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MathsKit - Quick links to resources for Maths teachers.

MathsKit - Quick links to resources for Maths teachers.
Related:  Numeracy

Furbles | “Furbles are the shape of things to come: this software is technology at its best and well worth the money.” John Dabell, TES Magazine Furbles started life as an idea for teaching statistics in an interesting way with children from KS1 to KS3. The original version was published in 2003 online, and its popularity spread. It has been downloaded and used over 20,000 times in the last five years. In 2006 Sherston Software commissioned me to write a commercial version. Furbles was originally devised as an innovative way of imagining statistics and the depiction of statistics. Part of the idea of Furbles was also to encourage teachers to take a fresh look at how to teach the subjects. This model of a Furble (right) from Ferndown Middle School is a wonderful example of some work that lead from Furbles at a primary school. If you are interested in purchasing the 2008 commercial version, then please visit the Sherston Software website.

Math in Daily Life When you buy a car, follow a recipe, or decorate your home, you're using math principles. People have been using these same principles for thousands of years, across countries and continents. Whether you're sailing a boat off the coast of Japan or building a house in Peru, you're using math to get things done. How can math be so universal? Join us as we explore how math can help us in our daily lives. Ready to get started?

Cool Math 4 Kids Times Tables Help - How Multiplying Works (times tables) Here's another one: This means that you have three groups of 5! Put the three groupstogether... How many pentagons do you have? Count them... So, our answer is: Let's switch the numbers around and do it the different way! This means that you have five groups of 3! Put the five groupstogether... Count them... Let's Play Math! - Love Learning Des exercices vidéos de mathématiques 6e, 5e, 4e, 3e, seconde, des cours en pdf et de l’aide | Des exercices vidéos de mathématiques 6e, 5e, 4e, 3e, seconde, des cours en pdf et de l'aide Le site Web 6e : Travaux numériques addition et soustraction division décimale et euclidienne multiplication nombres décimaux nombres en écriture fractionnaire ordre et repérage organisation de données proportionna- lité Travaux géométriques aires angles droites parallèles et perpendiculaires figures usuelles et axes de symétrie milieu – médiatrice – cercles périmètres symétrie axiale volumes Pour aller plus loin : Usage pour la classe mobile : Le site de Thérèse Eveilleau : Venez au pays des Mathématiques magiques malicieuses solides et… très sérieuses. Mathenpoche : un logiciel pour les mathématiques au collège, en cours, en remédiation, à la maison… Exercices de maths pour des élèves de cinquième et de quatrième.

How to measure butter & margarine How to Measure Butter Is 1/2 lb. of butter the same as 1/2 cup of butter? The recipe writers of the world have entered into a conspiracy to make cooking with butter way more complex than it should be. In one recipe they ask for a half-cup of butter. In the next, they ask for 8 tablespoons. In this country, butter is mostly packaged in 1-pound boxes, with four individually wrapped quarters or sticks. Butter Measurement Translation Chart to Defeat Nefarious Recipe Writers* *This also works for margarine that comes in 1-pound boxes.

Un professeur de collège révolutionne ses cours de mathématiques de 3ème grâce à Maple T.A. – Ludovia Magazine Thomas Garcia, professeur de mathématiques de 3e au Collège Fontreyne – Académie d’Aix-Marseille, croit en la technologie en classe en matière d’enseignement et d’apprentissage. Il commence systématiquement ses cours de 3e par dix minutes de questions Maple T.A. auxquelles les élèves doivent répondre sur tablettes individuelles. Toute la classe discute ensuite des résultats. Les questions les plus difficiles sont étudiées par l’ensemble des élèves sur un tableau blanc interactif. Ce processus leur permet de savoir s’ils se sont correctement appropriés ou non le concept. Dans cette classe particulière, les élèves bénéficient de nombreuses possibilités de pratique pour se familiariser avec le concept. En introduisant Maple T.A., M. « Mes principaux objectifs ont été pleinement atteints gràce à Maple T.A. Je constate une grande amélioration qualitative en termes aussi bien d’ambiance en classe que d’apprentissage des éléves. M. M. M.

