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Hanging Bottle Wall Garden

Cerita hari ini...: Mari membuat komposter Lama nggak ngeblog, lagi asyik sama komposter, hehe... setelah ngabisin 4 hari browsing sana sini tentang komposter... akhirnya cocok dan kayaknya pengen punya seperti yang dibuat pak Sukamto... kalo pesen kejauhan? kayaknya bisa buat sendiri buat dirumah...aaakhhh bulatkan niat dan tekad, Bismillah... Setelah mengumpulkan informasi gimana cara buat komposter Dno coba terjemahkan kedalam gambar di kertas , kayaknya seperti ini deh .. Bikinnya dari jam 9 sampai jam 1 siang, Team nya ya Mas sama Dno doang, Mas yang melakukannya, Dno yang siapin keperluannya + gergaji motong2 pipa sesuai dengan perintah si mas... sembari sudah merusak 2 mata bor punya Babe...dan telunjuku hiks..hiks...kegergaji. bikin 3 lubang di drum itu yang agak susah ..nggak bisa cuma pake bor, jadinya dibantu pake solder. Mas lagi ngebor drum, tadinya dibor dihalaman dapur..repot pindah deh kesamping Sudah selesai, bersimbah keringet...pose depan komposter ,setelah dikasih sesajen es teh manis rasa apel dan Google :)

Global Buckets Simon's Cat Welcome to the Simon's Cat Youtube channel! Don't forget to subscribe! If you're already a fan on YouTube, why not check out our Facebook page too! Simon's Cat is an animated series featuring the mischievous and often hilarious antics of a fat white cat and his owner Simon. One of the most popular animated channels on YouTube, this is definitely a channel to subscribe to! The channel includes:Simon's Cat Films - Short, funny animations that observe life as a cat owner.Simon's Cat Logic - A fun and informative series that looks at why cats do the silly things they do, and what we can do to help them live happy and healthy lives.Simon's Cat 'How To': Tutorials on how to draw and animate in Simon's Cat style.Simon's Cat: Behind the Scenes: Sneak peek into the work we do. Have you visited the official Simon's Cat website? Want to see more of our Black & White films? Want to know more about the history of Simon's Cat? FAQs: Q. Q. Q. Q. Want to get in touch?

MOL HITAM MOL hitam ini adalah MOL seperti biasanya, misalnya MOL tapai, dengan bahan-bahan tapai atau peuyeum (bisa tapai ketan atau tapai ubi) kira-kira 1 Kg, ditambah gula pasir (atau gula merah) kira-kira setengah Kg, air kelapa kira-kira 4 gelas, dicampurkan dalam tong plastik yang diisi air kira-kira 40 Liter. Maka yang terjadi adalah MOL tapai biasanya. Kebetulan saya mempunyai kelinci yang dipelihara dalam kandang, dan dasar kandang bagian luar diberi lembaran plastik, sehingga air kecing kelinci ini tertampung. Lalu air kencing kelinci ini saya tambahkan ke dalam MOL tapai, jadilah MOL kencing kelinci yang warnanya hitam. Ternyata MOL kencing kelinci ini relatif lebih cepat dalam membantu proses pengomposan. MOL kencing kelinci ini juga saya coba untuk menyiram tanaman, tetapi harus diencerkan terlebih dahulu, yaitu 1 kaleng MOL diencerkan dengan 15 kaleng air, hasilnya juga cukup efektif menyuburkan tanaman.

Use A Water Barrel To Save Water And Prolong The Life Of Your Shed A water barrel is a common sight next to a shed. Had you ever thought about where the water goes as it drains from your roof and why using a traditional water storage barrel is such a good idea? Most of us see it go down the drain and figure that it is gone for good. It is, however, very taxing on the urban drainage system. It can overload the system in short order unless some of the load is removed. Rainwater is good for your plants Water from the tap cab be very harsh on plants. What volume rainwater barrel to choose? One thing to consider is how much rainwater you should collect in your water storage barrel. The shed in the picture below looks like it has gone a bit over the top with the water storage, however on an allotment where there is no mains water it could be a very practical idea. Once you know how much storage you want then you must decide the type you are going to use. Install guttering to prolong the life of your shed How To Grow An Avocado Tree You can make some pretty tasty dishes with an avocado but did you know that you can grow a tree from it too? It probably won’t produce any fruit, but it is a nice addition to your home plant life. For best chance of success, try this with a pit that has been taken from a very (very) ripe avocado that hasn’t been refrigerated. Tip: If you have plenty of sunny locations in your home, you could start several of these in the early Fall and have a bunch to sell at your annual summer yard sale or donate to church raffles, team fundraisers, etc. Directions: Wash all the flesh off the pit, pat dry and set aside for a couple days.After the drying time, remove the skin and insert 3 toothpicks 1/2″ deep into the pit equally distant from each other around the fattest part (circumference).Suspend in a dark glass (pointy side up) with the toothpicks resting on the rim of the glass.Fill the glass with water until the bottom 1/3 of the pit is submerged.Place glass in a sunny spot. Another Option:

Drill A Water Well In Your Backyard! How To Grow Herbs in Pots & Containers | Herb Gardening Guide It's Easy to Grow Herbs in Virtually Any Pot or Container! Types of Pots or Containers for Herbs Most herbs can be grown in virtually any kind of pot or container. The key element to choosing a vessel to grow your herbs in is drainage. You will have far greater success with a container that has adequate drainage versus a closed container, although a non-draining container can be adapted to successfully grow plants... a topic we will address in a separate article. Pots and containers are made from many different materials, including plastic, clay, ceramic, wood fiber, peat, and more. , soft-sided fabric pots , wood fiber pots, coir fiber pots , or peat pots ... however, they are not always readily available. and ceramic garden pots will do in a pinch though, and are probably more widely used than any others. The next key element of choosing a container is size. Soil or Growing Medium for Potted Herbs Herbs grown in pots or containers require a well draining potting mix . , coco coir peat .

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