDDS IMF member using GDDS Benefits[edit]

BUY A HUGE FRESNEL LENS GREEN POWER SCIENCE WOULD BE NICE ON THE DISCOVERY NETWORK SOLAR STIRLING ENGINES FRESNEL LENS PARABOLIC MIRROR Nasz Świat w Twoim mieście - mobilna wystawa / Aktualności / Kościół / Religia / Od kilku miesięcy krąży po Polsce multimedialna ciężarówka - mobilna wystawa, która w interaktywny sposób przybliża problematykę edukacji globalnej - ideę sprawiedliwego handlu, milenijnych celów rozwoju czy praw człowieka. Jej specjalnie zaadaptowane wnętrze wyposażone jest w sprzęt multimedialny, a także oryginalne eksponaty z krajów Globalnego Południa, które w obrazowy sposób przybliżą życie mieszkańców innych kontynentów oraz problemy i wyzwania współczesnego świata. Dzięki multimedialnym narzędziom każdy odwiedzający będzie miał możliwość zapoznania się z interesującymi historiami osób pochodzących m. in. z Ameryki Południowej i Afryki. Głównym celem projektu jest przybliżenie młodym ludziom realiów życia w krajach rozwijających się oraz zwiększenie świadomości na temat globalnych współzależności, dostępu do edukacji, zwalczania chorób oraz eliminacji ubóstwa. Od 17 sierpnia wystawę można ogladać w Warszawie, od poniedziałku do soboty od godziny 9 do 19. Zapraszamy!

Center for Global Development - For Educators Here you will find CGD work of special interest to development studies educators and their students including syllabuses from courses taught by CGD-affiliated professors as well as slidedecks and multimedia presentations. We have selected from CGD’s hundreds of publications those that provide broad overviews or are otherwise more readily accessible than CGD’s more technical work. Search the materials by topic using the toolbar below and consult our list of development programs at different universities around the world. Engage with Us! Visit CGD! Book Purchase and Review Copies: CGD books are available for purchase online through our website or, for bulk orders, through the Hopkins Fulfillment Service, P.O.

What are the Millennium Development Goals? In 2000, member countries of the United Nations (including Australia) set the target of halving global poverty by 2015. To achieve this, they established eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and set targets to achieve each one. Since this time, the world has witnessed significant improvements in human development including in the areas of health, education, nutrition and life expectancy since 2000. There is much to celebrate about how far the MDGs have helped to take us. In January 2015, Oxfam reported that the world’s 80 richest individuals now own as much wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion people. In September a global summit will be held at the United Nations in New York, and world leaders will be asked to commit to the new Sustainable Development Goals. Take action You can help further the commitment of Australia’s Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, to these new goals to combat poverty, inequality and climate change by asking him to attend the summit today.

public data Indicateurs de développement humain Rapport sur le développement humain 2013, Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement Les données utilisées pour calculer l'Indice de développement humain (IDH) et autres indices composites présentés dans le Rapport sur le développement humain ... Eurostat, Indicateurs démographiques Eurostat Indicateurs démographiques annuels. Chômage en Europe (données mensuelles) données sur le chômage harmonisé pour les pays européens. Salaire minimum en Europe Salaire mensuel brut minimum en euros ou parités de pouvoir d'achat, données semi-annuelles. Dette publique en Europe Statistiques sur les finances publiques des pays européens.

Fresnel Lens Faced with the need to construct a large lens for a lighthouse of appropriate focal length, but unable to support the large weight of a double convex lens of that size, French physicist Augustin Fresnel (1788-1827) reasoned that it was the surface curvature which gave the focusing power. He reproduced the surface curvature of the thick lens in sections, maintaining the same focal length with a fraction of the weight. The lens strength in diopters is defined as the inverse of the focal length in meters. Besides the glass Fresnel lenses you see in old lighthouses, large Fresnel lenses made from molded plastic are used for certain focusing tasks. The optical quality is not sufficient for good imaging because of the scattering you get at the junctions between the curved segments, resulting in rings of light in the image plane.

Brazilian family farms go high tech | Latin America & Caribbean: Opportunities for All The Meyer family from Anitapolis, Santa Catarina, southern Brazil A rude awakening by geese screaming at my door was not the way I envisioned starting my day. With temperatures near freezing, the 6.00 AM milking session seemed a daunting first task in my 12-hour internship as a family farmer in Santa Catarina, Brazil. Luckily, after making it out the door with multiple layers of clothing, I was received by a warm “chimarrao” (a caffeine-rich infused drink typical of Southern Brazil) served by Zenaide Meyer. I was there to try to understand how a family farmer makes decisions about adopting new technologies. Within 20 minutes, all 40 cows were milked with new equipment the family acquired two months before with support from the SC Rural Program. At 20 years old, Cleyton participated in a training program for young farmers that was also supported by the SC Rural Program. Many other family-run farms in Anitapolis have adopted new technologies in recent years. But this, too, has changed.

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