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recycle project no. 7 - magazine bowl This project took me so much longer than I thought it would. I may not be finished yet (I'll explain in a minute) but I want to move on to other ideas so I decided to post about it now. I certainly didn't reinvent the wheel with this one but it was something fun and super easy to make. Materials:- a magazine (I didn't use more than half of a magazine)- glue gun I started by making a tight little roll and making the flat circle that I showed you the other day. This can also make a useful trivet if you continue the flat shape to the desired size. Each strip that I used is made from one page of the magazine. I added each strip to my piece by keeping the folded edge outside and the open side toward the inside. As you place each strip down only do so a short piece at a time because the glue dries really fast. I glued each strip of paper down, leaving a small piece unglued so that I could tuck in the following strip under it. Here's my unfinished bowl.

部落格小玩意—告訴你氣溫幾度時貓怎麼睡    - 貓事大吉 前幾天安裝了一款新的部落格小玩意,就是下面這款貓咪睡姿溫度計+時鐘。 這東西顧名思義是有時鐘+溫度計的功能,但加了「貓咪睡姿」四個字是什麼意思呢?其實是它有「依溫度顯示貓咪不同睡覺姿勢」的功能! 養貓的人都知道,貓咪冷時會縮起來像球一樣睡,溫暖的話一般睡姿,如果熱的話則會把身體伸長長來睡,非常有特色。這部落格小玩意依照貓咪的特性,平時會顯示一隻在沙發上依時間跟氣溫不停活動的貓咪,如果你想知道今天幾度,按下下方日文字,馬上會出現溫度,還有貓咪擺示範姿勢給你看! 例如,最近才五月天,卻悶熱得不得了,所以在沙發上的貓咪都出現下面這種畫面了! 按一下日文字,哇! 好笑的是,我回過頭一看,咕嚕米在貓樹上面伸長身體睡覺,阿貓在床上翻肚子變成大字型,完全是很「熱」的樣子。 如果你想知道在各種溫度下的貓咪都在幹嘛? 平時自由活動的貓咪則有各種姿態,而且是動態的,例如也會洗臉跟舔腳,好像在部落格上養了一隻貓一樣。 網站上的貓咪活動全圖。 貓咪溫度計網站: 有人問怎麼放到部落格裡?

Leong Common Seal (Malaysia) Sendirian Berhad Seal Promotions RM68 promo (3 days express) RM88 promo (1 day express) RM128 promo (same day express) Free courier doorstep always Metal Common Seal (Company Seal / Pocket Seal) Common Seal / Pocket Seal - RM68 (best price in Malaysia) The common seal / company seal consist of two metal plates in which one plate has the protruding print contents while the other plate has the corresponding sunken print contents. The print will appear as embossment / impression on the document. Lead-time: 3 working days after artwork confirmation (Express Services available upon request, but extra charge applies) Payment terms: Full payment before proceeding. Common seal stickers: 10pcs for RM3 (Gold, Silver, Red) Short lead-time 3 days express Competitive pricing What is embossing and debossing? Embossing and debossing can be used for logos or border and highlights and are often used on corporate gifts like diary covers, leather bags and wallets to name a few.

blog : Flashback: Woven Map Basket Maps can be amazing design elements, with all their intricately drawn lines and minute details. But what do you do with a regular paper map that is starting to fall apart from use? In CRAFT Volume 05, crafter Jane Patrick suggested we weave maps into baskets, a fun and interesting way to reuse castoffs and weave a little memory into a functional item. Check out her full tutorial here and pick up a back issue of CRAFT Volume 05, the Paper issue, in the Maker Shed.Woven Memory Basket Weave your vacation road maps into an attractive souvenir. Materials 2-3 large road maps Contrasting string or thread Clothespins Cutting mat Rotary cutter Awl or tapestry needle Scissors Small tweezers White glue (optional) to further stiffen the basket Directions Step 1: Prepare the strips. Fold each strip in half lengthwise. Step 2: Weave over, under, over, under (plain weave) for a square base, 10 weavers in both directions. Step 3: Using string or thread, mark the base by twining around the edges.

