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Creation Science Evangelism - Creation, Evolution, Dinosaurs, and the Bible

Creation Science Evangelism - Creation, Evolution, Dinosaurs, and the Bible

Polystrate Fossils and the Creation-Evolution Controversy What are “polystrate” fossils, and what is their significance in the creation/evolution controversy? To the man on the street, one of the most impressive arguments for an ancient Earth is the testimony of sedimentary-rock layers (many of which are thousands of feet thick) strewn around the planet. Scientists (and park rangers) subject us to examples like the Grand Canyon and present their spiel so effectively that—as we observe layer after layer of sedimentary rocks piled one on top of another—the only explanation seems to be that vast amounts of geologic time must have been involved. Embedded in sedimentary rocks all over the globe are what are known as “polystrate” (or polystratic) fossils. Stratification (or layered sequence) is a universal characteristic of sedimentary rocks. Morris then went on to explain that “large fossils...are found which extend through several strata, often 20 feet or more in thickness” (p. 102). This type of phenomenon is not an isolated one. After Dr.

Creation Science Landover Baptist Subject Archives Update: Landover Baptist is proud to announce that Jesus ordered us to rename our 100-year old facility, The Landover Baptist Center for Creation Studies, to The Sarah Palin Center for the Advancement of Creation Science Research. "Mrs. Palin shares our belief that the world was created by Jesus' Daddy, Poppa-God, in six days but has been here for 6,000 years. That alone is enough to ensure she has the vote of every single member of this church and no doubt the vote of every True Christian™ American," said Pastor Deacon Fred. "If you couple all of this with her Evangelical Republican zeal, her savvy new spin on traditional family values, and well kept knees, it is enough to give REAL fundamentalists like me great hope that she will lead America backwards to the wonderful Christian principles upon which our Nation was founded. Praise God!" Per Mrs. The Talking Snake Theory: Time to Replace Those Silly Books About Biology and Evolution With the Truth! Evolution is NOT Natural!

In the Beginning Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood - index.html About This Site The 8th Edition of In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood by Dr. Walt Brown is available to order here. It can also be read or printed out at this website; just use the links at the left to navigate through the outline of the entire book. The 8th Edition was published in December 2008. NEW DVDs: (Each DVD can be ordered here.) Grand Canyon: The Puzzle on the Plateau Mike Snavely’s explanation of the Grand Canyon is an excellent visual summary of the 8th edition’s Grand Canyon chapter. Earthquakes Pastor Kevin Lea looks at what the Bible says about earthquakes. About the Author Walt Brown received a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he was a National Science Foundation Fellow. For those who wish to know more about Walt Brown, a new book (Christian Men of Science: Eleven Men Who Changed the World by George Mulfinger and Julia Mulfinger Orozco) devotes a chapter to Brown. Written Debate

Creation Science - young earth rebuttals Access Research Network
