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Wisdom Bits - Musical Wisdom from Songsmiths

Wisdom Bits - Musical Wisdom from Songsmiths

Your Birthday, Your Tree and their meanings ( WOW Poetry, lyrics, music, stories, classics, Wish Only Well Find your birthday and its corresponding tree. Then, see the meaning behind it below. Do you recognize yourself? APPLE TREE (the Love) - of slight build, lots of charm, appeal, and attraction, pleasant aura, flirtatious, adventurous, sensitive, always in love, wants to love and be loved, faithful and tender partner, very generous, scientific talents, lives for today, a carefree philosopher with imagination. ASH TREE (the Ambition) - uncommonly attractive, vivacious, impulsive, demanding, does not care for criticism, ambitious, intelligent, talented, likes to play with fate, can be egotistic, very reliable and trustworthy, faithful and prudent lover, sometimes brains rule over the heart, but takes partnership very seriously. BEECH TREE (the Creative) - has good taste, concerned about its looks, materialistic, good organization of life and career, economical, good leader, takes no unnecessary risks, reasonable, splendid lifetime companion, keen on keeping fit (diets, sports, etc.)

Penn State: Is a Stradivarius violin really better than modern instruments? iStockphoto Some sell for more than $3.5 million. Only 700 of them exist, and they're stored in vaults, frequently stolen, and often counterfeited. The object in question? Stradivarius violins, constructed by famed Italian instrument-maker Antonio Stradivari between 1680 and 1720.

An Essay by Einstein "How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people -- first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy. 47 Sites Every Recording Musician Should Visit In a recent “Open Mic” we asked you, “Which music-related sites do you visit regularly?” This article is a summary of the great suggestions given in the comments to that article. You can make the list even longer by commenting on this article.

Classical music: To celebrate Black History Month, let us now praise the influence of African-American composers on European classical music and learn about "Afric-classical" music more often than one month out of 12. & The Well-Tempered Ear By Jacob Stockinger What is the best way to celebrate Black History Month, which ends on Wednesday? One way is to recall some uncovered or previously neglected black or African-American composers of art music or concert hall music. Ever hear of Joseph Boulogne, the Chevalier des Saint Georges? I hadn’t either. Maybe someday someone will program his music in concert. 11 cheap gifts guaranteed to impress science geeks Science comes up with a lot of awesome stuff, and you don't need a Ph.D, a secret lab, or government funding to get your hands on some of the coolest discoveries. We've got a list of 11 mostly affordable gifts that are guaranteed to blow your mind, whether or not you're a science geek. Click on any image to see it enlarged. 1. Aerogel Also known as frozen smoke, Aerogel is the world's lowest density solid, clocking in at 96% air.

UCB Parents Jokes &Quotes: Important Things Ive Learned From Kids This page is brought to you by UC Berkeley Parents Network Back to the Jokes & Quotes Collection (author unknown) 1. It's more fun to color outside the lines. 2. If you're gonna draw on the wall, do it behind the couch. 3. Ask why until you understand. 4. Magic circle Common terms and practices[edit] A solomonic magic circle with a triangle of conjuration in the east. This would be drawn on the ground, and the operator would stand within the protection of the circle while a spirit was conjured into the triangle.[citation needed] The Egg The Egg By: Andy Weir You were on your way home when you died. It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but fatal nonetheless.

40 Belief-Shaking Remarks From a Ruthless Nonconformist If there’s one thing Friedrich Nietzsche did well, it’s obliterate feel-good beliefs people have about themselves. He has been criticized for being a misanthrope, a subvert, a cynic and a pessimist, but I think these assessments are off the mark. I believe he only wanted human beings to be more honest with themselves. He did have a remarkable gift for aphorism — he once declared, “It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book.” A hundred years after his death, Nietzsche retains his disturbing talent for turning a person’s worldview upside-down with one jarring remark. Violinist Hahn-Bin: A New Name, A Modern Look — And A Very Old Sound : Deceptive Cadence hide captionThe violinist now known as "Amadeus Leopold." courtesy of the artist The violinist now known as "Amadeus Leopold." Recently, the audaciously dressed violinist Hanh-Bin — whose look crosses Lady Gaga with "Ziggy Stardust"-era Bowie — announced he was changing his name to Amadeus Leopold, in tribute to the Mozarts and a famed 19th-century master fiddler, Leopold Auer.

DIY Wrap Bracelet - Honestly WTF You should all know by now that we are all about stacking bracelets on our wrists. The more, the better. In fact . . . the most, the best! With that being said, we’ll show you how to master a version of the ever so popular wrap bracelet. It’s so simple and addicting, you’ll soon be churning out these wristlets with your eyes closed. Music Text Composition Generator ( A free online music utility) The P22 Music Text Composition Generator allows any text to be converted into a musical composition. This composition is displayed in musical notation and simultaneously generated as a midi file. 1. Usage Type or copy any text into the Text Field.

Soda Machine Hack Most modern vending machines have little computers inside. A tiny screen usually displays some information. Although relatively little known, pressing a certain combinations of buttons can control the settings.

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