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CPsquare Communities of practice enable the integration of work and learning. At the Employee Advocacy Summit this afternoon, Jim Dudukovich, a lawyer from The Coca-Cola Company, gave us a rare glimpse into the world where social media and law intersect. He brought simplicity and clarity to a number of issues that arise when planning an employee advocacy program. This is one of a series of posts recapping the day and key comments from speakers and guests. Speaker: Jim Dudukovich, Senior Marketing, Digital & Social Media Counsel, The Coca-Cola Company When creating an EA program, there will be a wide variety of legal issues that are going to arise. Legal Issues to Keep in Mind TransparencyFactual accuracyHonestyMandatory vs. optionalProtected activity Designing a Social Media Policy Social media policies can't be designed in a vacuum and can't be written it stone. "Go to the scene." You'll never learn everything you need to know about social media unless you're involved in it.

Colbert skewers Texas GOP on ‘critical thinking’ - The Answer Sheet Posted at 06:00 AM ET, 07/19/2012 Jul 19, 2012 10:00 AM EDT TheWashingtonPost I thought I’d heard enough about the Texas Republican Party’s platform that rejects the teaching of critical thinking skills until I heard Stephen Colbert’s take on it. I wrote about this recently here, quoting from the platform: Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority. After this was ridiculed, Texas GOP Communications Director Chris Elam told that it was a mistake and that opposition to “critical thinking” wasn’t supposed to be part of the platform. Here’s some of his bit: ..The minds of our young people are being poisoned by knowledge... “And you know who I blame?

Hybrid PD supported by online ‘communities of practice’ With the many professional educational technology resources available to the K12 community today, it’s imperative that we transition from episodic and ineffective models to an interactive environment that is digitally-based and connected 24/7. This “learning powered by technology” is the approach outlined in the DOE’s National Education Technology Plan (NETP), which calls for applying the advanced technologies used in our daily personal and professional lives to our entire education system to improve student learning; accelerate and scale the adoption of effective practices; and use data and information for continuous improvement. Online professional development environments are the key to helping teachers everywhere achieve this goal. Online programs provide a forward-looking model for professional learning that blends effective in-person events, courses, and workshops with expanded opportunities, immediacy, and convenience. Online communities of practice. Accessing knowledge.

Organisez_vos_donnees un véritable kit de surviepour le monde numériquede précieux conseils etdes astucespour gagnerdu temps C o d e é d i t e u r : G 5 4 8 4 2 • I S B N : 9 7 8 - 2 - 2 1 2 - 5 4 8 4 2 - 6 h t t p : / / l o m o n a c o  l i v e g a l e r i e  c o m Livres Outils Gérer l’infobésité Internet,e-mails,réseaux sociaux : aujourd’hui,les nouvellestechnologies occupent de plus en plus de place dans notre vie.Unvéritable tsunami d’informations nous assaille chaque jour.Comment ne pas se laisser submerger par ce flot de données ? Personal Knowledge Management Xavier DELENGAIGNE est directeur des systèmes d’information d’une grande ville de la métropole lilloise.Il est également formateur en veille et en cartographie de l’information.Il anime par ailleurs le blog CollectivitéNumérique. Pierre MONGIN est consultant conférencier,auteur et co-auteur de dix ouvrages sur le management de l'information,dont Organisez vos idéesavec le mind mapping (Dunod,2004), Organisez votre vie avec le mindmapping

Upskilling by Jane Bozarth “It should have been part of our work all along to help the learners be better learners.” New media has brought with it new challenges for instructional designers and facilitators. Where just five years ago we were still primarily concerned with things like authoring tools and content management, we now face new demands for making programs more inclusive of learners and building a farther reach for the L&D department. This speaks to the need for new skills. While every designer won’t need to develop every skill, it’s important that you become familiar with most and, depending on your role, start working toward ways of building the new skills for yourself, or building new approaches into programs that others might facilitate or deliver. Paving informal paths Helping learners find one another and information they need is a new critical role for L&D. Curation. Inclusion. Participation. Community management. Want more?

Good Ideas Are Even Harder to Implement By Arana Greenberg Resending of this newsletter to any number of colleagues is encouraged on a once-per-user basis, provided you also cc: In return, we will provide recipients with a one-month trial subscription. Any other unauthorized redistribution is a violation of copyright law. Pervasive Computing on the Horizon By Mark Beam ( The consolidation in the technology markets gives us all a much needed respite... time to catch up with everything... time to breathe a little. After some deep breathing, you can begin to see a new shape on the horizon - a different emphasis in the vision of the future - and it is centered around pervasive computing. In a San Francisco conference, (IT)2 Director Dr. How does it really feel to be in a pervasive computing environment? And where are the world's wireless Internet users? In the near-term, from a pure power and processing perspective, the wireless/appliances arena is decidedly low-tech.

