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Paper City

Paper City
Related:  STEAM at home

Howie Owl – hoot hoot! « 3EyedBear The first kit of the new year is this deceivingly simple looking little owl to expand the bird-population in 3EyedBear’s universe. We all know owls are one of the wisest creatures and this one certainly will be one day too. Thing is: she’s still very young and inexperienced, but she compensates that with a passion for reading thick books while you sleep. It don’t hurt to have her posted in your bedroom since owls hunt for little scary creatures by inborn instinct. (click one of the images to download Howie) Collect them all! Edit: Thank you for all the lovely blog-title suggestions in the comment-box. Now let’s send some pictures of one of the owls and share how you are taking care of them. -Darla from delicious Bakingdom created 3 Harry Potter-themed owls here for downloading. TAGS: None

This Architecture Studio Released A Series Of Templates Children Can Use To Create Paper Cities During Lockdown If you think you’re bored being stuck at home all day, think about all the children that can’t go to school or go outside to play with their friends. However, British architecture studio Foster + Partners found a way to keep children entertained during the lockdown. They have released a series of paper building templates that kids can print out, color and use to build their own paper cities to keep themselves busy. The studio even encourages children to share their own creations on social media using the #architecturefromhome hashtag! “Over the next few weeks we will be sharing new activities for children whilst at home, away from school. We’ll include drawing, making, playing, thinking, reading, watching and other activities to keep them entertained – for at least a few hours!” More info: Foster + Partners | Instagram | Twitter | h/t: Dezeen Read more Architecture studio Foster + Partners came up with a creative way to keep children occupied during the lockdown

Les flocons de Noël à découper avec les enfants Réalisation: Commencez par imprimer le flocon que vous voulez, sur du papier blanc ou sur un papier de couleur. 1) Après avoir découpé le carré, pliez une première fois le carré comme indiqué sur le premier schéma. Le motif doit toujours rester visible. 2) Pliez à nouveau en deux dans la seconde diagonale du carré. Le motif doit rester visible. 3) Pliez un tiers du triangle qui vous reste, en rabattant la partie qui ne contient pas le modèle. 4) Pliez la partie qui contient le modèle sur l'arrière de votre pliage. 5) Découpez la partie grise. 6) Dépliez! Pour tout commentaire, merci de nous envoyer un mail.

Paper toys Crepúsculo | Todokawaii Como la saga Crepúsculo tiene muchos fans no es de extrañar que Luna Nueva ya tenga paper toys. Son de Kobico, al igual que los de One Piece que anunciamos el verano pasado. Hay de los tres personajes principales; Edward, Bella y Jacob. alt="Paper toy de Jacob de Crepusculo Luna Nueva" /> Podéis descargarlos de la web Kobico

Dyson devises 44 engineering challenges for children during lockdown Dyson has created 44 engineering and science activities for children to try out while at home during the coronavirus pandemic, from making a balloon-powered car to building a bridge from spaghetti. Following the closure of schools across the globe due to Covid-19, designers from the James Dyson Foundation have come up with a series of challenges to help kids learn at home during isolation. Comprised of 22 science tasks and 22 engineering activities, the Challenge Cards can be completed by children using common household items such as eggs, string and balloons. Suited for kids aged seven and above, each challenge comes with a brief, a method, a list of materials needed, a top tip on how to complete it, and a scientific explanation of how it works. Tasks include making an egg fit into a bottle without breaking it, creating a colourful underwater volcano and skewering a balloon without popping it. The James Dyson Foundation has also created some video tutorials

GEOMETRIE DE NOEL : Tracés à la règle / quadrillages / formes géométriques – CP/CE1/CE2 J’aime beaucoup lier la géométrie avec l’art visuel, c’est une façon pour les élèves de percevoir les propriétés géométriques par l’action…Voici 5 idées d’ateliers pour décembre ! Pour introduire la séquence, une petite visite au royaume du froid : Motivation , calme et concentration assurés … Après observation, les atouts de cette activité : Apprendre à ne pas se précipiter, analyser et travailler par étape , donner du sens en reliant (au propre et au figuré ), développer le soin et le sens de l’effort , créer… Mise en valeur avec les paillettes ! J’ai trouvé ces cristaux très jolis et j’ai préparé un support pour les réaliser . 1) Colorier le support 2) Imprimer les fiches quadrillées sur du papier coloré, les enfants découpent sur les traits. 3) Chaque pièce est pliée et collée comme sur l’image. Clic sur l’image ! Activités à faire à deux , chacun colorie (couleurs différentes) . Chez Blog’Atine 5 modèles de flocons : Clic sur l’image ! Clic sur les images !

How to Make a Fruit Battery If you have a piece of fruit, a couple of nails, and some wire, then you can generate enough electricity to turn on a light bulb. Making a fruit battery is fun, safe, and easy. What You Need To make the battery you will need: Citrus fruit (e.g., lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit)Copper nail, screw, or wire (about 2 in. or 5 cm long)Zinc nail or screw or galvanized nail (about 2 in. or 5 cm long)Small holiday light with 2 in. or 5 cm leads (enough wire to connect it to the nails) Make a Fruit Battery Here's how to make the battery: Set the fruit on a table and gently roll it around to soften it up. How a Lemon Battery Works Here are the science and chemical reactions regarding a lemon battery (you can try making batteries from other fruits and from vegetables): The copper and zinc metals act as positive and negative battery terminals (cathodes and anodes).The zinc metal reacts with the acidic lemon juice (mostly from citric acid) to produce zinc ions (Zn2+) and electrons (2 e-). More Science

Expressive Monkey Ice Cream Chemistry Experiment for Kids (Chemistry for ages 4+) Ice cream is one of the best treats, especially on a warm spring or summer day. Did you know that making it, and almost any other treat you make in the kitchen, relies on science. The video above shows a fun and quick way to make yourself some creamy delicious ice cream. Materials 2 quart-sized zipper bags 1 gallon-sized zipper bag Ice Salt Milk Sugar Vanilla Ice cream toppings (optional)Adult supervision (Adult supervision at all times please) Procedure Start by filling the gallon-sized bag half to two-thirds full of ice. Concept Milk and sugar require extremely cold temperatures to properly harden and make ice cream. Shaking the bag for several minutes allows the extra cold ice to completely cool the milk and sugar mixture to form your delicious dessert. (Chemistry for ages 4+) Ice cream is one of the best treats, especially on a warm spring or summer day. The video above shows a fun and quick way to make yourself some creamy delicious ice cream. Materials Procedure

Du fil et mon cartable Facts for Kids about Weirdest Foods What’s the most basic of human needs? Finding food, of course. And people have gotten pretty creative about using the ingredients at hand. Some of the foods listed here seem downright disgusting, but consider what you’d eat if there were no grocery stores nearby. Fun Facts In Mexico, people sometimes fill their tacos with escamole, the larva of a venomous ant that is found deep in the roots of agave plants. Questions and Answers Question: Some of these foods seem like they’d make people seriously ill. Answer: Probably sometimes, but people seem to adapt to the food in their area. Learn More Read about more foods that will make your stomach turn. What’s the most basic of human needs? Fun Facts In Mexico, people sometimes fill their tacos with escamole, the larva of a venomous ant that is found deep in the roots of agave plants. Questions and Answers Question: Some of these foods seem like they’d make people seriously ill. Learn More Read about more foods that will make your stomach turn.