Curriculum Mapping We thought it would be helpful for maths teachers if we identified our favourite "rich tasks" from the NRICH collection. These resources have been chosen because they are ideal for developing subject content knowledge as well as mathematical thinking and problem-solving (process) skills. The documents give links to the different topics in the curriculum. We know they are transferable and useful to all teachers, whatever curriculum they follow. To help you further, as teachers create additional mapping documents based on ours and send them to us, we are adding them below. Further NRICH links to the Secondary Mathematics Curriculum in England NRICH has worked with the Secondary National Strategy to develop guidance based on NRICH problems that illustrate what pupils should know and be able to do within a particular process strand. NRICH links to OCR stages Mark Greenaway, an AST in Suffolk, has worked on embedding resources listed in the mapping documents to the 10 OCR stages.

Des ressources mathématiques pour apprenants et enseignants Enseigner ou apprendre les mathématiques signifie qu’il faut inculquer ou assimiler une panoplie de notions. Fonctions, trigonométrie, algèbre, géométrie, arithmétique, probabilités et statistiques… La liste est longue et le besoin en ressources est grand. À l’ère d’Internet, heureusement, professeurs et apprenants peuvent aller dénicher sur le réseau des textes informatifs, des exemples, des exercices, etc. Au secours des apprenants et des professeurs aussi De nombreuses ressources s’adressent autant aux enseignants qu’aux apprenants Le blogue Autono’maths, tenue lui-même par une enseignante, offre des activités et ressources pour les collégiens de la sixième, quatrième et troisième année. Le site de l’académie de Bordeaux en mathématiques s’adresse, quant à lui, au corps enseignant en leur offrant des ressources au collège et au lycée dont des descriptions de programmes, les propositions de cycles, des exemples de mises en œuvre et des activités qu’ils peuvent employer. Références

Multiplication Worksheets We have multiplication sheets for timed tests or extra practice, as well as flashcards and games. Includes Multiplication Flashcards, Multiplication Bingo, Multiplication Tables, Multiplication I Have - Who has, and lots more! To see the Common Core Standards associated with each multiplication worksheet, select the apple core logo ( ) below the worksheet's description. Games Multiplication Game: I Have / Who HasFree A super-fun chain reaction game that teaches times tables! Multiplication Board Game: To the Moon Member Printable multiplication board game with a space theme. Multiplication Game: Memory Match (up to 9s)Free This fun memory card game will help students learn their multiplication facts up to 9 x 9. Multiplication Game: Memory Match (up to 12s) Member This version of Multiplication memory match includes 10s, 11s, and 12s. Multiplication Roll 'Em Member Play this multiplication dice game to make your math lesson more fun! Multiplication Bingo Member Flashcards Fact Family Flashcards Member

10 Best Free Educational Games: Online Learning That's Fun and Interactive Part 1 of Online Learning Games for Families These educational games are some of the best learning experiences that can be found on the Internet, but who knew they could also be so much fun! A recent study showed that of our 53 million K–12 students, 51 million of them (or 93%) play video games.1 Wouldn't it be better if a higher percentage of these games were educational? Well, parents and educators looking for the best free educational games online need look no further than the ten great sites on this list. Each site has an educational foundation that makes learning fun for students of all ages, and every teacher will tell you that children learn best when they are having fun. So, check out the websites on this list to provide an enjoyable online learning experience for your children.1. Online Learning Games for Families This series of articles rounds up some of the best online games that will educate everyone in your family.

Interactive Whiteboard Resources: Maths, Key Stage 2 Caterpillar OrderingTablet friendly A flexible game for ordering numbers and for number sequences. Fantastic on an interactive whiteboard and tablet friendly. Varying levels of difficulty make it suitable for use throughout the primary age range. OrderingFlash You'll love this ordering game! Compare Numbers on a Number LineFlash Compare numbers on two different number lines and decide which is bigger. Comparing NumbersFlash A teaching tool which is good for demonstrating greater than and less than with 2 and 3 digit numbers and rounding to 10 and 100. CountersquareFlash A hundred square with movable counters and lots of different ideas on how you can use this as a teaching aid. Higher and LowerFlash Lots of examples of ordering numbers from simple ordering numbers to 10 to fractions, decimals or negative and positive numbers. Thinking of a NumberFlash Children need to guess a number below 100 from clues on the clouds. Chinese Dragon GameTablet friendly SequencesFlash EstimateFlash Number LineFlash