なめこぱらだいす★なめこ公式サイト ღ Wax Seal Stamp Collections [PRE-ORDER 21 March - 27 March 2015 ] ღ Wax Seal Stamp in Malaysia! Classic wax seal stamps are suitable for self collection / wedding / company invitation / special gift. How to make a wax seal? Our stamp series: RAS_Stamp set (box + stamp seal + 3 wax sticks + 1 spoon + 2 candles) :: RM65 ::Example order format:: Item : RETRO ALPHABET STAMP SERIES Item Type : RAS_Stamp set (3choices of wax sticks : 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze) Design Type : A KAS_Stamp set (box + stamp seal + 3 wax sticks + 1 spoon + 2 candles) :: RM70 Item : KOREAN ALPHABET STAMP SERIES Item Type : KAS_ Stamp set (3choices of wax sticks : 1 Metallic Blue, 1 Metallic Turquoise, 1 Red) Design Type : KoreanAlpha 25Y GS_Stamp set (box + stamp seal + 3 wax sticks + 1 spoon + 2 candles) :: RM72 Item : GREETING STAMP SERIES Item Type : GS_ Stamp set (3choices of wax sticks : 1 Gold, 1 Red, 1 Bronze) Design Type : G4_ThankYou 1.Customized Stamp only (stamp + wood) :: RM55.00 2.Customized Stamp set (box + stamp seal + 3 wax sticks + 1 spoon + 2 candles) :: RM80 Design Type : name:90

Paper Flowers – Anyone Can Do That | Japanese Kusudama, this tutorial is featured on Craftuts Anyone can do that, I assure you. The proof: I can, just take a quick look at my result below. Below you can see my very first attempt to create paper flowers. What you will need to make your own Kusudama paper ball? 1. 3. 4. (optionally) I prefer torn paper instead of cut. You have to start with a single petal. Now you have to glue your 5 petals into a flower. Apply the glue to only one side of each petal, except for the last one, in this case cover both sides with glue. Your first flower is done. Don’t glue every petal right after you make it. When all 12 flowers are finished you have to glue them together. When two halves of Kusudama Flower Ball are ready you have to glue them together.

Project Runway - 第8季結局大翻盤下集 有雷!! 第八集 賈桂琳甘迺迪LOOK 設計師們這集主題是要以美國第一夫人 Jackie Kennedy 為創作範本 重新詮釋美式傳統休閒裝' 預算150美金製作時間兩天 第二天早上Tim突然宣佈今天不走秀了 (選手們有預感根據節目慣例肯定沒好事) 原來是製作單位臨時加碼規定大家必須再設計一件外套與造型搭配 讓2010年的賈姬裝更加完整' 結果有人嚇到都失去理智' Andy居然做出Hip Hop外星裝 而Valerie走秀當天給model穿了兩件外套' 長袖外套外面再加一件夾克背心 (冏!) 前3名: 評語: Mondo (WIN) 花布搭配巧妙輪廓與做工考究 Christopher 裙裝性感不庸俗但披肩像塊舊地毯 Ivy 富有建築的幾何學概念 倒數3名: 評語: Andy 可笑至極雜亂無章 (賈桂琳嗑藥也不會穿) Valerie 乏味到令人想睡 Michael D (OUT) 汙辱時尚搭配方式極端醜陋 (我不覺得有這麼糟) 評審: Heidi Klum . 第九集 高端設計與成衣系列 本集挑戰由法國化妝品牌 L'Oreal Paris 來為設計師出題' 勝出者還可贏得獎金2萬美金 參賽者必須以 L'Oreal Paris 眼影系列中的五種顏色屬性(水晶系.金屬系.絲絨系.明色系.暗色系) 擇一做為靈感設計一套高端時裝並且還可刊登在 L'Oreal Paris 雜誌內頁廣告 所有人都躍躍欲試' April還像小孩似地一直嚷嚷著要拿2萬獎金買匹pony(小馬) 比賽中途Tim走進工作室告訴大家遊戲規則又有變化' 除了設計一套高端時裝之外 還需要再設計一套由高端轉化為成衣的作品' 為期兩天預算共400美金 前3名: 評語: Mondo (WIN) 明色系- 條紋布料安排討喜有趣 Andy 金屬系- 高端工藝非凡 成衣設計巧妙 (Andy終於不再恍神) Gretchen 絲絨系- 波希米亞華麗飄逸但髮型太過民族風 倒數3名: 評語: Michael C 金屬系- 高端裙擺怪異 成衣像雞尾酒裝 Valerie 水晶系- Heidi說白色像瓜地馬拉的選美佳麗 (還真會形容) Ivy (OUT) 明色系- 海底世界的伴娘禮服 評審: Heidi Klum . 第十集 專屬印花布料 終於輪到我最愛的挑戰 "設計個人印花布料" 設計時間為兩天預算100美金 不過這次是把大家過去深具意義的故事作為創造靈感而轉化成圖案

