Geni, un site pour stocker son arbre généalogique et le partager FranceGenWeb - Le portail de la généalogie en France Mille an d'histoire de l'ARBRE GENEALOGIQUE en France Yoople! - Collaborative Web Search The Book of Shadows Here you will find one of the largest online Book of Shadows. This page may seem a bit unorganized but I can't think of any other way to do it and I would hate to have a bunch of links for you to have to click on to get to the information you are looking for. So check back often for more items. If you would like to have a spell or information posted here, e-mail me! If you see *UPDATED* next to a section, the new information is listed first. Magick is the art of causing change to occur in accordance with one's desires. Table of Contents Please choose one of the following: Tips For The Solitatry Practitioner A Book Blesssing | Beliefs | Wiccan Rede | Pagan Terminology| What is Magick? God and Goddess DirectoryCharge of the Goddess | Charge of the God | Charge of the Dark Goddess | Charge of the Dark God The Pentagram | Creation Myths | Pagan Humor | Pagan Traditions | Pagan Parenting Circle Casting | The Wheel of the Year | Misc. A Cat Blessing Ritual | Invocations, Chants, and Prayers |
Free Wiccan Ritual: Cleansing the Aura Cleansing of the AuraByTheresa Chaze There are times when everyone encounters negative or unproductive situations that leave traces on our auras. It can lead to illness or depression. What you will need: Half a cup of sea saltHalf a cup of baking sodaA bath tubYour favorite relaxing musicYour favorite incenseA white candleA black candleTime alone At a time when you won’t be interrupted for about thirty minutes, cast your circle of protection around the bathroom; you can darken the room if you feel comfortable doing so. “I freely release all negativity on all levels to the Spirit of the Earth to be transmuted into a positive influence that will help myself and others grow in knowledge and wisdom.” Visualize the light of the flame surrounding you, turning the negativity around you to ciders and nullifying its effectiveness. “I ask that on all levels my life be filled with light, love, and wisdom so that negativity will be unable to touch me in a lasting way.
Le blog équestre d'Equidia MagickaSpace - The Social Networking Site For Members of Magicka School! Real time lunar astrology, lore and events. Astrology is the belief that the moon and other celestial bodies have an influence on the course of human affairs. We fully use astrology in our daily lives and see it as a great and much needed benefit when partnered with Wicca or Witchcraft. We are lunar witches, and as such strongly follow the course of our moon throughout the twelve signes(signs) of the zodiac. Our rituals generally follow the ways of Wicca, not other darker forms of Witchcraft although lunar astrology can be used by all paths quite universally. Due to the rareness of truly accurate astrology transits from other websites, we have created Next time you gaze upon our moon, let her into your heart, for goodness is bound to follow you! Brightest blessings... and Cosaint n ndéithe do sibh!