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Braided Charm Bracelet

Braided Charm Bracelet
Charm friends and family with some customized craftiness! photos: kirsten for we heart this Welcome to my July DIY of the month at we heart this! You’ll want to make several – some for yourself to stack on one arm – and some to give away to your friends. Supplies:• Three skeins of embroidery thread• Sewing needle and thread• Jewelry clasp• Scissors• Jewelry pliers• Jump rings• Charms• Clear nailpolish, optional (not shown) Green Tip: take charms from broken or old jewelry and repurpose them with this fun bracelet. Instructions: 1) Measure your wrist, and multiply that by two. 2) Trim the ends if needed, and separate into three groups of three. 3) Repeat with the two other colors. 4) Using the jewelry pliers, attach jump rings to the strands of the bracelet. 5) If you’d like the charms to stay in place, insert a jump ring straight through a braid. 6) When you’re done adding the charms, take some needle and thread and attach the jump ring to one end of the bracelet. And you’re done.

fake it: DIY Aurelie Bidermann Do you remember my DIY inspiration bracelet in this post? Well I finally had time to make my own and it went great! I'm so excited to share it with all of you! Look at all the excitement! YAY :) (here with this DIY and bow from this.) Purple is my fav color these days so I chose two tones of a bluish-purple and one strand of gold metallic. You will need a hair pin, embroidery yarn, and lock or paperclip. You can also add the yarn on both sides but since my chain was on the small side I wouldn’t have been able to see the metal chain! There are a million different ways to personalize this bracelet, this is my choice. If you like, try this: beads and some wire I would say that's 20 minuts well spent!

Triple Stud Ring – a little tough, a little sweet, a lot cool We’re so excited to continue to add to our amazing crew of writers at we heart this. Today, we want to give a big welcome to Kirsten, who will be sharing her crafty ways with the lucky wht readers every month. A fan of vintage everything (but especially shoes) with a love of art, music, beauty, fashion, she’s a wht chick after our own hearts! And make sure to check Kirsten’s blog, Studs and Pearls for tons of inspirational photographs, musical fun and loads more tutorials. ~ wht As many of you creative ladies know, studs and multi-finger rings are some of the most well loved fashion trends right now. My love of studs and my love of jewelry making crossed paths (along with inspiration from high end, designer multi-finger rings) – and the triple stud ring was born. all photos: kirsten for we heart this Supplies: • Glue gun (or an industrial strength glue such as E6000) • 3 pyramid studs • Jewelry pliers • 2 adjustable rings** ** Any kind of adjustable ring blank will do. Instructions:

fake it: DIY, Braid-a-Bracelet This DIY is the perfect gift for a good friend! Well, I guess most DIY jewelry are really, but I gave this to one of my best friends, so I think you all should do the same ;) I am still on summer vaca, and im totally experiencing how when you have nothing to do but relax 1. relaxing is hard, its true.. I was not made for relaxing!! It is sort of making me neurotic actually..! Not having stuff I really need to be doing, is making me so lazy! Anyway, we are braiding ourselves another bracelet! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Wear it and love it!! How To: bottle cap folk art project photos: we heart this Talk about going green! Not only is this DIY project a crafty way to recycle all those bottle caps you’ll soon be popping (it’s fall after all, and that means BEER), it’s also a recycled post. What do you do when your husband drinks a lot of beer? After a squashed plan of tiling my husband’s studio ceiling with them, a perfect project occurred to me; Mexican folk art. We had volume so I wanted a big piece. Being the anal nightmare that I am, I was planning on arranging all of the caps on the mirror first then gluing them on. But as you can see, it worked out just fine. Here’s some tips if you’d like to try this out yourself: Start saving bottle caps! That’s pretty much it. Stef is many things.

Chain Friendship Bracelets With the weather warming up, all I want to do is make summery bracelets – for myself and all of my friends. For the past few weeks I’ve been playing with rope and chain in attempt to make the “perfect” friendship bracelet, and I think that these come close. They are fun and easy to make, though it takes a bit of practice and patience at first. Over the weekend, I made several – and the whole family was infatuated. My mom + sisters got involved, and now we’re all rocking an arm party. What you’ll need: 6 pieces of embroidery floss, cut to 30″ each.2 pieces of chain (I used rose gold,) cut to 4.5″ each. The first step is to knot the six pieces of floss together at the top. When you finish braiding, tie another knot. Next, separate the floss into two bunches of three strands. Begin by weaving the first link of both pieces of chain onto your floss. Keep the pattern consistent – over one link, and back under through the other. Continue weaving at a diagonal.

On the Cheap: Scrapbook Paper iPhone Covers I found this clever trick on Pinterest the other week from Oops I Craft My Pants and had to try it for myself: iPhone covers using scrapbook paper! Now when I had my first cell phone in high school (the old Nokia), I probably had about 15 different cell phone covers that I would switch out to match my clothes everyday! I figure this scrapbook paper iPhone phone cover is an easy way to update my phone without spending all the cash! First thing I did was purchase a couple sheets of scrapbook paper from Michael’s. I also purchased a clear iPhone 4 cover from Best Buy. First thing I did was trace the scrapbook paper around the iPhone cover to get the basic shape. I cut out the main section just using a pair of scissors. For the camera hole I used a pencil to sketch in the hole that I had to cut out using an exacto knife…. and that’s about it! I’m really digging these fabric scrapbook pages! Oh, and that iPhone cover below? This is also a great way to get festive for the holidays!

Shrinky Bracelet If you grew up in the 80's, like I did, you're probably already familiar with the awesomeness that is Shrinky Dinks...but did you know that you can still buy Shrinky Dinks? Yep, they're still out there - in craft stores, hobby shops, and even on Amazon. But you don't have to buy a Shrinky Dink kit to have all the fun. Just look for #6 plastic containers and you can make your own! There is a great tutorial on Instructables (courtesy of Dabbled) with all the instructions for making your own shrinky projects from #6 plastic containers, so I won't go into too much detail here. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Use a pair of pliers to open the rings. 8. Surprise mom with a priceless piece of jewelry made by her little artists! I was also able to make a pendant from a long, skinny piece I had left over after cutting apart the "beads" for the bracelet. Cute, right?

DIY Braided Bead Bracelet It’s been awhile since our last bracelet DIY. I don’t know about you, but our wrists have been begging for another colorful addition for months now. So after playing with some materials that were already on hand, we’ve created a tutorial for a braided bead bracelet, which is a not so distant cousin of the hex nut and wrap bracelet. You’ll need: Cut the waxed linen cord into a 26″ and 19″ piece. Tie a knot about half an inch down from the loops. Start braiding the strands. Push the bead against the base of the braid, and cross the left strand over the middle. Keep a finger at the base of the braid, holding the beads in their place and keeping the braid tight. Finish the bracelet with another inch of braided cord, measuring it against the wrist. Thread on a two hole button – two strands through one hole and one strand through another. Trim the end. Your bracelet is finished! (all images by HonestlyWTF)

Fishtail Braid Friendship Bracelets Today’s DIY project is inspired by one of my favorite things to do to my hair in the summer – the fishtail braid. (The Beauty Department has an easy tutorial and A Cup of Jo has a fun twist on it – check them out.) The end result is snazzier than a classic braid, but considerably easier to make than a classic knotted friendship bracelet, with the same chevron pattern. {All you need for this project is some embroidery floss. 1. 5. 9.