Connectivism and Communities of Practice The term Knowledge Management has traditionally referred to ongoing efforts to harness explicit and tacit knowledge within an organisation while 'organisational learning' tends to be more focussed on static efforts to meet specific learning objectives. Recently, the lines have become blurred to the extent that a merger in strategies should be considered by any organisation serious about harnessing knowledge and promoting learning. Siemens' article, 'Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age', discusses the need for 'a theory that attempts to explain the link between individual and organizational learning' (Siemens, 2004). He expands his theory of networked learning further in his article ‘Connectivism: Learning as Network-Creation’ (Siemens, 2005). Wenger's definition of 'Community' describes how an individual becomes a member after pursuing interest in a domain, 'members engage in joint activities and discussions' (Wenger, 1998). References: Pór. Siemens. Siemens. Wenger.

Fiches Pratiques PKM - C. Deschamps Arnaud Velten , concepteur des logos du modèle TIICC Gestion du Temps Le chronographe symbolise la mesure du temps. Il était primordial de représenter la notion de planification,décrire graphiquement sa maîtrise, ainsi le quart blanc symbolisant le laps de temps son début et sa fin prévue. Gestion de l'Identité numérique Notre signal numérique se caractérise par nos traits de caractères et ce quel que soit le médium/vecteur numérique. Gestion de l'Information L'information stratégique est parcellaire, la combinaison logique de signaux émis par le domaine permet defaire apparaître des tendances, des besoins, des attentes, des signes.J'ai voulu faire un clin d'oeil à Tetris qui vulgarisa bien avant son temps l'idée suivante : « bien ordonner lechaos prend du sens et fait marquer des points... ». Gestion du Capital relationnel Le capital humain a été, reste et restera le meilleur des investissements. Gestion des Compétences *,,

The Heaven and Hell of Communities & Networks 8 cosas que deberías saber sobre “Aprendizaje Conectado” 1 ¿Qué es? La educación superior está entrando en una fase nueva y evolutiva que se define por las conexiones entre todo y todos; es un ecosistema altamente conectado de tecnologías que apoyan el compartir, la colaboración y los vínculos globales para especialistas y estudiantes en todas las áreas de actividad. El aspecto clave de esta etapa educativa está yendo más allá de la noción que califica a las tecnologías de la información simplemente como medios para ofrecer contenidos y e-learning. Lo que emerge hoy es el énfasis en la integración, que permite a todos los participantes en la educación superior ensamblar componentes de una forma única, con el fin de construir las vías necesarias para lograr sus metas educativas. Este cambio en la educación superior permite al estudiante integrar únicamente las conexiones personales, las experiencias en clase y fuera de la clase, las colaboraciones y otros recursos de todo tipo. 2 ¿Cómo funciona? 3 ¿Quién lo está haciendo?

KnowledgeManagement How Communities of Practice Survive (or Not!) Inside Formal Structures | Alphachimp University This post was originally a response to John Stepper’s thoughtful post on guilds and communities of practice (CoP), titled Leveraging a 1000-year-old idea at work. My introduction to a CoP begin early in my career as a person with no definable job title. This was the mid-1990′s and the term “knowledge worker” was just making its way into the corporate vernacular. Fortunately, this network I joined had several simple (and visual) models for us to use when self-organizing around projects. Those three elements—models, environments, language—provide a powerful container for a CoP in which there is no top-down hierarchy, especially if the culture is open enough to allow discussion, interpretation, experimentation, and sharing. The challenge within an organization or corporation is that there is often an allergic reaction to such openness, especially when there might be HR and legal fears of unintended consequences, for example if customers or patients are adversely affected.

CONECTIVISMO El conectivismo es una teoría sobre el aprendizaje en este nuevo entorno, el digital, en el que la tecnología e Internet han dado un nuevo giro a cómo trabajamos, nos relacionamos y aprendemos. La teoría ha sido desarrollada por George Siemens un investigador en la Universidad de Athabasca (Canadá). Voy a comentar los principios del conectivismo y algunas “conexiones” con el eLearning: 1. El aprendizaje y el conocimiento dependen de la diversidad de opiniones. Esto es una verdad absoluta para mí. En un entorno de aprendizaje en red, los foros de discusión sobre un concepto pueden generar más conocimiento que la búsqueda o consulta individual de información. 2. Es una nueva forma de aprender, aunque es como trabajan nuestras neuronas y funciona nuestro cerebro. Lo importante es identificar las fuentes de información y saber establecer esas conexiones. 3. Las metodologías de aprendizaje que aplicamos deben considerar esto. Ahora dos a la vez: 4. 5. 6. 7. Parece obvio. 8.

Wenger, E. (2006). Communities of practice: A brief introduction. Retrieved from by christamccartney Oct 15