Easy Origami Envelope | If you’d like to make these cute little “Flap Lock” Origami Envelopes–all you’ll need is a piece of square paper…any size. I used Christmas scrapbook paper. 1. Fold the paper in half to form a triangle. Make sure your edges are even. 2. 3. fold the right corner about 1/3 of the way to the left. 4. 5. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. And there you have it! Now scurry off and make a million of these–or at least 24 if you’re using them for the Family Advent Countdown Calendar. Not in the mood to fold your own?

Gift Ideas for poor creative souls (6) You know how it goes, a friend calls you and invites you to dinner at the last minute. OMG! What gift can you take?! You scrabble around the cupboards trying to find a box of chocolates or a bottle of wine but find that most of the chocolates have been eaten and the wine has gone. I thought this was a wonderful idea. Supplies: Patterned paper-one 12 x 12" sheet. These directions will give you one flower. 1. 4. 5. Tip: For single sided paper. 6. Note: Florist tape is stretchy, just play with it and pull gently but firmly as you move down the stem. 7. Note, you will have to play around with the height of the petals, and where on the petal you start your tape. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. For tutorials on how to market yourself online, go here.

Folded Paper German Star Video Tutorial I made a tutorial for folded paper German Stars. Sometimes they are called Moravian Stars or Froebel Stars. You may want to make some for decorating a Christmas tree, gifts, wreaths or to display in a pretty bowl. My favorite are the pure white... so pristine and elegant. They are very pretty in bright colors too. These remind me of a quilt pattern. A popular shade of blue... cool and wintry. My tutorial is in two parts Part 1 Part 2 (Note: Traditionally these German Stars were dipped in paraffin to help protect them from the outdoor elements. In response to some questions I have received about the paper and the wax: I have used paper like the kind you use for the computer and taped the strips together for the length I needed. I have ordered paper strips from the Starcraft Etsy Shop and really like them. I LOVE the metallic paper ~ it is easy to work with and makes gorgeous stars. Construction paper does not work. Click link below for How-to for dipping stars in wax

Wipe Off Weekly Menu Board I am a meal planner. I refuse to go grocery shopping without my week’s worth of meals planned out and list made. (It’s either that or wander aimlessly around the grocery store for two hours and then make ten more trips back during the week to get things I forgot.) Once I get the groceries unloaded, I usually forget what I planned for, so I put together this super easy wipe-off menu board to keep track of what’s for dinner each night! Wipe-Off Menu Board Tutorial Supplies: Picture frame with glass front (I love these 12×12 frames I found at Ben Franklin for only $7!) 1. 2. 3. 4. Now everyone in the family knows what’s for dinner each week! I decided my frame would look better black in my kitchen, so I spray painted it black. Little Birdie Secrets are regular contributors to Make and Takes and was born from the crafting obsession of three friends living in the Pacific Northwest.

Origami roses The sight of these classy chocolate roses got me into a serious mood to make roses, paperwise that is. And I ended up making 3 different kinds cos’ they look so beautiful that I couldn’t wait to learn to make them all! 1. Kawasaki rose I first tried the Kawasaki rose, named after its creator Toshikazu Kawasaki, by following this demo and cross referenced with another demo [part 2|3]. The leaves are folded based on this tutorial. Notes: There were several steps I had no idea what to do, so after some struggling and hair-pulling, I finally figured out what was going on EXACTLY! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 2. I watched this demo to make the Bird base rose created by James Sakoda. 3. 3. Followed this demo to make this rose bud. Both centre creases must be well-creased mountain folds, so that the folding up of each quarter will be easier. [Update: See how I’ve used one of these roses for a DIY wedding – preview and reveal]
