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Make an origami cat bookmark

Make an origami cat bookmark
On You Tube I found video instructions for making a cat bookmark designed by Jo Nakashima. So I tried it out. A couple of the steps were tricky, but I managed to prevail! I think this kitty is funny. He looks like he tried to cross the road at the wrong moment.

The fox is blak Netflix Instant Watch has to be one of the best things technology has gifted us. You can find so many new movies and television shows from so many different genres, any time that you want. One of the best parts for me is the documentary selection, which is surprisingly large and full of very interesting features. One PBS gem I watched recently was a documentary called Between the Folds about origami artists. The film spans the world and artistic medias to showcase what origami has become. About Coloriage Renard en Origami Un nouveau projet créatif, facile et très ludique, idéal à faire avec ses enfants : un renard en origami ! Nous vous fournissons le modèle, il suffit de le colorier en ligne avec des motifs, de imprimer, puis de le plier en suivant les instructions et les photos pas à pas. Elsa, les enfants et moi nous sommes beaucoup amusés à créer toute une famille renard avec le papa renard, la renarde, et plein de petits renardeaux ! Le renard est un modèle traditionnel de l'origami. Pour commencer, vous devez colorier votre renard : renard roux, renard polaire, renard des sables, à vous de choisir. Le plus simple est bien sûr de le colorier en ligne en bas de cette page, puis de l'imprimer avec l'icône Imprimante. Une fois le modèle imprimé, pour créer votre renard, il suffit de suivre les instructions suivantes illustrées par des photos de chaque étape : J'espère que ce renard en origami vous plaira, et que vous peuplerez les commentaires de cet article avec les photos de vos renards en papier !

5 Timeless Books of Insight on Fear and the Creative Process by Maria Popova From Monet to Tiger Woods, or why creating rituals and breaking routines don’t have to be conflicting notions. “Creativity is like chasing chickens,” Christoph Niemann once said. But sometimes it can feel like being chased by chickens — giant, angry, menacing chickens. Whether you’re a writer, designer, artist or maker of anything in any medium, you know the creative process can be plagued by fear, often so paralyzing it makes it hard to actually create. Despite our best-argued cases for incremental innovation and creativity via hard work, the myth of the genius and the muse perseveres in how we think about great artists. In the ideal — that is to say, real — artist, fears not only continue to exist, they exist side by side with the desires that complement them, perhaps drive them, certainly feed them. Steven Pressfield is a prolific champion of the creative process, with all its trials and tribulations. Are you paralyzed with fear? Donating = Loving Share on Tumblr

Window Star tutorial I made some Waldorf-style window stars to decorate our big living room windows. I like to put them up in the winter, to liven up the wintry view. They are a bit fiddly, but satisfying to crank out, not unlike cut paper snowflakes. The best paper to use is square kite paper (ETA- it's 6 1/4" square.) I bought mine at a Waldorf school store, but you could get some from Nova Natural. Actually, my son Julian, who is 7, made the green one, I was pleasently suprised he stuck with all the steps! Use the white paper as a work surface, it's easier to see what you are doing. Then fold it in half and crease well. Then fold the pieces each in half crosswise and cut. Next, open them out so you have a rectangle with a crease running down the center. See my not-quite tidy edge? Now on one end only, fold in the sides to meet at the middle. So after you've done that with all eight pieces, you will have this: Now put a small glob of glue on the corner of your white paper. That's it!

basic stitches Stitching or sewing has a history dating back to the prehistoric times. It is believed, with archaeological evidences, that sewing must have come into being since the stone ages, when people had begun to sew to attach pieces of animal skin using needles made of bones, antlers and ivory. They probably must have used threads made of animal parts like veins. As the times progressed and sewing started to become an integral part of life, not only newer methods of sewing styles developed, but many other materials were tried as needles and threads. Although sewing or stitching is commonly associated with clothing and fabrics, it must not be forgotten that this skill is used in many other craft areas like making shoes, bags, sporting goods and all those things associated with attaching pieces of fabric. This tutorial will deal with one of such arts: hand embroidery, which is very much practiced even today in spite of all the invasion of machine-made,‘perfect’ sewn objects. 80 Comments »

Kapanyél - Sünlak a kertben Ma van az Állatok Világnapja, amire napok óta tanultuk a kisebbik csemetével a Sün Balázst, és felmerült a kérdés, miért is nincs nekünk egy sünink. Mármint a kertben. Nálunk érthető a dolog: belvárosi társasház, az utca felől lépcsőznie kellene a téglafallal körülvett kerthez, a falon meg nem talál rést, úgyhogy ide sajnos nem tud bejönni, hiába is akarna. Aki viszont olyan szerencsés, hogy a kerítése gyárilag hézagos, vagy saját maga tette valahol szabaddá az utat, előbb-utóbb bizonyosan „saját” sünre és családjára tehet szert. Főleg, ha nem használ túl sok kemikáliát, mert azok elpusztítják a sünök táplálékait is, így az ilyen portákat inkább elkerüli. Ha kertünkben sűrű bokrok vannak, akkor nem is kell különösebben építkezni, a kis állat szívesen vackolja be magát alájuk. Ha nincs alkalmas búvóhely a kertben, vagy csak szeretünk barkácsolni, készíthetünk magunk is sünlakot (de készen is vehetünk), melyet egy félreeső, esőtől, széltől védett helyre állítsunk fel.

Blog When the shelves go bare, the supply systems shutdown, and chaos hits the populated areas, it’s highly unlikely you’ll be frequenting your favorite restaurant for some time. If you’ve been a reader of my blog for even a short time, you know how much importance I put on setting aside a years supply of food storage; but the reality is, food maybe taken from you or it may have to be left behind… However, knowledge and skill will always be with you. It’s during times like these that the skill of hunting will come in real handy. After all, the more skills in self-sufficiency you can develop for obtaining food through either growing or harvesting (a.k.a. hunting/trapping) the less dependence you’ll have upon either commercial food sources or your own food storage. Why it’s Time to Learn How to Hunt Now Lest you think that you will simply walk into the woods and harvest a cornucopia of animals when things go south, think about this: As an example, let’s just look at the deer population… Thanks guys!

BLOGGER DIY: How to make a bandage dress Do we all remember "ratpack’s": infamous/ ridiculously rad do-it-yourself bandage dress? I know I do. I think if you search the comments you can find me delighting “make me one! make me one!” Rat_pack herself was super kind enough to provide us with Chictopia’s first official Blogger DIY (hopefully more in the future). - Lulu_ Setting up supplies You’ll need: - Fabric (probably about 2-3 yards, depending on your size and on how bandagey you want the dress to look) - Thread (same color as fabric and one contrasting color) - Rotary cutter or scissors - Roll of paper and pencil for pattern-making - Ruler - Sewing Machine Creating the pattern I have found that there are two good ways to make a pattern. 1) Take your measurements and use them to plot coordinates on your pattern paper to create a two-dimensional version of your shape. Or if you’re averse to math, 2) Take something you own that fits you really well and copy it!
