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Teacher Portal - Sumdog's free maths games Sumdog > Sumdog's features > Games Sumdog's maths games are all free to play, whether you're at home or in school. (Why are they free?). Most of Sumdog's games are multiplayer - which means you can choose to play against other Sumdog users around the world. Although the games are all different, they all have one thing in common: you need to answer maths questions to make progress. Each game can be used to practise any of Sumdog's topics - so you never need to be bored while practising your maths! Pop Tune A creative game, where up to 4 players work together to make beautiful music. Drag the correct answer onto the grid to place your notes - and hear the tune coming together as you play! More about Pop Tune... | Play Pop Tune Bunny Hop It's a race through the house to reach a patch of juicy carrots, with up to four hungry rabbits taking part. Answer correctly to make your bunny faster... but watch out for the hazards along the way! More about Bunny Hop... | Play Bunny Hop Tower Climber Street Racer

GCSE Maths Revision, A-Level Maths Revision | Maths Teacher Mathematics resources - or Khan Academy Mathematiques et sciences physiques avec Geogebra(Daniel Mentrard) Plein de documents, d'applets, d'activités pour la maternelle, l'école primaire, le collège, le lycée et l'université avec ou sans GeoGebra ; des exercices, des animations, des simulations pour les Mathématiques et les Sciences physiques pour tous les niveaux d'enseignement. Vous êtes nombreux à vouloir vous servir mais comme il n'y a pratiquement pas de liens retour vers ce site* ....... A ce jour ,il y a environ 8000 fichiers Geogebra dont beaucoup sont déja recopiés sur de nombreux sites ou livres sans même citer leur origine et sans autorisation de l'auteur . Magnifique !! Je rappelle à tous que ces fichiers mis gratuitement en ligne ne me rapportent rien contrairement à ce que certains pensent .Mais ,peut- être ,ai-je tort ? Mes autres sites : Faire des mathématiques avec Excel : MATHEXCEL ou faire des sciences Physiques avec Excel : ANIMEXCEL

LabSpace - The Open University Completing the Square: Finding the Vertex {*style:<i><b>Completing the Square: The vertex form of a quadratic is given by = ( – ) 2 + , where ( , ) is the vertex. The " " in the vertex form is the same " " as in = 2 + + (that is, both 's have exactly the same value). The sign on " " tells you whether the quadratic opens up or opens down. Think of it this way : A positive " " draws a smiley, and a negative " " draws a frowny. (Yes, it's a silly picture to have in your head, but it makes is very easy to remember how the leading coefficient works.) In the vertex form of the quadratic, the fact that ( , ) is the vertex makes sense if you think about it for a minute, and it's because the quantity " – " is squared, so its value is always zero or greater; being squared, it can never be negative. Suppose that " " is positive, so ( – ) 2 is zero or positive and, whatever -value you choose, you're always taking and adding ( – ) 2 to it. Follow this procedure: Copyright © Elizabeth Stapel 2000-2011 All Rights Reserved

Home | Factoring Quadratics: The Simple Case Factoring Quadratics: The Simple Case (page 1 of 4) Sections: The simple case, The hard case, The weird case A "quadratic" is a polynomial that looks like "ax2 + bx + c", where "a", "b", and "c" are just numbers. For the easy case of factoring, you will find two numbers that will not only multiply to equal the constant term "c", but also add up to equal "b", the coefficient on the x-term. Factor x2 + 5x + 6. I need to find factors of 6 that add up to 5. (x )(x ) Then I'll write in the two numbers that I found above: (x + 2)(x + 3) This is the answer: x2 + 5x + 6 = (x + 2)(x + 3) This is how all of the "easy" quadratics will work: you will find factors of the constant term that add up to the middle term, and use these factors to fill in your parentheses. Your text or teacher may refer to factoring "by grouping", which is covered in the lesson on simple factoring. x2 + 5x + 6 = x2 + 3x + 2x + 6 = (x2 + 3x) + (2x + 6) = x(x + 3) + 2(x + 3) = (x + 3)(x + 2) Factor x2 + 7x + 6. Factor x2 + x – 6.
