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I Can Has Internets - StumbleUpon

Funny Motivational Posters Vol.42 Your regular portion of demotivator posters More Awe-Inspiring GIFs from Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg There was a time, not too long ago, when the term "cinemagraph" was being thrown around and internet culture gravitated toward this amalgamation of still shots and modest yet aesthetically effective movement. New York-based photographer Jamie Beck and her counterpart Kevin Burg first coined the term last year, gaining a lot of recognition for their cinematic images with subtle movement. My Modern Met even had the opportunity to interview the creative forces behind the perfected animated gifs. Since then, the duo has continued to develop breathtaking gifs, often focusing on fashion, and share it on their blog From Me To You. The motion in each image exhibits just the right amount of movement. Whether it's hair or clothing hit by a slight breeze, dangling jewelry swaying back and forth, or the endless burning flame in an otherwise frozen world, the calculated action serves a purpose in adding to the mood or aesthetic. Take a look at some of our most recent favorites, below.

Videos Smosh Video about 8 hours ago Ian and Anthony want to have adventures like Finn on Adventure Time, so they head out and FIND adventure on their own. Funny behind the scenes moments, bloopers, deleted scenes, amazing slow-motion destruction, and more funny extras from Smosh’s Adventure Time video! 4 days ago Epic splits, hair-smelling parties, and deciding which pokémon would make the best president! 6 days ago It's episode 155 of SmoshPit weekly, and Mari is here to walk you through her favorite stories of the week! 7 days ago I'm here to teach you how to comment like everyone else does on the YouTubes! Funny behind the scenes moments, deleted scenes, more of Anthony’s Pewdiepie impression, hair tips, and awesome extras from Smosh’s HOW TO BE A YOUTUBE COMMENTER video! 11 days ago We take to Deviant Art to find the most AWESOME and INSANE artwork from you!

At the gym: who is looking at whom All artwork and content on this site is Copyright © 2014 Matthew Inman. Please don't steal. was lovingly built using CakePHP All artwork and content on this site is Copyright © 2014 Matthew Inman. Please don't steal. was lovingly built using CakePHP Electronic Mail Services Take a wooden matchstick and slice a thin sliver from one side. Then cut the remaining stick in two, lengthwise. Make sure you leave a little of the red tip intact for effect. Make the aircraft by glueing the sliver of wood - the wing - across the remaining part of the matchstick - the fuselage. Catch a bunch of flies. Meanwhile, put a tiny drop of rubber cement at each place along the wing where you want an engine. Take the flies out of the freezer. Breathe life into the flies. Launch the aircraft.

162697d1296673427-funny-strange-random-pics-cfidc.jpg from - StumbleUpon From the entire VRI team, we'd like to thank you for your support over the past 40 days. Going forward from the Kickstarter, we are now focusing our entire efforts at There you will be able to pledge directly to game development. For Kickstarter pledgers, nothing has been charged to you, so please feel free to resubmit your pledges at the post-Kickstarter site. Should you have any questions, our team is ready to take your questions at Thank you again, from the bottom of our hearts. Come join in the development process, and we'll see you all in Terminus very soon! Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is an MMORPG based on challenging gameplay and open world high fantasy, with a strong focus on group-oriented content. The player is a legendary Hero, stripped of his or her powerful relics and left to explore the distinct and epic regions of Terminus. "Strata! Classes 1. Races 1. Stretch Races 1. Game Features Click here for the Community Q&A Video Series

awwww....i'm lovin' these pics... | clayzmama says...... Another “awwww” for your day! A turtle the size of a grape! Shy walrus.. A cat with a permanent Top Hat!! Embarrassed Pug…. in slippers! Baby hedgehog in bubbles… Proud mama otter showing off her baby! Bath time for baby hippo! Like this: Like Loading... The 5 Most Wildly Illegal Court Rulings in Movie History The Crime: Murder The Ruling: Not Guilty by Reason of Independent Investigation by the Jury. This is the classic courtroom movie, based on an equally famous play. 12 Angry Men follows the deliberation of a jury on a case we never get to see in the courtroom -- we spend the whole story with the members of the jury. The case they're examining involves a young man accused of killing his father. "Take the Xbox and see what happens, fucker." At the start, 11 of the 12 men are convinced the defendant is guilty, but Juror No. 8 is a stubborn bastard who's determined to get this murderer off the hook. Slowly he sways each juror, one by one, into the territory of reasonable doubt by making ridiculous claims such as "that witness had glasses indents on her nose, so she probably wasn't wearing her glasses and didn't see anything." Justice, brought to you by Ensure. The Law: The guy should have been kicked off the jury the moment he went out and bought the knife. Also Batman. Miracle on 34th Street Us.

At The Right Moment Ordinary photographs become extraordinary when things line up just right. Recommended: Curiosities: Between the Seconds Curiosities: Baseball Curiosities: Bird Attack 11 Cool Pictures for Monday at Funny Enuf Happy Monday, here's some cool pictures from around the web! Clint Eastwood doing his thing Freddie Mercury as a Kid Drugs are good An F-22 just doing ITS THING Fuck Lamar Smith Oh just a chimpanzee feeding a tiger with a bottle Filming the MGM Logo You wish this was your life The Statue of Liberty being built Cloud Tree Cave under water 13 more things you might like If Fox News was around in 1967 President Commacho on Old Spice Just every Batmobile ever How I expect to feel after a nap Your Daily D'aww - 14 pics Fantasy vs Reality: Costumes Uh dad, we don't use that word Know your discipline. Good Guy Biker Well that answers that question The Ron Swanson Pyramid of Greatness My older brother playing in the rain (1985) Advertisement

A Hollow Shell Of Humanity: College Freshwoman | Runt Of The Web College Freshwoman, daughter of High-Expectations Asian Father and Sheltering Suburban Mom, and sister and peer of College Freshman, is the epitome of unprepared for life on her own. Full of her parents money and a lifetime of soft-landings and parental supervision, college becomes a day camp for the rich and lazy. And so we present, the College Freshwoman meme:

Hug Chair by Ilian Milinov & Yanko Design A Chair for Clingy Lovers If you’ve ever had someone sit in your lap, you know that 15 minutes is about the max your legs can handle. It’s really not fair. The Hug chair brings simple design and human gesture together for that extra time you want to sit with your significant other. When you’re away from your special someone the extra seat doubles as a convenient space, perfect for catching up on video chat. Designer: Ilian Milinov

One Sentence - True stories, told in one sentence.

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